
16 achievements
  1. Adrianne and Oliver 1 Dec '22

    16 achievements worth 2,687
    1. First training with Shanice

      Meet your personal fitness instructor

      100 %

    2. Marina is so cool

      Chat with the model for the first time

      76.1 %

    3. Please meet Kaden

      Chat with Marina's friend in the club

      76.1 %

    4. Pizza delivery

      Do the challenge and meet Booker

      71.4 %

    5. Going Viral

      Complete the game and get ENDING 5

      66.6 %

    6. Is This Real Life?

      Complete the game and get ENDING 1

      61.9 %

    7. Adding Swirl into Your Life

      Complete the game and get ENDING 4

      57.1 %

    8. A Trainer for Body and Soul

      Complete the game and get ENDING 2

      57.1 %

    9. Re-Ignition

      Complete the game and get ENDING 3

      57.1 %

    10. Welcome to Adulting

      Complete the game and get ENDING 10

      52.3 %

    11. Europen vibe

      Meet Senka and Bogdan

      47.6 %

    12. From America with Love

      Complete the game and get ENDING 6

      47.6 %

    13. Here comes Vance

      Say hi to Booker's friend

      47.6 %

    14. Princess of Spades Makes her Debut

      Complete the game and get ENDING 9

      47.6 %

    15. Love Delivered

      Complete the game and get ENDING 8

      47.6 %

    16. The Price of Fame

      Complete the game and get ENDING 7

      42.8 %