- Box Office Hit
- Private Beach
- Cabin Fever
- It's Always Sunny in Liverpool
- Year of the Zombie
- All or None
- Pacifist
- County of Kings
- Way of the Zephyrs
- Say Hello to Your Aunt Alicia!
- They're Coming to Get You, Barbara
- No Man Left Behind
- Dingle Berry
- Closing Time!
- Havana on the Hudson
- Freedom
- Clear Skies
- No Loitering
- Honorary Warringtonian
- Ride the Rails
- For Whom the Bell Tolls
- Saturday the 14th
- Rush Hour
- Party's Over
- Troll Toll
- Light's Out
- New York Minute
- But They Used to be People!
- Encore!
- Seven-mile Shantang
- No Sleep Till
- Tea Time
- Desensitization
- Pass GO and Collect $200
- There be No Shelter here!
- Commuter Hell
- Containment Loss
- Early Bird Special
- Exposure Therapy
- Rockstar!
- A New Day
- Beyond the Sea
As of update 1.12.3 THIS GUIDE DOESN'T WORK you have to complete all the levels by yourself, not sure about custom server plugins if they work but since now if you type anything related to insta win it will say in console that achievements are blocked for this session
More about update which patched this cheese: link
Basically all of those 40+ achievements can be done with ease, using console commands
For all maps use this command (Except the Northway map, which requires another command) (Make sure to start the game with nightmare difficulty before doing all those achievements)
(bind "key" "sv_cheats 1; extractallplayers; sv_cheats 0") (Just replace the word "key" in this bind to your key of preference, and just press it)
For changing maps without of need to exit to main screen/vote for map, just use this command (changelevel "name of level") where the "name of level" is either nmo or nms map (insert a map name without quotes)
For Northway map don't use the first command above, which is used for all maps use this command (bind "key" "sv_cheats 1; zomb_squirt_all; sv_cheats 0") (Just replace the word "key" in this bind to your key of preference, and just press it)
For achievements which require 6 or 8 people, just create a server and invite others, and use the first command to get the achievements done.
1- But They Used to be People!
For the maps required of this achievement, the zombies can be a pain to deal with. But with the help of a secret gaming power called the Console, your worries for getting this achievement are over.
To be able to open the Console, go to the game's launch options (Properties → General → Set Launch Options),and type: -console
Create a local game of the map of your choice
Press "~" key, this will open the console
Once the console is open during the game, copy the following:
sv_cheats 1; ai_disable 1; sv_cheats 0
This will disable the zombie ai, preventing them from spawning and making the map zombie free- Complete the game as normal, repeat for all 3 required maps, and the achievement is now yours
1- Melon Felon
Subscribe this workshop map
Start the map and as soon as the round starts, grab the melon and go to the exit. You will get the achievement in 10 seconds. -
1- Desensitization
Subscribe to the "nms_desensitization" map by Shizuru on the Steam Workshop for No More Room in Hell. No More Room in Hell.
Create Server from main menu.
Under Server tab select Map "nms_desensitization."
Under Game tab set Difficulty to Nightmare. *If the achievement doesn't pop this is probably the step where a mistake was made.
Start game and press the orange button three times once it loads. Voila. -
0- Better Red Than Dead
- Hey, Paul!
- Jungle Cleaver
- Chainsaw Massacre
- One Free Man
- Stoner
- Woodsman
- Lethal Weapon
- Czechmate
- Blunt Force Trauma
- Give 'Er
- Mark It Zero
- To Serve and Protect
- El Mariachi
- Special Weapons and Tactics
- Boys of Summer
- Fire in the Hole!
- 357 Reasons
- Just Watch Me Explode
- Safe Action
- Motherland!
- A Drink to go with the Food
- Ace of Spades
- Rack It
- Sturm on the Horizon
- White Death
- Mare's Laig
- One for Each Eye
- Patrick Would Be Proud
- Right Arm of the Free World
- Adolescent Resident
- Sniper School
- Varmint Plinker
- Hell's Kitchen
- Tri-Fold
- Waiting for the Worms
- First Blood
- Let Your Inner Light Shine
- Solder This
- Only YOU
- Blinded By the Light
- Bare Knuckle
- Bloody Valentine
- Maximum RPM
- Too Cleaver For Your Own Good
This guide can be applied to just about every weapon in the game
Download and install this map: Outside Link
Open game, type this command in console before opening the map g_ragdoll_maxcount -1 (if you enter commands during the session, the lighting of the map will disappear for some odd reason
Pick up the abrasive saw on one of the tables and make your way to the blue box
Stand on the green platform (used to spawn child zombies) until lag becomes noticeable,then use the saw on the zombies until the achievement pops up