
19 achievements
  1. À Travers Le Temps 16 Oct '23

    2 base game achievements worth 100
    1. The beginning of the beginning

      Reach a score of 10,000

      95.6 %

    2. A good score!

      Reach a score of 100,000

      82.6 %

  2. À Travers Le Temps — Update #1 21 Oct '23

    3 additional achievements worth 69
    1. Starry I

      Get your first score bonus!

      100 %

    2. Resistant

      Get an extra life.

      95.6 %

    3. Divine ability!

      Get your first invincibility bonus!

      91.3 %

  3. À Travers Le Temps — Update #2 29 Dec '23

    1 additional achievements worth 22
    1. JUMP MAN

      Get a jump bonus!

      95.6 %

  4. À Travers Le Temps — Update #3 30 Dec '23

    1 additional achievements worth 99
    1. A very good score!

      Reach a score of 1,000,000

      78.2 %

  5. À Travers Le Temps — Update #4 18 Jul '24

    7 additional achievements worth 2,474
    1. 92.3 %

    2. Improvement !

      Upgrade a bonus !

      92.3 %

    3. Time travel !

      Enter a vortex

      46.1 %

    4. Lots of experience

      Reach level 6

      46.1 %

    5. Indestructible

      Upgrade invincibility bonus to max level

      30.7 %

    6. Resurrection

      Upgrade life bonus to max level

      30.7 %

    7. Bunny Jumps

      Upgrade jump bonus to max level

      30.7 %

  6. À Travers Le Temps — Update #5 3 Aug '24

    5 additional achievements worth 1,296
    1. Snowy

      Playing in the snow world

      58.3 %

    2. What warmth !

      Playing in the desert world

      58.3 %


      This achievement is hidden. Get the health, invincibility and jump bonus in a single game

      58.3 %

    4. Extrème

      Terminez une partie dans le mode de jeu Extrème

      58.3 %

    5. Is it a little dark?

      Playing in the dark world

      41.6 %