I Was Not Expecting You, Human
Now with merits around, this achievement becomes a lot less of a pain to get. You just need a character that's completed the game on Elite or Ultimate. Ultimate is better as you'll get some extra skills/stats that you can use from all the elite 'unlocks'.
Buy a merit, put it on the transfer stash.
Make a new character, join crucible on it and grab the merit.
Use it.
Start a new normal campaign game.
Level to 2 outside of town. You'll get a bunch of extra skills and waypoints will all be unlocked for you.
(Suggestion) Spend the skills on something ranged. You won't be able to go toe to toe with the warden at level 10 regardless of your skills or gear. He's just too powerful. I did this with an oathkeeper and aegis of menhir. It took a loooong ass time but the warden couldn't do anything to me as I ran around dodging everything while throwing a shield at him.
Get to level 10. The fastest way is probably doing 1-10 on crucible once which will get you to level 7-9, then level the rest of the way.
Game hop a few times looking for gear from vendors or craft a bunch of 'yellow' pieces (they sometimes create rare items instead of a yellow). If you need iron, transfer over a bunch of 'charsi food' (sellable junk) from your mains using the transfer stash and sell them. Or sell some basic components from your giant horde. You're looking for DA, HP, and OA. It will be a long fight and you want to minimize getting one shot which heals him and missing all your attacks. There isn't enough gear budget for much resistance or other stats at that level.
Start a campaign game with veteran checked.
Go to Warden's lab rift.
Run right to the warden's room. Don't fight the mobs, you don't want to level.
If you're close to 11 when you get there, put down a portal then die a bunch of times before you go in. If you go to level 11, your character is 'burnt' and you'll need to start over. It also won't count if you level after fighting the warden so it's best to be right at the start of level 10.
Go in the warden room past the doors and put down a portal.
Fight the warden.
When he actually dies, you'll get the achievement.
For this one, you need to charge through 15 enemies in a row with a 'charge rush' type skill. The example listed (Vire's Might) is an Oathkeeper talent but you can use a glyph that gives the same skill.
My warder doesn't have one natively so I just made a placeholder yellow medal at the blacksmith as I don't want to mess with my real medal. Then attached an 'emblem of the charging bull' from the cult of solael vendor (you only need 'friendly' rep for it). Equipped the new charge skill on my hotbar, then went into the 'maw of enaht'. (Go to Korvan sands rift, walk immediately right and there's a 'hidden path' that takes you there. The maggot packs there easily have 25-30 of them at once. Gather them up a bit then charge right through them.