
51 achievements
  1. Oil Sheik 24 Feb '24

    40 base game achievements worth 3,026
    1. The Alpha Sheik

      Play Oil Sheik during development.

      100 %

    2. Double Whammy: Expanding

      Expand a company by connecting 2 additional fields.

      66.6 %

    3. Scrubtastic!

      Win a game vs 3 beginner opponents.

      66.6 %

    4. And so it begins…

      Complete 1 game.

      66.6 %

    5. Double Whammy: Founding

      Found a company by connecting 2 additional fields.

      33.3 %

    6. Golden Trident: Expanding

      Expand a company by connecting 3 additional fields.

      33.3 %

    7. 33.3 %

    8. Golden Trident: Founding

      Found a company by connecting 3 additional fields.

      33.3 %

    9. What the Blip?!

      Place 100 Blips.

      33.3 %

    10. Golden Trident: Merging

      Merge 3 companies by placing one Blip.

      33.3 %

    11. Ahead of the curve!

      Win a game vs 3 medium opponents.

      33.3 %

    12. Reporting for duty!

      Complete 10 games.

      33.3 %

    13. Did someone say, Penta?!

      Win 5 games in a row.

      33.3 %

    14. Four-Leaf Clover: Founding

      Found a company by connecting 4 additional fields.

      33.3 %

    15. Inside the matrix!

      Win a game vs 3 professional opponents

      33.3 %

    16. 33.3 %

    17. Four-Leaf Clover: Expanding

      Expand a company by connecting 4 additional fields.

      0 %

    18. The Glitch

      Win 10 games in a row.

      0 %

    19. Advanced competitor

      Complete 50 games.

      0 %

    20. On a roll

      Win 50 games.

      0 %

    21. Blip Blopper

      Place 1000 Blips.

      0 %

    22. It’s over 9000

      Place 10000 Blips.

      0 %

    23. The Peking Duck

      Place 1000 Blips as China Oil.

      0 %

    24. The Million Dollar Man

      Place 1000 Blips as US Fracking Inc.

      0 %

    25. The Arabian Prince

      Place 1000 Blips as Arab Drilling.

      0 %

    26. The Brazil Mogul

      Place 1000 Blips as Brazil Mining Corp.

      0 %

    27. Four-Leaf Clover: Merging

      Merge 4 companies by placing one Blip.

      0 %

    28. Experienced oil shark

      Complete 100 games.

      0 %

    29. Industry leader

      Complete 250 games.

      0 %

    30. Legendary Sheik!

      Complete 500 games.

      0 %

    31. 0 %

    32. 0 %

    33. The Unstoppable Force

      Win 500 games.

      0 %

    34. Blips, Blips EVERYWHERE!

      Place 5000 Blips.

      0 %

    35. The Russian Share

      Place 1000 Blips as Russian Oil & Gas.

      0 %

    36. Royal Canadian Oil Tycoon

      Place 1000 Blips as Maple Leaf Oil.

      0 %

    37. Oil King of Norway

      Place 1000 Blips as Norway Olje.

      0 %

    38. El Presidente

      Place 1000 Blips as Mehican Ltd.

      0 %

    39. Strategically Discarded

      Discard 1000 Blips.

      0 %

    40. Hero of the Sands

      Complete all Four-Leaf Clover achievements.

      0 %

  2. Oil Sheik — Update #1 25 Mar '24

    9 additional achievements worth 681
    1. My First Million!

      Earn a total of $ 1,000,000

      66.6 %

    2. Level 10

      Reach Level 10

      33.3 %

    3. Penthouse Downtown Manhattan

      Earn a total of $ 100,000,000

      33.3 %

    4. Maybe I’ll buy an island next!?

      Earn a total of $ 500,000,000

      33.3 %

    5. Now, where’s my space ship?!

      Earn a total of $ 1,000,000,000

      33.3 %

    6. Totally Not DE:AD:BE:EF

      This achievement is hidden. Earn $ 0x7FFFFFFF

      33.3 %

    7. Level 50

      Reach Level 50

      0 %

    8. Level 100

      Reach Level 100

      0 %

    9. Max’ed out!

      Reach Level 200

      0 %

  3. Oil Sheik — Update #2 5 Feb '25

    2 additional achievements worth 2
    1. Agent Orange

      Defeat Ronald Dump in the Tariff Wars Event

      0 %

    2. A giant D.O.U.G.E

      This achievement is hidden. Merge US, Canada and Mexico and get investigated by the Department of Unique Gaming Experiences

      0 %