
15 achievements
  1. Students of Psionic Power 25 Aug '22

    15 achievements worth 50
    1. Welcome to 'Students of Psionic Power'!

      Cleared Chapter 1 (Tutorial).

      100 %

    2. Master of Index Finger

      Cleared Chapter 4 (All Index Fingers' Keys).

      100 %

    3. Beginner Psycho Stone Hunter

      Number of Psycho Stones in inventory reached 64.

      100 %

    4. Attendance Confirmation

      Total play time on Steam reached 30 minutes (Excludes DEMO version's play time).

      100 %

    5. Master of Touch Typing

      Cleared Chapter 10 (All Alphabet Keys).

      100 %

    6. Advanced Psycho Stone Hunter

      Number of Psycho Stones in inventory reached 128.

      100 %

    7. Award for Diligence

      Total play time on Steam reached 1 hour (Excludes DEMO version's play time).

      100 %

    8. Master Psycho Stone Hunter

      Number of Psycho Stones in inventory reached 255.

      100 %

    9. Perfect Attendance Award

      Total play time on Steam reached 2 hours (Excludes DEMO version's play time).

      100 %

    10. Hack and Slash

      Got maximum rarity (★★★★) of Psycho Stone or Enchant.

      100 %

    11. Ultimate Alchemist

      Level of any Psycho Stone reached 256.

      100 %

    12. Ultimate Psionic Power

      All of 5 members equip Psycho Stone with Lv.256 and maximum rarity (both Stone and Enchant).

      100 %

    13. Dragon Smiter

      Max Damage in Score Attack reached 10,000,000.

      0 %

    14. Double Dragon Smiter

      Max Damage in Score Attack reached 20,000,000.

      0 %

    15. Beyond GODLIKE! RAMPAGE!!!!

      Max Damage in Score Attack reached 40,000,000.

      0 %