
16 achievements
  1. Shipwrecked 64 30 Nov '23

    16 achievements worth 2,423
    1. Big Mistake

      Uh oh...

      100 %

    2. ACH_{4742}

      Collect all Coconuts for Olive Otter

      97.8 %

    3. Oh Deer!

      Get out of the woods in one piece...

      96.3 %

    4. A Dam Good Sailor

      Free Walter's Boat

      95.6 %


      Cook the worst, most vile, disgraceful putrid dish I've ever laid eyes on.

      93.4 %

    6. A Happy Little Accident

      Artistic Genius in the Making!

      78.8 %

    7. What a pretty painting!

      ...Wait a minute.

      70.8 %

    8. A True Hero!

      Save everyone on the island.

      65.6 %

    9. Good Ending

      You escaped!

      63.5 %

    10. Bad Ending

      Everyone on the island was obliterated.

      61.3 %

    11. A musical ear!

      Mozart? Is that you?

      61.3 %

    12. Stand-by!

      Who's this Romeo guy?

      61.3 %

    13. BOO!

      Did I catch you off guard?

      56.9 %

    14. Stolen Files

      Feel free to leave this place now.

      50.3 %

    15. Oh.

      Hi Olivia!

      46.7 %

    16. Rest well, Connor.

      This achievement is hidden. Beat the game.

      45.9 %