
166 achievements
  1. Chronicon: Survivors 21 Aug '24

    135 base game achievements worth 11,380
    1. Keeping Record

      Unlocked the Keep which holds the Codex

      100 %

    2. Loot!

      Opened 5 chests.

      100 %

    3. Maximum Common

      Maxed out any Common item.

      94.1 %

    4. Scrying

      Obtained 100 gold and unlocked the Scryer's tent in the basecamp (meta progression!).

      94.1 %

    5. Shiny!

      Opened a Legendary Chest.

      88.2 %

    6. Unstable Elixir

      Defeat Khelagar, The Deformed.

      88.2 %

    7. Castle Half-Time

      Survived half the Castle Garden map.

      88.2 %

    8. One Small Step

      Unlocked any node in the Scryer Tree.

      88.2 %

    9. Tome of Knowledge

      Reached level 10.

      88.2 %

    10. Vengeful Ghost

      Died 5 times.

      88.2 %

    11. Catacombs Unlocked!

      Survived 15 minutes on the Castle Garden map, unlocking the Catacombs map.

      82.3 %

    12. Gold!

      Collected 500 gold.

      82.3 %

    13. Nine Lives

      Healed for 900 health in a single run.

      82.3 %

    14. Dashing

      Dashed 50 times in a single run.

      82.3 %

    15. Maximum Rare

      Maxed out any Rare item.

      76.4 %

    16. Kleptomaniac

      Took 50 items in a single run.

      76.4 %

    17. Hatecrown

      Defeat Weyrick, The Skeleton King.

      76.4 %

    18. Ranger


      76.4 %

    19. Vengeful Ghost Leveler

      Reached Level 10 as Vengeful Ghost.

      76.4 %

    20. Boots of Cataclysm

      Found the Boots of Cataclysm by the door.

      70.5 %

    21. Foul Potion

      Defeat Mundus, The Foul.

      70.5 %

    22. Event: Shady Dealer

      Completed the Shady Dealer event.

      70.5 %

    23. Catacombs Half-Time

      Survived half the Catacombs map.

      70.5 %

    24. Gardening

      Survived the Castle Garden map until the end.

      70.5 %

    25. Event: Corpse Sludge

      Completed the Corpse Sludge event.

      70.5 %

    26. Maximum Damage

      Dealt 50 or more damage with a single hit.

      64.7 %

    27. Event: Gold Slime

      Complete the Gold Slime event.

      64.7 %

    28. Fully Powered Up

      Took 50 Powerups in a single run.

      64.7 %

    29. Money Maker

      Gained 500 Gold in a single run.

      64.7 %

    30. Ranger Leveler

      Reached Level 10 as Ranger.

      64.7 %

    31. Vengeful Ghost Survivor

      Survived as Vengeful Ghost.

      64.7 %

    32. Event: Experience Slime

      Completed the Experience Slime event.

      58.8 %

    33. Uneventful

      Failed 10 events.

      58.8 %

    34. Event: Loot Slime

      Completed the Loot Slime Event.

      58.8 %

    35. Maximum Epic

      Maxed out any Epic item.

      58.8 %

    36. Quick Cleanup

      Completed the Corpse Sludge event in 1 minute or less.

      58.8 %

    37. Stormcaller Leveler

      Reached Level 10 as Stormcaller.

      52.9 %

    38. Master

      Unlocked any Mastery in the Scryer Tree.

      52.9 %

    39. Ancient Forest Unlocked!

      Survived 15 minutes on the Catacombs map, unlocking the Ancient Forest map.

      52.9 %

    40. Legend

      Opened 5 Legendary Chests in a single run.

      52.9 %

    41. Frostblitz

      Defeat Caecus Dolo, The High Priest.

      52.9 %

    42. Death Dashers

      Dashed 300 times.

      52.9 %

    43. All the Loot!

      Opened 300 chests.

      52.9 %

    44. Like a Boss

      Killed any Boss in 30 seconds or less.

