
93 achievements
  1. Choice of the Viking 16 Dec '22

    93 achievements worth 3,710
    1. The Draugr Is Dead(er)

      Kill the farm's invader.

      100 %

    2. Calm Down, Calm Down

      Ally with the spirits to calm the local assembly.

      100 %

    3. 100 %

    4. Made My Mark

      Choose a boundary marker for your farm.

      66.6 %

    5. The Sheep Carrier

      Entice a berserker to join your household.

      66.6 %

    6. His Day in Court

      Save a child from outlawry.

      66.6 %

    7. Of Course It Was You

      It was almost inevitable.

      66.6 %

    8. Still Alive

      Finish the game without dying.

      66.6 %

    9. A Stately Birch

      Make a great success of your farm.

      66.6 %

    10. A Land Less Chaotic

      Iceland is a land of quarrels—but it would be so much worse were it not for your good example.

      66.6 %

    11. The City

      Offer a home to a probably unsustainable number of Icelanders.

      66.6 %

    12. Go North

      Visit a neighbor to the North.

      66.6 %

    13. The Seer

      No one can match you in magic or your understanding of Iceland's spirits.

      66.6 %

    14. A Woodcutter's Tale

      Discover more about your farm's manager.

      66.6 %

    15. The Promised Land II

      Make it to Valhalla.

      66.6 %

    16. Choose Your Animal

      Let your soul blossom into its natural form.

      66.6 %

    17. Profane Sacrifice I

      Make a donation to an unconventional new religious movement.

      66.6 %

    18. Not Just an Oath

      Commit to Norway and seal the deal with a gift.

      66.6 %

    19. A Promise Kept II

      Keep your Yule oath.

      33.3 %

    20. Success in Business

      At every turn, your farm grows more prosperous.

      33.3 %

    21. Picking a Winner

      A god like Thor has to be on the side of right. Right?

      33.3 %

    22. The Ideal Icelander

      Learned, hospitable, and community-minded, you are the Icelandic ideal.

      33.3 %

    23. Helpful Crag-Elves

      Can a pile of rocks come to your aid?

      33.3 %

    24. Don't Kill Him!

      Spare the farm's invader.

      33.3 %

    25. Know Your Onions I

      Learn from the keepers of knowledge.

      33.3 %

    26. The Classics Are the Best

      Triumph over a guileful tester of knowledge.

      33.3 %

    27. The Promised Land I

      Make it to the Christian heaven.

      33.3 %

    28. For the Greater Good!

      Make a selfless sacrifice for aid.

      33.3 %

    29. North and South

      Explore Snæfellsnes with both your advisors.

      33.3 %

    30. Priesting Better Than the Priest

      Impress a priest with a blessing for the farm.

      33.3 %

    31. Patience Pays Off

      Keeping a ship around can pay off.

      33.3 %

    32. Know Your Onions II

      Send an unthreatening object to a political rival.

      33.3 %

    33. From a Stick, a Splinter

      Refuse the call of any afterlife.

      33.3 %

    34. Evil Begone

      Banish whatever is assaulting your cult house yourself.

      33.3 %

    35. Not Even An Empty Oath

      Refuse to pay even lip service to Norway.

      33.3 %

    36. True Love III

      Who cares what society thinks a respectable match is?

      33.3 %

    37. A Guardian Angel

      Is he even a draugr any more?

      33.3 %

    38. Why Are You So Mean?

      Be unnecessarily mean to a traveling companion.

      33.3 %

    39. The Let-Down

      Get a child to trust you and then fail him.

      33.3 %

    40. Is It Honor?

      You'll not trade in votes, not even to save a child.

      33.3 %

    41. Just Give Up

      Convince your rival to surrender.

      33.3 %

    42. She's Alive!

      Everyone survived the encounter with the trespasser.

      0 %

    43. Master Politician

      Win every vote over Iceland's constitution.

      0 %

    44. True Love I

      From friends to lovers.

      0 %

    45. Is That What Happened?

      Discover the most likely cause of Halldor's wounds.

      0 %

    46. A Strange Pet

      Help a rarely spotted animal to feel at home.

