
15 achievements
  1. Block Hopper 8 Apr '24

    5 base game achievements worth 16
    1. First!

      Finish your first level

      100 %

    2. Welcome!

      Play the Game... Yes that's it!

      100 %

    3. Finish

      You beat the game YAY! try it on hard mode? Unless you did that to get here.

      100 %

    4. Last Spike!

      This achievement is hidden. Get Killed by the Last Spike

      100 %


      Finish the ultra level! Congratulations you did it! Are you proud of yourself?

      100 %

  2. Block Hopper — Update #1 11 Apr '24

    3 additional achievements worth 9
    1. Rage Quit

      Exit the game... again yes that's it.

      100 %

    2. Game Over!

      Get to the game over screen!

      100 %

    3. Test Achievement

      This is a test achievement please ignore!

      0 %

  3. Block Hopper — Update #2 20 May '24

    2 additional achievements worth 6
    1. Death by Slime

      You managed to die to a slime YAY!

      100 %

    2. Death by You

      You managed to kill a slime YAY!

      100 %

  4. Block Hopper — Update #3 28 Aug '24

    1 additional achievements worth 3
    1. Finish the Fall

      Finish the Fall Levels!

      100 %

  5. Block Hopper — Update #4 25 Dec '24

    4 additional achievements worth 13
    1. Present Hobbyist

      Get the first present that presents itself in the winter levels

      100 %

    2. Present Enthusiast

      Get the second present that presents itself in the winter levels.

      100 %

    3. Finish the Winter

      Finish all the winter levels!

      0 %

    4. Present Hoarder

      Get the third present that presents itself in the winter levels

      0 %