
55 achievements
  1. Wanted: Dead 4 Jan '23

    55 achievements worth 23,149
    1. Sliced

      Sever an enemy limb for the first time.

      95.5 %

    2. A Satisfying Sound

      Defeat an enemy by headshot.

      95.2 %

    3. Teach Me How To Blitz

      Clear the tutorial.

      94.4 %

    4. Collector's Start

      Obtain a collectible.

      93.4 %

    5. So much to learn

      Unlock a skill for the first time.

      92.3 %

    6. Get Some Head

      See a Finishing Strike.

      85.2 %

    7. Test Shot

      Defeat 10 enemies only using guns.

      78.8 %

    8. Unexpected Forecast

      Activate sprinklers for the first time.

      77.0 %

    9. New Blade

      Defeat 10 enemies only using melee attacks.

      76.2 %

    10. Headhunter

      Defeat 10 enemies by headshot.

      68.0 %

    11. Quickdraw Gunner

      Hit 3 or more targets when in Bullet Time.

      56.9 %

    12. Skillful Draw

      Successfully perform 10 handgun counters.

      55.1 %

    13. Sliced & Diced

      Sever 100 enemy limbs.

      54.6 %

    14. With One Stone

      Defeat 2 or more enemies with a Frag Grenade.

      53.8 %

    15. What a mess

      Defeat 10 enemies using the chainsaw.

      53.2 %

    16. Dauer Synthetics

      Clear the Dauer HQ stage.

      50.6 %

    17. Skillful Blade

      Successfully perform 10 parries.

      49.3 %

    18. Got it memorized?

      Unlock 10 skills.

      45.3 %

    19. Just a Hobby

      Obtain 10 collectibles.

      45.1 %

    20. Dismissed

      See 20 different Finishing Strikes.

      44.8 %

    21. Hooligan

      Kick the Crane Game until it displays ERROR.

      36.6 %

    22. Kowloon Park

      Clear the Park stage.

      34.3 %

    23. Bloodied Blade

      Defeat 100 enemies only using melee attacks.

      34.3 %

    24. Mood Change

      Change the jukebox track for the first time.

      33.2 %

    25. True Shot

      Defeat 100 enemies only using guns.

      31.6 %

    26. Quickshot

      Mini-game: Get a score of 10,000 or more in Shooting Range Time Attack.

      30.8 %

    27. Beginner

      Clear Training Level 1.

      29.2 %

    28. Smuggler's Hideout

      Clear the Club Deaf Panther stage.

      28.4 %

    29. Intermediate

      Clear Training Level 2.

      28.2 %

    30. No more to learn

      Unlock all skills in the Skill Tree.

      27.1 %

    31. The Last Stand

      Clear the Police HQ stage.

      27.1 %

    32. Advanced

      Clear Training Level 3.

      26.3 %

    33. Wanted

      Clear the Kowloon Streets stage.

      26.3 %

    34. Art of the Blade

      Successfully perform 100 parries.

      26.1 %

    35. Sore Loser

      Beat Gunsmith's high score in the Shooting Range.

      25.8 %

    36. Deadeye

      Mini-game: Get a score of 10,000 or more in Shooting Range Score Attack.

      25.5 %

    37. Professional

      Clear Training Level 4.

      24.5 %

    38. Your Gat ain't Cheap

      Defeat 10 enemies only using your handgun.

      22.1 %

    39. Art of the Draw

      Successfully perform 100 handgun counters.

      16.6 %

    40. On Fire

      Mini-game: Max out both singing and listening gauges in Karaoke.

      15.8 %

    41. No Needles

      Clear a stage without using healing items.

      11.3 %

    42. Uncle Owen

      Defeat 3 or more enemies with an Incediary Grenade.

      11.0 %

    43. Slide By

      Defeat 10 enemies using sliding fire.

      9.23 %

    44. Gamer

      Mini-game: Clear Space Runaway on Normal Mode.

      8.70 %

    45. Otaku

      Mini-game: Obtain all figures from the Crane Game.

      8.70 %

    46. I Got Room

      Mini-game: Eat more than 5 servings of ramen.

      7.91 %

    47. Movie Buff

      Obtain all Memories movies.

      7.12 %

    48. True Collector

      Obtain all collectibles.

      5.27 %

    49. Gun Master

      Defeat 1000 enemies only using guns.

      4.22 %

    50. Ramen World Legend

      Mini-game: Obtain a full combo in any Ramen song.

      4.22 %

    51. Emma Lauthner

      Clear the game on all difficulties and view the ending.

      3.95 %

    52. Quarter Eater

      Mini-game: Clear Space Runaway on Hard Mode.

      3.69 %

    53. Severance Pays

      See all Finishing Strikes.

      3.43 %

    54. Chanbara

      Defeat 1000 enemies only using melee attacks.

      3.43 %

    55. Wanted: Dead

      Obtain all Wanted: Dead achievements.

      3.16 %