
100 achievements
  1. Runa & the Chaikurú Legacy 9 Jan '25

    75 base game achievements worth 37
    1. Stonake

      What kind of snake is this?

      100 %

    2. Angry Stonake

      It sparks when it rolls.

      100 %

    3. Finders Keepers

      You collected 50 Amethysts.

      100 %

    4. This is a real weapon

      What would a video game be without the ability to hit things?

      100 %

    5. The first of the day but not the last

      You drank Mate for the first time.

      100 %

    6. Gold Empanada

      This achievement is hidden. I've lost a teeth trying to eat this

      100 %

    7. Lost Civilization

      You discovered part of the history of the lost civilization.

      100 %

    8. Murgo

      You defeated a Murgo. They're pretty annoying, aren't they?

      100 %

    9. Condor Seal

      You obtained the Condor Seal.

      100 %

    10. Open the gates!

      You opened the gates to the Chaikurú Ruins.

      100 %

    11. Look at all that shiny purple

      You collected 250 Amethysts.

      100 %

    12. Godot Plushie

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_6_29

      100 %

    13. The floor is lava

      You stayed in the air for over 20 seconds.

      100 %

    14. Saint Wich Flying Mila

      This achievement is hidden. A coati and an urraca fought over my succulent flavor

      100 %

    15. Who's a good buddy?

      Of course you can pet the capybara.

      0 %

    16. Traditions of a lost civilization

      You discovered the Mountain Temple Mural.

      0 %

    17. What was that tremor?

      I feel like someone is watching me.

      0 %

    18. Where it all began

      You discovered the Sacred Yuca Tree Mural.

      0 %

    19. Back online

      You reactivated the Chaikurú Inner Ruins.

      0 %

    20. Caburé Sword

      This achievement is hidden. Delicious and crunchy sword

      0 %

    21. 99999 Games Cartridge

      This achievement is hidden. I’ve got 99999 games but I can only play 1

      0 %

    22. Bus map book of The Red Lands

      This achievement is hidden. For the lady's wallet and the gentleman's pocket

      0 %

    23. Chaikurú Survivors

      You overcame the Challenge of the Yaguareté.

      0 %

    24. Unique Arts

      You discovered the Chaikurú Combat Techniques Mural.

      0 %

    25. Common Argentum Clothes

      This achievement is hidden. Apoka brand, 100% cotton

      0 %

    26. Little Devil's Throat

      That force of nature.

      0 %

    27. Capygochi

      This achievement is hidden. They took a good care of this capybara

      0 %

    28. The Invaders

      You discovered the Invaders Mural.

      0 %

    29. Yaguareté Seal

      You obtained the Yaguareté Seal.

      0 %

    30. That golf was weird

      You've completed the Chaikurú Testing Grounds.

      0 %

    31. Run, Runa, Run!

      You escaped from the Amaconda.

      0 %

    32. Chaikurú War Helmet

      This achievement is hidden. Great warrior helmet

      0 %

    33. What the hell was that?

      Are you sure you should be hitting unknown objects like that?

      0 %

    34. Amethyst Hoarder

      You collected 500 Amethysts.

      0 %

    35. Ironic Tourist T-shirt

      This achievement is hidden. I visited the Uchu-guay and all I got was this lousy t-shirt

      0 %

    36. Snake Charmer

      You defeated the Amaconda.

      0 %

    37. Chest of Patacones

      This achievement is hidden. All the bills lack off worth, they looks like from a board game

      0 %

    38. Spiritual Drink

      This achievement is hidden. Most Chaikuru festivities started with one of this

      0 %

    39. Prepared for battle

      You discovered the War Cry Mural.

      0 %

    40. Ask me about Magical Rangers

      This achievement is hidden. Why everybody is asking me about Magical Rangers?

      0 %

    41. Costero Filleting

      This achievement is hidden. A kind of painting style of an old coastal tribe, known for their night culture

      0 %

    42. Not-So-Stealthy Facón

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_2

      0 %

    43. Mategol

      This achievement is hidden. MATE-GOOOOOOOOOOOOL

      0 %

    44. Naughty Dog Mask

      This achievement is hidden. Strange mask of the Naughty Dogs Tribe

      0 %

    45. The Stand

      This achievement is hidden. You didn't learn, did you?

