
16 achievements
  1. Pitstop in Purgatory 9 Oct '22

    13 base game achievements worth 5,167
    1. Just Another Day in Paradise

      This achievement is hidden. You completed act 1!

      100 %

    2. 10 Years Later...

      This achievement is hidden. You completed act 2!

      70 %

    3. The Yang to My Yin

      This achievement is hidden. You completed act 3 - Solo route!

      60 %

    4. Buryin' the Hatchet

      This achievement is hidden. You completed act 3 - Locke route!

      50 %

    5. No Dreams Breed in Restless Sleep

      This achievement is hidden. You completed act 3 - Rahel route!

      50 %

    6. I'll Be Waitin'...

      You broke Locke's heart!

      50 %

    7. Take Care, Astrid

      You broke Rahel's heart!

      40 %

    8. Quite the Cliffhanger!

      This achievement is hidden. You completed act 3 - The Guide route!

      30 %

    9. Welcome to Purgatory

      This achievement is hidden. You completed everything!

      30 %

    10. Chronicles of a Rich Nerd

      You learned about art!

      30 %

    11. Nipperkinception

      You offered Rahel a nipperkin!

      20 %

    12. Check For Fangs!

      You uncovered a potential conspiracy!

      20 %

    13. The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste

      You went where you shouldn't have gone!

      20 %

  2. Pitstop in Purgatory — Update #1 18 Mar '23

    3 additional achievements worth 1,062
    1. Last Night With the Gang

      This achievement is hidden. You threw a party!

      40 %

    2. I Will Remember You

      This achievement is hidden. You gazed into the void one last time!

      40 %

    3. Vibes From Somewhere Else

      You solved the mystery of the jukebox!

      40 %