
73 achievements
  1. Midnight Monitor: Anomaly Watch 4 Sep '23

    37 base game achievements worth 10,672
    1. Was that cup always there?

      Experience your first 10 Anomalies

      100 %

    2. You're pretty bad at this

      Submit 5 incorrect reports

      91.3 %

    3. The One That Got Away

      Fail to report at least 1 Anomaly

      91.3 %

    4. I Banish Thee!

      Correctly report your first 5 Anomalies

      86.9 %

    5. And I Oop...

      Fail your duties in the Modern House for any reason

      82.6 %

    6. A Smattering of Misfortunate Happenings

      Experience a total of 50 Anomalies

      56.5 %

    7. First Night

      Successfully completed 1 night in the Modern House

      56.5 %

    8. A Quick Glance

      Play the Modern House level for 30 minutes

      52.1 %

    9. You know how this game works, right?

      Submit 50 incorrect reports

      52.1 %

    10. You Shall Not Pass!

      Correctly report 50 Anomalies

      47.8 %

    11. Getting Out of Hand

      Fail to report a total of 20 Anomalies

      47.8 %

    12. Are you sure you're not the one who's cursed?

      You always seem to be where the trouble is. Experience a total of 200 Anomalies

      26.0 %

    13. *slow clap*

      Submit 200 incorrect reports

      26.0 %

    14. Bless This House

      Correctly report 200 Anomalies

      21.7 %

    15. A Long Look

      Play the Modern House level for 2 hours

      21.7 %

    16. Tiny Baby

      Beat Modern House on Hard Mode. Bet you can't do it again ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      17.3 %

    17. Diligent

      Successfully completed 5 nights in the Modern House

      17.3 %

    18. Just Like the Olden Days

      Successfully complete 1 night in the Modern House with Black & White Mode enabled

      17.3 %

    19. Turn Out the Lights

      Successfully complete 1 night in the Modern House with Dark Mode enabled

      13.0 %

    20. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      Beat Hard Mode twice on Modern House. If you can do that, I'll have to make the next achievement much harder

      13.0 %

    21. Somebody, Call a Priest!

      The demons have followed you home! Experience a total of 500 Anomalies

      13.0 %

    22. A Hard Stare

      Play the Modern House level for 5 hours

      13.0 %

    23. The Power of Reporting Compels You!

      Correctly report 500 Anomalies

      13.0 %

    24. You're supposed to REPORT the ANOMALIES

      Submit 500 incorrect reports

      13.0 %

    25. Burn the House Down

      There's no hope for this family. Experience a total of 1000 Anomalies

      13.0 %

    26. Are You Even Trying?

      Fail to report a total of 100 Anomalies

      8.69 %

    27. Midnight Monitor Expert

      Complete the Modern House at least once with Dark Mode, Black & White Mode & Hard Mode active simultaneously

      8.69 %

    28. Anomaly Whisperer

      No Anomalies can get past you. Well, except for the ones that did - Correctly report 1000 Anomalies

      8.69 %

    29. Anomaly Sympathiser

      Fail to report a total of 200 anomalies

      8.69 %

    30. A Transfixed Gaze

      Play the Modern House level for 10 hours

      4.34 %

    31. Cheap Home Security

      Successfully complete 5 nights in the Modern House with Black & White Mode enabled

      4.34 %

    32. Devoted

      Successfully completed 15 nights in the Modern House

      0 %

    33. Seeing Things

      Successfully complete 5 nights in the Modern House with Dark Mode enabled

      0 %

    34. Obsessed

      Successfully completed 25 nights in the Modern House

      0 %

    35. Monochromia

      Successfully complete 10 nights in the Modern House with Black & White Mode enabled

      0 %

    36. Carrots Not Required

      Successfully complete 10 nights in the Modern House with Dark Mode enabled

      0 %

    37. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

      I won't apologise. If you can beat Hard Mode 20 times in the Modern House you're the master of this game!