      0 %

    46. Peculiar Samurai Figure

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_0

      0 %

    47. Lemonetto

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_5

      0 %

    48. Company Oncube

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_1

      0 %

    49. Spear and Fang

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_14

      0 %

    50. Coatí Souvenir from Mar del Plátano

      This achievement is hidden. He tells the weather and is threating me...with a butter knife?

      0 %

    51. Salami Nunchuks

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_3

      0 %

    52. Sheep Rider

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_13

      0 %

    53. 0 %

    54. Santereré Grail

      This achievement is hidden. This beverage raised the dead back to life

      0 %

    55. Uga-Uga Mask

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_6_31

      0 %

    56. Bordermask

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_8

      0 %

    57. The cookies are a lie

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_4

      0 %

    58. All day, every day

      You recovered 1000 health points by drinking Mate.

      0 %

    59. Big-eared Onion

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_10

      0 %

    60. Ronroco Instrument

      This achievement is hidden. Where's that enchanted music comes from?

      0 %

    61. Big Gold Nugget

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_6_30

      0 %

    62. 3-Star Dragon Cube

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_17

      0 %

    63. Red Lands Hammock

      This achievement is hidden. Local tribes hammock

      0 %

    64. The Golden Goat

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_18

      0 %

    65. Mythical Delivery Man

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_9

      0 %

    66. Crystal Stonake Statue

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_15

      0 %

    67. Not loud enough

      You reflected the Murgo’s sonic wave 10 times.

      0 %

    68. Rocky Helmet

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_6

      0 %

    69. Rewardo, el Gaucho

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_11

      0 %

    70. MissingNo. Gun

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_20

      0 %

    71. Untouchable

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat the Inverted Tower without taking any damage

      0 %

    72. Kapyroto Figure

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_16

      0 %

    73. MissingNo.

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_19

      0 %

    74. Sakura Bonsai Tree

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_7

      0 %

    75. Amethyst Keeper Rod

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_21

      0 %

  2. Runa & the Chaikurú Legacy — Update #1 15 Jan '25

    21 additional achievements worth 10
    1. Forest Seed

      You found the Forest Seed.

      100 %

    2. Wind Seed

      You found the Wind Seed.

      0 %

    3. I hate Mimics

      You defeated a Crabystal.

      0 %

    4. Warrior King Memorial

      You discovered the Chaikurú Warrior King Memorial.

      0 %

    5. The Hardheaded Ones

      You defeated the three Golems in your path.

      0 %

    6. The Great Sage and I

      You discovered Rocky's Mural.

      0 %

    7. Simon Says

      Congratulations! Your short-term memory hasn't died yet.

      0 %

    8. Amethyst Keeper's Memorial

      You discovered the Amethyst Keeper Memorial.

      0 %

    9. Turn on the lights

      You lit the Amethyst Lanterns.

      0 %

    10. The Descent

      You discovered the Chaikurú Descent Mural.

      0 %

    11. Memorial of the Fallen

      You discovered the Memorial of the Fallen.

      0 %

    12. Rain Seed

      You found the Rain Seed.

      0 %

    13. Runa in the Big City

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_9_1

      0 %

    14. Great Sage Memorial

      You discovered the Great Chaikurú Sage Memorial.

      0 %

    15. Sun Seed

      You found the Sun Seed.

      0 %

    16. Mechalomaniac

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_9_7

      0 %

    17. Uchuguay

      Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

      0 %

    18. Is this the ending you wanted?

      Maybe you're a bad person.

      0 %

    19. Sleeping with the fishes

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_29

      0 %

    20. Mom, you cut off all the power

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_31

      0 %

    21. Tribute to the Gods

      This achievement is hidden. NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_7_30

      0 %

  3. Runa & the Chaikurú Legacy — Update #2 21 Jan '25

    3 additional achievements worth 1
    1. The Guardian of the City

      You discovered the Mural The Guardian of the City.

      0 %

    2. Seal of the Carayá

      You obtained the Seal of the Carayá.

      0 %

    3. Golems at Work

      You discovered the Golems at Work Mural.

      0 %

  4. Runa & the Chaikurú Legacy — Update #3 2 Feb '25

    1 additional achievements worth 0.5
    1. Friendship Bracelet

      This achievement is hidden. From my best friend

      0 %