First Dive
Gather your first chest
0 / 0 3 0 %
Not So Shallow
Gather all chests available in Shallow Shores
Plunder No Blunder
Gather all chests available in Sunken Ships
Financial Ruin
Gather all chests available in Underwater Ruins
In Another Castle
Gather all chests available in Coral Castles
C For Completion
Gather all chests available
Don't Touch
Complete a level without getting hit
New Lap Record
Beat your previously stored fastest time
Name of the Game
Run out of oxygen during a level
Credit To You
Break all credit names
No Time To Drown
Complete a level with less than a second of oxygen left
Not So Hard
Complete a 3 chest level on hard with all 3 chests in one run
Cartographic Champion
Complete Cartographer's Cove 1 on HARD difficulty, gathering all chests in one run.