      52.9 %

    45. Champion's Crown

      Defeated 10 Bosses of any kind.

      52.9 %

    46. Thorn Snare

      Dealt 1,000 Thorns damage.

      52.9 %

    47. No Vampires Down Here

      Survived the Catacombs map until the end.

      52.9 %

    48. Ancient Forest Half-Time

      Survived half the Ancient Forest map.

      52.9 %

    49. Beast Claw

      Defeat Bark, The Ancient Beast.

      52.9 %

    50. Bramble Growth

      Completed the Gardener event.

      47.0 %

    51. Killing Spree

      Killed 15,000 enemies in a single run.

      47.0 %

    52. Healed

      Healed 10,000 Health.

      47.0 %

    53. Maximum Level

      Reached Level 20!

      47.0 %

    54. Footman Leveler

      Reached Level 10 as Footman.

      47.0 %

    55. Critical!

      Dealt 100 or more damage with a single critical hit.

      47.0 %

    56. Pay To Win

      Unlocked any Item in the Scryer Tree.

      47.0 %

    57. Frozen Tundra Unlocked!

      Survived 15 minutes on the Ancient Forest map, unlocking the Frozen Tundra map.

      47.0 %

    58. Storm Rod

      Defeat Oakstorm, The Archdruid.

      47.0 %

    59. War Maiden Leveler

      Reached Level 10 as War Maiden.

      41.1 %

    60. Perky

      Unlocked any Perk in the Scryer Tree.

      41.1 %

    61. I Am Become Death

      Killed 100,000 enemies.

      41.1 %

    62. Speed Gardening

      Completed the Gardener event in 1 minute or less.

      41.1 %

    63. Ranger Survivor

      Survived as Ranger.

      41.1 %

    64. Banished

      Unlocked a Banish Token in the Scryer Tree.

      41.1 %

    65. Wizard

      Wore the Wizard Hat, Enchanted Lantern, and Frostblitz items at max rank at the same time.

      41.1 %

    66. Frozen Clock

      Defeat Yetigo, The Frost Beast.

      41.1 %

    67. Frozen Tundra Half-Time

      Survived half the Frozen Tundra map.

      41.1 %

    68. The Oasis Unlocked!

      Survived 15 minutes on the Frozen Tundra map, unlocking the Oasis map.

      41.1 %

    69. Wyrmslayer

      Defeat Ormur, The Great Wyrm.

      41.1 %

    70. Footman Survivor

      Survived as Footman.

      41.1 %

    71. Frost Beast

      Completed the Frozen Egg event.

      41.1 %

    72. Survivor & Chill

      Survived the Frozen Tundra map until the end.

      41.1 %

    73. Stormcaller Survivor

      Survived as Stormcaller.

      35.2 %

    74. Mercenary

      Spent 5,000 Gold in the Scryer.

      35.2 %

    75. Favoritism

      Picked up any item 100 times.

      35.2 %

    76. More Gold!

      Collected 5,000 Gold.

      35.2 %

    77. Forest Stroll

      Survived the Ancient Forest map until the end.

      35.2 %

    78. Skull Ring

      Found the Skull Ring in a dark corner.

      35.2 %

    79. Thorny

      Dealt 1,000 Thorns damage in a single run.

      35.2 %

    80. Runed Bracer

      Defeat Gneiss, The Ancient Golem.

      35.2 %

    81. Oasis Half-Time

      Survived half the Oasis map.

      35.2 %

    82. Wizard Leveler

      Reached Level 10 as Wizard.

      35.2 %

    83. Dancing Blade

      Completed the Sandstorm event.

      35.2 %

    84. Depths of Hell Unlocked!

      Survived 15 minutes on The Oasis map, unlocking the Depths of Hell map.

      35.2 %

    85. Bonerang

      Defeat Zub, The Bone Shaman.

      35.2 %

    86. Sunny Vacation

      Survived the Oasis map until the end.

      35.2 %

    87. Nomad

      Completed the Sandstorm event without seeking shelter.

