
8 achievements
  1. ServiceIT: You can do IT 4 Mar '24

    8 achievements worth 6,699
    1. Password: Admin

      Complete 3 Active Server jobs

      89.4 %

    2. First steps

      Complete the tutorial

      86.8 %

    3. Vein of gold

      Make $5,000 from orders

      47.3 %

    4. Diligent student!

      Complete 7 courses

      34.2 %

    5. On the track...

      This achievement is hidden. Help Hank find the hacker

      26.3 %

    6. Handyman

      Repair 5 boards from the marketplace

      26.3 %

    7. Shopaholic

      Buy items from the shop with a total value of $5,000

      23.6 %

    8. The job is done!

      Play the whole game!

      18.4 %