
59 achievements
  1. BYLE 31 Oct '23

    57 base game achievements worth 10,859
    1. Welcome To The Top

      Kill a 10 enemies

      90 %

    2. Penny Pincher

      Collect 10 Byle coins

      80 %

    3. Untouchable

      Beat a room without taking damage

      80 %

    4. Straight outta basic

      Complete the tutorial

      60 %

    5. VIP Slayer

      Defeat an elite enemy

      40 %

    6. Certified Danger

      Kill 100 enemies

      30 %

    7. Worthy

      Prove your worth to a totem

      30 %

    8. Duelist

      This achievement is hidden. Find and defeat Ruku

      30 %

    9. Boris Begone

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat Boris

      20 %

    10. Explorer

      Clear an entire level

      20 %

    11. Extreme Dietary Tactics

      This achievement is hidden. Find and defeat Dave

      20 %

    12. Future Star

      This achievement is hidden. Score a goal

      20 %

    13. Mysterious Box

      Open a mystery box

      10 %

    14. Shopping Spree

      Obtain an item from the shop by any means

      10 %

    15. Cheaters Always Win

      This achievement is hidden. Use the cheat code to access the secret Encyclopedia menu

      10 %

    16. Market Crash

      This achievement is hidden. Kill the shopkeeper

      0 %

    17. Look, I got the whole set

      Kill every type of cultist

      0 %

    18. Classified Lethal Weapon

      Kill 1,000 enemies

      0 %

    19. Hell On Earth

      This achievement is hidden. Kill the Revenant

      0 %

    20. Stonks

      Collect 1,000 Byle coins

      0 %

    21. End The Cult

      This achievement is hidden. Kill the Mega Cultist

      0 %

    22. Narrow Escape

      Complete a level with less than 10% of your health remaining

      0 %

    23. Pistol Connoisseur

      Beat level 1 holding only a pistol

      0 %

    24. Orphaned

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat the Mother Slime

      0 %

    25. The Matrix

      Dodge roll through a bullet

      0 %

    26. Hippocratic Oath

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat the one who heals

      0 %

    27. Part-time Ghost

      Beat a level without taking damage

      0 %

    28. Rambo Realist

      Get through all level themes with Rambo

      0 %

    29. Jugger-not

      This achievement is hidden. Kill the Juggernaut

      0 %

    30. Fireman

      This achievement is hidden. Kill the incinerator

      0 %

    31. One Eye Optimist

      Get through all level themes with Ol One Eye

      0 %


      This achievement is hidden. Discover a rare Luke

      0 %

    33. Power House

      Overcharge your cells with 5 attack boosts

      0 %

    34. Brick Wall

      Have over 210 health

      0 %

    35. Armageddon

      This achievement is hidden. Kill the Armada

      0 %

    36. Poor Mans Magic

      This achievement is hidden. Kill the Necromancer

      0 %

    37. Nice

      Reach wave 69 in the colosseum

      0 %

    38. Byleaholic

      Consume the BYLE

      0 %

    39. Shiny Hunter

      This achievement is hidden. Find and kill a shiny minion

      0 %

    40. Fantastical Warfare

      Kill every enemy not wielding a gun

      0 %

    41. Man At Arms

      Pick up every gun

      0 %

    42. Byllionaire

      Collect 10,000 Byle coins

      0 %

    43. Mike Main

      get through all level themes with Mike

      0 %

    44. The Whopper

      This achievement is hidden. Kill the Tripplestack

      0 %

    45. Speedy Gonzales

      Become the fastest in all of Byle with 5 speed boosts

      0 %

    46. This is getting crazy!

      Kill 10,000 enemies

      0 %

    47. Vlad Visionary

      Get through all level themes with Vlad

      0 %

    48. Dart Director

      Get through all level themes with Dart

      0 %

    49. Karlos Conquest

      Get through all level themes with Karlos

      0 %

    50. You Never Learn

      This achievement is hidden. Kill the shopkeeper (Final Form)

      0 %

    51. Wave Phantom

      Complete 20 waves in the Colosseum without getting hit

      0 %

    52. Tsunami Ghost

      Complete 30 waves in the Colosseum without getting hit

      0 %

    53. Swordfight

      This achievement is hidden. Kill Ruku with a katana

      0 %

    54. Xerxes Extremist

      Get through all level themes with Xerxes

      0 %

    55. Pure Commitment

      Get through 20 levels in a row

      0 %

    56. Pile Up

      This achievement is hidden. Kill the Abomination

      0 %

    57. Byle Super Fan

      Unlock all achievements

      0 %

  2. BYLE — Update #1 13 Apr '24

    2 additional achievements worth 2
    1. Surfing Spirit

      Complete 10 waves in the Colosseum without getting hit

      0 %

    2. Die Hard

      Beat 30 waves without picking up a weapon

      0 %