- Leave Only Time Capsules
This achievement is for leaving a time capsule when you leave on the Neptune rocket. While getting the rocket ready to launch one of your options is to get a time capsule ready by adding a message, some items, and a screenshot. As long as you do this and then launch the rocket you'll get the achievement.
I also have made a video guide for the game with all of the achievements here.
0- Go Among the Stars
For this achievement you'll need to launch the Neptune rocket. Once you've been cured you can disable the giant alien gun, build the rocket, and launch it to finish the game. I'd recommend building the rocket as you go further through the story, but you can also wait until after you're cured if you'd rather do that.
I also have made a video guide for the game with all of the achievements here.
0- "Man's Best Friend"
This achievement is for hatching and releasing a cuddlefish. There are 5 locations where you can find a cuddlefish egg. In the Dunes Sinkhole, both of the mushroom forest caves, the lost river laboratory cache, and the deep grand reef Degasi base. You'll need to take one of these eggs and place them in an alien containment center. Leave it there for a while and you'll eventually come back to a fully formed cuddlefish.
You'll then need to pick up the cuddlefish and take it outside to release it. Doing this will cause the achievement to pop.
I also have made a video guide for the game with all of the achievements here.
0- Follow the Lost River
This achievement you'll get for finding the disease research facility in the lost river. The entrance to the area where the facility is located is marked by large alien pillars. I also have made a video guide for the game with all of the achievements here.
[-252 -814 316] -
-1- Optimal Health
This achievement is for getting cured. In order to get cured you'll need to speak with the sea emperor underneath the primary containment facility. It will want you to create the hatching enzymes so that it's eggs can hatch. In order to create it you'll need to gather Ghost Weed, Eye Stalk, Fungal Sample, Bulb Bush, and Sea Crown. Above the area where the emperor lives you can use the diagonal portals to go to the 4 other areas where you can gather the ingredients.
Once you create the enzyme and use it the eggs will hatch and the young sea emperors will start spitting up blobs of Enzyme 42. Touching one of these blobs will cure you.
I also have made a video guide for the game with all of the achievements here.
-1- Thermal Activity
This achievement is for finding the alien thermal plant in the inactive lava zone. The thermal plant is inside a structure referred to as the "lava castle."
[-75 -1182 5]The inactive lava zone is located at the end of the lost river past the giant cove tree. As you go through this eventually you'll come to a large open area. There are two sea dragon leviathans that swim around in this area. In the middle of this large open area is where the lava castle is located. The entrances to the castle can be found by the lava that flows down the structure. I also have made a video guide for the game with all of the achievements here.
-1- Fourteen Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
This achievement is for finding the Primary Containment Facility located in the lava lakes. You can get to the lava lakes by going to one of the cave entrances in the inactive lava zone. I found the easier one to go to was the large one to the north of the lava castle.
[-288, -1290, -96]Once you go down one of these entrances you'll need to go back further through the lava lakes until you find the large alien facility. You'll get the achievement once you open both of the locked doors with blue tablets and go underneath the facility. I also have made a video guide for the game with all of the achievements here.
-1- Seamonsters
This achievement you'll get for finding the Degasi base in the Deep Grand Reef. The specific action that will activate the achievement is by picking the abandoned PDA up.
I also have made a video guide for the game with all of the achievements here.
[-680 -515 -941] -
-1- Follow the Degasi
This achievement is for finding the Degasi habitat in the jellyshroom caves. There are four entrances to the Jellyshroom Cave system which are marked by pink fauna near the entrances. You'll need to grab the PDAs in the Degasi base to activate the achievement. I also have made a video guide for the game with all of the achievements here.
Entrance Coordinates
[140, -86, -397]
[-372, -98, -200]
[-505, -150, 10]
[-724, -90, -9] -
-1- 40-foot Sub For One
This achievement is for building the Cyclops. You'll need to find fragments for Cyclops hull, engine, and bridge. You can generally find the fragments for these in wrecks of the Mountains, Sea Treader's Path, Northwestern Mushroom Forest, and the Underwater Islands. I also have made a video guide for the game with all of the achievements here.
-1- Seaside Living with an Ocean View
This achievement is for finding the Degasi habitat on the floating island. The floating island is located in the mist cloud that is behind the Aurora. Shortly into the story there will be a waypoint there for the "Aurora Rendezvous Point." The achievement will pop when you pick up the "Storm!" PDA from inside the base that is the lowest of the three on this island. [-800, 80, -1055] I also have made a video guide for the game with all of the achievements here.
-2- Ancient Technologies
This achievement is for finding the enforcement platform. This is located on the island in the mountains biome. Eventually in the story you'll get a notification that the Sunbeam is going to land on this island and it will have a waypoint to help you find it.
The specific part of the facility that will get the achievement to pop is after you enter and start going towards the back near a terminal.
I also have made a video guide for the game with all of the achievements here.