
4 guides
  1. 1
    • Juggernaut

    You'll probably finish the game + Sqaud Assault levels with less than 2000 kills.

    Restart the last level on casual. Purchase a maxed dragon and a maxed crawler.

    Start the level
    ignore the first 4 towers, your squad will take care of them.
    Hit the 2 groups of 4 above with 1 bombs each. They will both give an extra bomb.
    Hit the 3 group of 3 on the left.
    Next up are 2 groups of 2 and 1 of 3. The middle group of 2 gives an extra bomb.
    Now go to the left, you should see another group of 2. Bomb them and get an extra bomb.
    You should have enough time and 1 bomb to bomb the group of 3 above (2 towers and 1 storm).

    You should be getting about 20ish towers in 30 seconds or so.

    The story should progress. Restart from checkpoint and repeat till you get it.

  2. 1
    • War Hero
    • Campaign General

    The game is a tad easier than the original since they took out the Swiftness medal.

    You should be able to do all the levels on Hardcore and get Brutality and efficiency medals.
    I did most maps with a combination of Tank/shield/Crawler, Crawler/Crawler or Crawler/shield/Crawler.

    Since you aren't in a rush, take full advantage of corners and circling around to get one shot off with crawler in the loop.

    Last level (15), i did crawler/shield/crawler/supply/shield/supply with both supplies producing bombs.
    As you don't have your captain (like the origina), put your squad in a loop and bomb the hacker and Energizer towers way in advance.

    Level 6 gave me a bit of difficulty to get the brutality medal on hardcore so i did that one casual.

    The Assault maps medals can be done on casual with little effort.

  3. 1
    • Diversity Is Fun

    This should be done on level 14 on casual.

    Buy all types of units. I did the following at the start
    Crawler (1 star), shield, tank, apc, supply (3 stars for bombs), dragon

    Avoid the artillery Upgrade your crawler when needed. Use the bombs for the hacker towers.

  4. 1
    • Millionaire

    I did it on level 4 (where carusarum is introduce) on Casual after i finished the game and most other achievements.

    buy a crawler/APC
    Wait for the first checkpoint (right near the start), make sure your route goes to the left.

    Hold Shift to speed up the game. Your troops should survive, collect 4 carusarum pods, then restart at the checkpoint and repeat till you get the achievement.
    You should get 110$ in about 12/13 seconds.