- Why Did We Play God?!
Create a Luijit.
Big Eye + Wolf Dead = Angel
Angel + Big Eye = Mucrane
Mucrane + Angel = Lujit
0- Titular
A very grindy achievement and only achievable on HARD mode.
Follow the true path guide to unlock most of the stuff you will need.
Good luck!
0- God-Dragon Slayer
In the boundary plane during the true ending , after you have defeated all the bosses of the boundary plane you will be given access to fight the boss of the area called "Holy Dragon" beat him and you will get this achievement.
0- Someday, All This Will Be Yours.
So, you finished the game with the true ending after defeating the last boss in the boundary plane but this hasnt unlocked huh?
As it turns out, this one is achieved by going beyond the end of the true end game.
After the credits, you will be asked if you want to save, do so and you will be back in th main menu.
Continue the game and go defeat the Holy Dragon (again if you already did) so you can unlock the EXTENDED Boundary Plane.
For this achievement you need to defeat Chaos Dyshana, you can check out the map of the full boundary plane here:
Oh yeah, this can only be done on Hard mode, so yeah. She is level 999 so, good luck!
0- Master
This is the most grindy achievement in the game and one of the reasons Im postponing it is because it is mind-dumbingly boggling how little XP you get for using skills to level your attributes to level 10.
You see, the way to get attribute XP is to deal good damage to enemies above your own level using a skill with the attribute you want to level up and some characters have better attribute affinities than others, you can tell from their starting attributes which characters are good at which attribute and thus might level the attribute faster than others.
The saving grace for this achievement is that you dont need a single character to master all attributes, it can be done over multiple characters and even though the fifth generation protagonist starts out with the highest level in all attributes it is a bad idea to focus on him mastering everything and neglecting others, its a much efficient strategy to have a good working party share all the attributes together and fight high level enemies like Chaos at the boundary plane.
tL;DR fight high level enemies with the attributes you need to raise and you will get better XP in them, all in all, its a grind.