
25 achievements
  1. Deadly 30 8 Jan '14

    25 achievements worth 6,025
    1. Dang-a-lang

      Kill a naked zombie

      96.7 %

    2. Warming Up

      Survive your first night

      96.4 %

    3. Great Teamwork...

      Lose the game

      95.9 %

    4. Traveler

      Walk 10 kilometers

      48.9 %

    5. Blargh!

      Get puked on

      47.8 %

    6. Union

      Have full crew

      42.0 %

    7. Staying Alive

      Survive a night outside of the base

      38.8 %

    8. Can’t Touch Me

      Buy 10 boxes

      37.8 %

    9. Boom, Headshot!

      Kill 500 zombies with Headshots

      37.5 %

    10. VODKA

      Find the secret button

      36.4 %

    11. Shanked!

      Stab 300 zombies

      32.6 %

    12. 2 Weeks Later

      Survive 14 Nights

      32.3 %

    13. Medic! Medic!

      Heal 500 Health Points

      31.7 %

    14. DIY!?

      Buy the Alien Laser Gun

      30.5 %

    15. Cant Stop Now!

      Spend an Hour Playing

      30.5 %

    16. 1 UP!

      Reach Maximum Level Up

      29.9 %

    17. Infected Meat

      Kill 2000 Zombies

      29.9 %

    18. Mechanic

      All Maxed Upgrades

      29.5 %

    19. Defender

      Buy 4 Turrets

      29.3 %

    20. Imma Take a Nap

      Sleep 5 Nights

      29.0 %

    21. Oh Hai Thar

      Kill a Red Giant

      28.8 %

    22. Survivor

      Survive all 30 days and nights

      26.6 %

    23. Deadly 3

      Get all 3 Survivors to the Helicopter

      24.8 %

    24. Getting Paid

      Find Total of 50000 Scrap Metal

      20.8 %

    25. Golden Shells

      Total of 20000 bullets shot

      20.7 %