      0 %

  2. Midnight Monitor: Anomaly Watch — Update #1 11 Oct '23

    18 additional achievements worth 6,922
    1. Home Again

      Play the Neighbourhood House level for a total of 30 minutes

      35 %

    2. Thank you, Sequre!

      Diligently keeping your home Sequre - Successfully complete 1 night in the Neighbourhood House

      35 %

    3. Home Intruder

      Fail a night of observation in the Neighbourhood House at least once

      25 %

    4. Hardened Security

      Successfully complete 1 night in the Neighbourhood House with Hard Mode enabled

      25 %

    5. Homebody

      Play the Neighbourhood House level for a total of 2 hours

      20 %

    6. Automated Home Security

      Successfully complete 5 nights in the Neighbourhood House

      20 %

    7. Agoraphobia

      Play the Neighbourhood House level for a total of 5 hours

      15 %

    8. Cyber Security

      Successfully complete 5 nights in the Neighbourhood House with Hard Mode enabled

      15 %

    9. Always Darkest ...

      Successfully complete 1 night in the Neighbourhood House with Dark Mode enabled

      10 %

    10. It's safer inside

      Play the Neighbourhood House level for a total of 10 hours

      10 %

    11. FOX

      Successfully complete 1 night in the Neighbourhood House with Night Vision Mode enabled

      5 %

    12. No threats detected

      Successfully complete 15 nights in the Neighbourhood House

      5 %

    13. Bespoke Security

      Successfully complete 10 nights in the Neighbourhood House with Hard Mode enabled

      5 %

    14. SNAKE

      Successfully complete 5 nights in the Neighbourhood House with Night Vision Mode enabled

      5 %

    15. ... Before the Dawn

      Successfully complete 5 nights in the Neighbourhood House with Dark Mode enabled

      0 %

    16. Impenetrable Defenses

      Successfully complete 25 nights in the Neighbourhood House

      0 %

    17. GEAR

      Successfully complete 10 nights in the Neighbourhood House with Night Vision Mode enabled

      0 %

    18. Now it's time for coffee

      Successfully complete 10 nights in the Neighbourhood House with Dark Mode enabled

      0 %

  3. Midnight Monitor: Anomaly Watch — Update #2 29 Oct '23

    3 additional achievements worth 937
    1. Spooky!

      Successfully Complete 1 night during the Halloween Event

      20 %

    2. Scary!

      Successfully Complete 5 nights during the Halloween Event

      10 %

    3. Skeletons!

      Successfully Complete 10 nights during the Halloween Event

      10 %

  4. Midnight Monitor: Anomaly Watch — Update #3 1 Nov '23

    2 additional achievements worth 475
    1. Treat!

      Scare away the Pumpkin King

      20 %

    2. Trick...

      Get carved up by the Pumpkin King

      15 %

  5. Midnight Monitor: Anomaly Watch — Update #4 23 Jan '25

    13 additional achievements worth 21
    1. Circuit's Dead, Something Wrong

      This achievement is hidden. Lose a game on "Orbital Station" at least once

      0 %

    2. I Am Spartacus!

      This achievement is hidden. Impersonate the game developer

      0 %

    3. Ground Control to Major...

      This achievement is hidden. Win 1 game in the "Orbital Station"

      0 %

    4. Stepping Through the Door

      This achievement is hidden. Win 5 games in the "Orbital Station"

      0 %

    5. A Most Peculiar Way

      This achievement is hidden. Win 15 games in the "Orbital Station"

      0 %

    6. Far Above the World

      This achievement is hidden. Win 25 games in the "Orbital Station"

      0 %

    7. One Small Step

      This achievement is hidden. Play "Orbital Station" for a total of 30 minutes

      0 %

    8. Mercury Seven

      This achievement is hidden. Win "Orbital Station" on hard mode 1 time

      0 %

    9. Apollo 11

      This achievement is hidden. Win "Orbital Station" on hard mode 5 times

      0 %

    10. Voyager 1

      This achievement is hidden. Win "Orbital Station" on hard mode 10 times

      0 %

    11. One Giant Leap

      This achievement is hidden. Play "Orbital Station" for a total of 2 hours

      0 %

    12. We Choose to Go to the Moon

      This achievement is hidden. Play "Orbital Station" for a total of 5 hours

      0 %

    13. The Stars are Calling

      This achievement is hidden. Play "Orbital Station" for a total of 10 hours

      0 %