      0 %

    47. Long Live the Chieftain

      The Chieftain is dead. Long live the Chieftain.

      0 %

    48. Not Murder!

      Stop a feud from ending in anyone's death.

      0 %

    49. No Flies for Me, Thanks

      Resist the pull of a new religious movement.

      0 %

    50. No Chieftain More Popular

      Recruit an unusually large following of allies for the assembly.

      0 %

    51. As Subtle As

      Blunder through your first conversation with Halldor.

      0 %

    52. There Goes the Neighborhood

      Put a draugr's head to an unusual use.

      0 %

    53. Allying with a Snake

      Befriend Snorri.

      0 %

    54. The Promised Land III?

      Find a third home for the dead.

      0 %

    55. Budding Love

      Is there a spark of romance? I think there is…

      0 %

    56. Smith of Legend

      Like any famous crafter, you're as bad with people as you're good with your hammer.

      0 %

    57. Not Making Friends

      It's everyone's fault but yours.

      0 %

    58. King of Iceland

      You are greater than any chieftain.

      0 %

    59. Keeping Them Closer

      Get your father to stick around.

      0 %

    60. A Trade Like No Other

      Take ownership of a dangerous but unique object.

      0 %

    61. True Love II

      More star-crossed than Romeo and Juliet.

      0 %

    62. The Viking Stereotype

      Achieve fame as a mighty and agile troublemaker.

      0 %

    63. For the Greater Good?

      Make a selfish sacrifice for aid.

      0 %

    64. A Lasting Monument

      Craft a fitting memorial to two boys you have wronged.

      0 %

    65. Who's That God?

      Discover more about your farm's berserker.

      0 %

    66. Profane Sacrifice II

      You're really dedicated to that new religious movement, aren't you?

      0 %

    67. Hardly Plausible

      Manage to keep promises to two rivals at the assembly.

      0 %

    68. Ahead of Your Time

      Instill something like equality in Icelandic society.

      0 %

    69. Puny Gods

      Outwit a god, outwit a pile of rocks.

      0 %

    70. Does a Draugr Feel the Cold?

      Build a sturdy home for the dweller on your mound.

      0 %

    71. A Great Sacrifice

      Accomplish something truly selfless.

      0 %

    72. Who Needs Gods?

      You neither look for nor take the help of any god (current or aspiring).

      0 %

    73. From Beyond the Grave

      Just because he's dead doesn't mean he can't help out.

      0 %

    74. Doomed Romance

      Lose a lover on the same night you are betrothed.

      0 %

    75. There's An Easier Way You Know

      Kill a rival even when someone else is doing it for you.

      0 %

    76. Cut-Throat Developer

      Kill a neighbor and take their farm.

      0 %

    77. Worse than Smaug

      Hoard a mythic amount of wealth and refuse to spend any of it.

      0 %

    78. Tourism Isn't Just for the Living

      Find all three afterlives.

      0 %

    79. Oh, the Humanity

      Manage to get through to your father.

      0 %

    80. Everything Is Useful

      Having a few scars doesn't hurt.

      0 %

    81. A Promise Kept I

      Keep a promise to Halldor.

      0 %

    82. And They Were So Young Too

      Die before Chapter Ten.

      0 %

    83. Chieftain Anarchy

      Society is back where it started, just as you wanted.

      0 %

    84. The Loner

      Maintain a barebones crew on the farm.

      0 %

    85. But How Could You?

      This didn't have to happen like this.

      0 %

    86. Both of You?

      Two on one farm?

      0 %

    87. True Love (Not Really)

      Grim isn't looking for love. Who knows what he'll find instead?

      0 %

    88. Flirt of the Year

      Flirt with everyone, whenever you can, well or badly.

      0 %

    89. Jilted

      Disappoint a potential lover.

      0 %

    90. A Thorn in Thor's Side

      Annoy Thor whenever possible.

      0 %

    91. Total Invasion

      Thanks to you, Norway has conquered Iceland hundreds of years too early.

      0 %

    92. That Didn't Go So Well

      More a massacre than a battle really, wasn't it?

      0 %

    93. A Bad Role Model

      End your days as a wanderer.

      0 %