
25 achievements
  1. Azarine Heart 4 Feb '23

    8 base game achievements worth 1,321
    1. Memories of the Past

      Find your father's sword.

      100 %

    2. Associate, Mages' Charter

      Joined the Mages' Charter.

      0 %

    3. Initiate, Briarhand Company

      Joined the Briarhand Company.

      0 %

    4. Warlock, Mages' Charter

      Became a prefect of the Charter.

      0 %

    5. Druid, Mages' Charter

      Took Sage's place at the Charter.

      0 %

    6. Warden, Briarhand Company

      Became a captain of the Company.

      0 %

    7. Veteran, Briarhand Company

      Became Val's second-in-command.

      0 %

    8. Hawk, Black Falcons

      Joined the Black Falcons.

      0 %

  2. Azarine Heart — Update #1 21 Mar '23

    4 additional achievements worth 753
    1. Falcon, Black Falcons

      Fought with Athame against his cousin.

      0 %

    2. Agent, Robanna Dram

      Joined the Robanna Dram.

      0 %

    3. Sentinel, Robanna Dram

      Became a lieutenant of the Robanna Dram.

      0 %

    4. Champion, Robanna Dram

      Served the Robanna Dram under Alyssa Cyr.

      0 %

  3. Azarine Heart — Update #2 20 Jul '24

    8 additional achievements worth 28
    1. Deacon, Chirral Chapel

      Joined the Chapel of Aleric.

      0 %

    2. Sponsor, J.S.C.

      Got promoted to either the Ensign or the Sponsor of the Jerrain Shipping Company.

      0 %

    3. Employee, J.S.C.

      Joined the Jerrain Shipping Company.

      0 %

    4. Worm, Order of Selrune

      Joined the necromancer Gaiseric.

      0 %

    5. Thrall, Order of Selrune

      Took your place as Gaiseric's apprentice.

      0 %

    6. Pontiff, Chirral Chapel

      Named Pontiff by Shadir's three traveling monks.

      0 %

    7. Apostle, Chirral Chapel

      Became the leader of the chapel in Torren's Harbor.

      0 %

    8. Manager, J.S.C.

      Reached the rank of Manager of the Jerrain Shipping Company.

      0 %

  4. Azarine Heart — Update #3 26 Jul '24

    5 additional achievements worth 17
    1. Royal Parade

      Remained in Acadia until November 5th.

      0 %

    2. Holy Matrimony

      Married one of the 8 available bachelors/bachelorettes.

      0 %

    3. Breaking of Dawn

      Delivered the three chimes to Kalthazar.

      0 %

    4. A Tale of Two Sisters

      Finished the main quest.

      0 %

    5. The Sky Prince's Box

      Opened the eponymous lockbox.

      0 %