
9 achievements
  1. Survive: Forgotten and Abandoned 27 Oct '24

    9 achievements worth 2,121
    1. Painkiller

      Get the most out of ezpain™

      100 %

    2. Metropolitan

      Survive in hallucinations

      100 %

    3. First Step

      This achievement is hidden. Complete the MARES Introduction section

      50 %

    4. Emergency evacuation

      Complete the underground passage.

      0 %

    5. TBD

      Falling into hallucination again

      0 %

    6. The end of the beginning

      Reach the end of the road

      0 %

    7. Thanks for playing

      Unlock the final challenge

      0 %

    8. The beginning of the end

      It's over...for now

      0 %

    9. 0 %