      35.2 %

    88. Mummy!

      Killed 1,000 Mummies during the Sandstorm event.

      35.2 %

    89. War Maiden Survivor

      Survived as War Maiden.

      29.4 %

    90. Shroomycide

      Killed 1,000 Shroombois during the Big Shroom event.

      29.4 %

    91. Powered Up

      Picked up 1,000 Powerups.

      29.4 %

    92. Bouncing Boulder

      Found the Bouncing Boulder in a cave.

      29.4 %

    93. All the Gold!

      Collected 10,000 Gold.

      29.4 %

    94. Gun Bot

      Defeat Fizzbang, The Demolitionist.

      29.4 %

    95. Depths of Hell Half-Time

      Survived half the Depths of Hell map.

      29.4 %

    96. Hellcome

      Survived the Depths of Hell map.

      29.4 %

    97. Evil Eye

      Defeat The Beast Below.

      29.4 %

    98. Wizard Survivor

      Survived as Wizard.

      29.4 %

    99. Survivor

      Survived all the maps. Well done!

      29.4 %

    100. Flame Orb

      Completed the Flame Orb event.

      29.4 %

    101. Fungimancer

      Completed the Big Shroom event successfully.

      23.5 %

    102. Mercenary Leveler

      Reached Level 10 as Mercenary.

      23.5 %

    103. Sentry Turret

      Found the Sentry Turret in a washed up crate.

      23.5 %

    104. Hail

      Found the Hail in a cold lake.

      23.5 %

    105. King Slime

      Completed 25 Slime events.

      23.5 %

    106. Mercenary Survivor

      Survived as Mercenary.

      23.5 %

    107. Killbot

      Found all the parts.

      23.5 %

    108. Nomad Leveler

      Reached Level 10 as Nomad.

      23.5 %

    109. Complete Roster

      Unlocked all the characters.

      23.5 %

    110. Nomad Survivor

      Survived as Nomad.

      23.5 %

    111. Healthy

      Have 200 or more health.

      17.6 %

    112. Fungimancer Leveler

      Reached Level 10 as Fungimancer.

      17.6 %

    113. Enhanced Soldier

      As the Footman, wore the Foul Potion, Adrenaline Injector, and Knight's Armor at max rank at the same time.

      17.6 %

    114. Can't Touch This!

      Evaded 100 times in a single run.

      17.6 %

    115. Journey

      Unlocked 100 or more nodes in the Scryer Tree.

      17.6 %

    116. Killbot Leveler

      Reached Level 10 as Killbot.

      17.6 %

    117. Orbed

      Wore the Amulet of Lightning, Frost Blitz, and Flame Orb at the same time.

      17.6 %

    118. Fungimancer Survivor

      Survived as Fungimancer.

      17.6 %

    119. Killbot Survivor

      Survived as Killbot.

      17.6 %

    120. Eggy

      Picked up the Frozen Egg but never thawed it and survived the run.

      17.6 %

    121. I Like It Hot

      Started and completed the Flame Orb event with a Boss active.

      17.6 %

    122. Sniper

      As the Ranger, wore the Beast Claw, Cool Goggles, and Nitro at max rank at the same time.

      11.7 %

    123. Spectral Vengeance

      As the Vengeful Ghost, wore the Shifting Cloak, Death Dashers, and Frozen Clock at max rank at the same time.

      11.7 %

    124. Complete Collection Part 1

      Picked up every item that came with the 1.0 launch of the game at least once.

      11.7 %

    125. Best Deals Around

      Completed 10 Shady Dealer events.

      5.88 %

    126. Untouchable

      Survived for 5 minutes without taking any damage.

      5.88 %

    127. Part of the Team

      This achievement is hidden. Moved a Dummy to the campfire.

      5.88 %

    128. Archdruid

      As the Stormcaller, wore the Stormcaller Lightning, Storm Rod, and Amulet of Lightning at max rank at the same time.

