
35 achievements
  1. Self Defense Kinda... 1 Sep '24

    35 achievements worth 50
    1. Welcome To BR

      Let's start the therapy!

      100 %

    2. Leave this to MatPat (or whoever the new host is)

      This achievement is hidden. Skip any Story Cutscene

      100 %

    3. A Fresh Start

      Delete your save file for the first time

      100 %

    4. Is this supposed to be challenging?

      Reject any upgrade at any point

      100 %

    5. Task Master

      Complete any objective

      0 %

    6. The Reel Deal

      Clear every base mode Reel Fight

      0 %

    7. Pure Skill

      Obtain a Reel Skill

      0 %

    8. Tape Tyrant

      Clear any Hard Mode tape

      0 %

    9. Minor Skills

      Equip a Mini Skill

      0 %

    10. Very High Skilled

      Clear every base mode VHS Fight

      0 %

    11. I Always Come Back!

      This achievement is hidden. Use the Tough Guy Reel Skill to survive a fatal hit

      0 %

    12. Who's Cool Now?

      Defeat Redundancy Man while he's at max coolness

      0 %

    13. Upstaged

      Defeat the Arising Actress without the audience being on your side

      0 %

    14. I Expect Perfection

      Defeat a Boss with Max HP and Max Command Power

      0 %

    15. Victory Lap 1: They Were Trying the First Time?!

      Defeat every Select A Foe Boss's Hard Mode variant

      0 %

    16. Something New

      Play any available custom fight

      0 %

    17. Are We There Yet?!

      This achievement is hidden. Clear every fight in the BR Backrooms with only the BR Manager left to face/

      0 %


      This achievement is hidden. Hah, I knew you were gonna look here! Now pay attention ya dingus! -Perilous Programmer =)

      0 %

    19. A Member of Consumerism

      Defeat the Psychotic Salesman without ever rejecting any deals.

      0 %

    20. Dun and Dun

      Clear every base mode DVD Fight

      0 %

    21. Victory Lap 2: Should've Uninstalled BR If They Were Gonna Be This Bad!

      Defeat every Foe vision Boss's Hard Mode variant

      0 %

    22. Victory Lap 3: Seriously Team Fury?! This is The Best You Can Do?!

      Woah chill, don't need to make it personal... Uh yeah, defeat every HDF Box Boss's Hard Mode variant

      0 %

    23. I have a particular set of skills

      Equip every single mini skill once in one playthrough

      0 %

    24. That's My Jam!

      In the Bartender fight, listen to every Beverage jingle. Pls we worked hard on them =)

      0 %

    25. Do It Again

      Start another playthrough after beating your first one

      0 %

    26. Beyond Perfect

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat a Boss with more HP and Command Power than you started with (You start at MAX everything)

      0 %

    27. You and what Army?!

      Defeat the Commander's entire fleet before taking him out

      0 %

    28. Pacifism (Almost...)

      In the Nite Gang Fight, take out the Leader without hurting anyone else at all. Eh, just have them be perfectly healthy at the end...

      0 %

    29. A Lucky Strike!...or a dirty cheater....

      In the Crazed Commander fight, find the Commander on your first turn.

      0 %

    30. Arcade Master

      Defeat the Gauntlet rush at the end of the HDF Box room

      0 %

    31. The Unstoppable

      Accept every upgrade opportunity in the game and equip one mini skill of your choice

      0 %

    32. Still Sober

      Defeat the Bartender without drinking any Beverage Boosters

      0 %

    33. Mustache Overload!!

      This achievement is hidden. In the Modern Defense Bot fight, keep using the Used Pencil until the Mustaches have to be cleared from the screen

      0 %

    34. The Perfect Run

      Beat a Playthrough of the game where you completed, 100%ed everything there is to do (achievements don't count), and did it all without any upgrades or mini skills

      0 %

    35. Mercy Shines Upon You

      Die to one boss so many times that you have the opportunity to accept mercy from the BR Death Specialist

      0 %