
14 achievements
  1. Finding Cinderella 28 May '24

    14 achievements worth 6,230
    1. 80 %

    2. The Fool

      You can't get any stupider than this

      60 %

    3. The Creep

      What else is there to look at

      40 %

    4. A True Friend

      Because that's what true friends do

      20 %

    5. Pat the Tiger

      This achievement has no description.

      20 %

    6. Heart Collector

      Unlock all Cinderella endings

      20 %

    7. Heart Loser

      Unlock all Assassin endings

      20 %

    8. Corpse Party

      Unlock all Death endings

      20 %

    9. Collecting Evidence

      You shoot at the perfect time

      20 %

    10. Curious Cat

      Do you really have to touch everything?

      20 %

    11. Finding Santa

      Give all gift combinations

      20 %

    12. I haven't lost my virginity because I never lose

      Win every round of every minigame

      0 %

    13. 2evilhumanstudiowo

      This achievement has no description.

      0 %