
10 guides
  1. 1
    • Anime Syndrome

    Get someone with the Anime Fan ability and max out their morale, they will turn to Anime Girl.

    Every day, Anime Girl will start to change and you'll get the achievement once she reaches her.. "ultimate form".

    It takes about 4 or 5 days to reach the end.

    Its a great fun achievement and I hope you enjoy it! 😃

  2. 0

    To Kill the Prime Minister at the end of the game you need FIRE!

    Either a molotov or the flamethrower will work.

    Be ready, when you do this, it will count as GAME OVER so any Win Streak you have will be gone. Beware!

  3. 0
    • The Loneliest Road

    For this one, you need to leave your starting Buddy behind and NEVER recruit others.

    So, its up to you to get to Canada on your own, for this, I highly Recommend a Big Bruiser Berserker or Athlete Berserker.

    The Big Bruiser Perk will give you a lot of Strength and +1 Max HP.
    The Athelete Perk gives you extra Fit so you can swing more.. but you only have 1 HP so its more dangerous.

    The Berserker trait will also give you STR and let you have +1MAX STR and FIT and give you options to rob and Cool it and get out of some Bandit situations.

    The downside is that because youre alone, some situations will hurt you and possibly kill you if you are on your last Hit Point, so you got to be careful.

    Alternatively, you can exploit the Toilet Genie to prepare for this. The Toilet Genie, if chosen the immortality wish, will give you +1Max Hp.
    Since Toilet opening carry over from other games, you can see how many toilets you have opened in Zombo Town by talked to a robot inside the right house.

    Start the game with close to 100 toilets and get a Berserker, open a toilet and you'll get a little more Edge with the extra life.
    Needless to say, get a good melee weapon ASAP for your lilo Serker. Like a Sledgehammer or a Big Sword. Also, Max out FIT First.

    In the end, this achievement isnt that hard if you already master the game.. but in any case, good luck!

  4. 0
    • Has Left The Building

    To get this hidden achievement, you need to make Alvis despair (so he loses ALL his morale) TWICE and then leave the team.

    To make him despair quicker, you can leave looting areas by foot and wait until he has low morale and then get the car.

    Im afraid you're gonna need some luck to make him despair beyond that, try avoiding party morale boosts through rewards and if you can rob people, it will demoralize him.

    You DONT need to finish the run to unlock this, just make him leave.

  5. 0
    • Happy Thanksgiving

    Just so you know, its the American Thanksgiving, not the Canadian one.

    And sometimes the Dev forgets to change the date, since in 2017, it was on the 24th in the game instead of the 23rd in real life.

    You will notice is active since the Turkey will join your party right at the start of your journey.

  6. 0
    • Grizzled Hermit

    You will need someone with the Charm trait to recruit this guy.

    Also, his house is a Rare Location so someone with the Explorer and City Seeker abilities will help you find the Hermit's Hut easier.

  7. 0
    • The Last Panda

    Unlike most recruitable characters, the Panda doesnt join you on the road or at Trader's camps.

    The Panda can only be found in a ruined house inside the city (those one room houses that have only rubble inside).
    To find him easier, have someone with the City Seeker Trait on the team.

  8. 0
    • Dog Squad

    I suggest you play this in Quick mode where there are less zombies and less days, you might be tempted to do this in OPP ,mode to get OP characters to help out but the number of zombies in that mode will get you quickly surrounded at the end and you will most likely lose.

    I suggest you play in Rare mode and get a Friend of Dog character and a City Explorer character to improve your chances of finding dogs.

    If you find Woof, then that will help, but its not necessary, although a little tricky at the end, since you will have to kill him in the final horde.

    Remember, the dogs that Woof spawns only counts as one if you kill him at the end.

    So you need to go into the final stage with Woof and 3 other dogs.

    Even without Woof, you can kite the horde with the dogs amazing dexterity, just set the AI to run or defend.

    Also, if you have a team with the 3 dogs and the dog lover, when the dog lover dies and no human remains toi drive the car, one of the dogs will be able to wield weapons like a human, this dog will be the one defending the others at the end.

    Prioritize things like turrets and bombs for when you are scavenging to help with the final sieges.

    Good luck!

  9. 0
    • HA! HA!

    To recruit the clown, you cant have a full party. He will appear randomly in a drive event and if there is space for him in the team, he will join.

    I suggest using rare modes to improve your chances of finding the clown.

    The clown cannot be recruited in the gamemode where you can get all other rare characters.

  10. 0
    • Day of the Circus

    To get this achievement, you need to recruit the creepy clown and bring him to the bridge at the final stage before going into Canada.

    To recruit the clown, you cant have a full party. He will appear randomly in a drive event and if there is space for him in the team, he will join.

    I suggest using rare modes to improve your chances of finding the clown.

    The clown cannot be recruited in the gamemode where you can get all other rare characters.