
23 achievements
  1. EmyLiveShow: S&M story - Safe Edition 17 Feb '24

    23 achievements worth 50
    1. Party star

      Pass as a VIP

      0 %

    2. Why did I take this?

      Some item was left unused

      0 %

    3. 19 for too long

      Get M ending

      0 %

    4. Bartender

      It's not only the taste that matters

      0 %

    5. 0 %

    6. Secret signs

      Pay to a mysterious being with unknown currency

      0 %

    7. Let's get a little hype

      Bring an old reporter back in the game

      0 %

    8. Punks not dead

      Get S ending

      0 %

    9. Missing

      Try yourself in a search for the missing

      0 %

    10. Not so no-name

      Accidently show your fanbase

      0 %

    11. Hunting the hunter

      Get a gift from a follower

      0 %

    12. Lord of darkness

      Get S+ ending

      0 %

    13. Tourist

      Get all normal endings

      0 %

    14. Master of fashion

      Unlock all Emy and Nia costumes

      0 %

    15. Good boy

      Get M+ ending

      0 %

    16. The stars are right

      Can you avoid the destiny?

      0 %

    17. Master of meetings

      Unlock all characters

      0 %

    18. Master of items

      Unlock all items

      0 %

    19. Rock bottom

      Get max M-level

      0 %

    20. That was hard

      Get max S-level

      0 %

    21. Master of moments

      Unlock all scenes

      0 %

    22. N City secrets

      Get all secret endings

      0 %

    23. Master of achievements

      Unlock all achievements

      0 %