      5.88 %

    129. Big Balls of Fire

      As the Wizard, wore the Wizard Hat, Enchanted Lantern, and Runed Bracer at max rank at the same time.

      5.88 %

    130. Big Boomies

      As the Fungimancer, wore the Enchanted Lantern, Wizard Hat, and Foul Potion at max rank at the same time.

      5.88 %

    131. Sword Bender

      As the Nomad, wore the Nomad Sword, Dancing Blade, and Runed Bracer at max rank at the same time.

      5.88 %

    132. Event Organizer

      Completed 100 events.

      5.88 %

    133. Slay Queen

      As the War Maiden, wore the Power Gem, Champion's Crown, and Runed Bracer at max rank at the same time.

      5.88 %

    134. Brutal Fighter

      As the Mercenary, wore the Brawler's Belt, Sparring Gloves, and Splinter Fist at max rank at the same time.

      5.88 %

    135. Killbot 2.0

      As the Killbot, wore the Knight's Armor, Bramble Growth, and Dragonhide at max rank at the same time.

      5.88 %

  2. Chronicon: Survivors — Update #1 28 Oct '24

    25 additional achievements worth 4,043
    1. Rolling Thunder

      Upgraded the Lightning Amulet to rank 10, unlocking the Rolling Thunder weapon.

      50 %

    2. Evil Pumpkins Mod

      Survived the Pumpkin Fields map, unlocking the Evil Pumpkins map modifier for regular maps.

      50 %

    3. Zap

      Defeated 4 bosses as the Stormcaller, unlocking the Zap weapon.

      50 %

    4. One Pumpkin Spice Latte, Please

      Killed 10,000 Evil Pumpkins.

      40 %

    5. Rude Awakening

      Awakened the Pumpkin King within 1 minute of starting the run.

      30 %

    6. Tesla

      Reached level 25.

      30 %

    7. Burning Light

      Killed 10,000 or more enemies on the Catacombs map, unlocking the Burning Light weapon.

      30 %

    8. Round 2!

      Beat any Boss and advance to the next map in Anomaly mode.

      30 %

    9. Cashing Out

      Safely returned via the Exit Portal from an Anomaly mode run.

      20 %

    10. Power Ring

      Survived any map for 20 minutes or until victory, with either the Haste or Slog map modifiers active, unlocking the Power Ring.

      20 %

    11. Chaos Embraced

      Fought 4 or more bosses at the same time in Chaos Mode.

      20 %

    12. Grace

      Survived for 30 minutes or more on any map in Endless mode, unlocking the Grace item.

      10 %

    13. Shooting Star

      Upgraded Embers to rank 10 and reached level 10 or higher as the Wizard in the same run, unlocking the Shooting Star weapon.

      10 %

    14. Health Injector

      Beat 5 or more maps in a single Anomaly run, unlocking the Health Injector.

      10 %

    15. Warden Boots

      Beat any Boss and advance to the next map within a minute of entering a map in Anomaly mode, unlocking the Warden Boots.

      10 %

    16. It Really Is Endless

      Survived for 45 minutes in Endless mode on any map.

      10 %

    17. Pump-King Pie

      Defeated the Pumpkin King within 1 minute of awakening.

      10 %

    18. Overclock

      Survived any map with 5 or more map modifiers active, unlocking the Overclock item.

      10 %

    19. Frigid Star

      Survived the Frozen Tundra map in Chaos Mode, unlocking the Frigid Star weapon.

      10 %

    20. It goes to... 5?

      Overclocked an Epic weapon to rank 5.

      10 %

    21. Hammerstorm

      Upgraded both Burning Light and Vortex Strike to max ranks while on the Depths of Hell map, unlocking the Hammerstorm weapon.

      10 %

    22. Marruu's Rose

      Upgraded both Seed Bomb and Spore Burst to max ranks while on the Ancient Forest map, unlocking the Marruu's Rose weapon.

      10 %

    23. The Snail Problem

      Survived any map and mode with the Snail map modifier active.

      10 %

    24. Complete Collection Part 2

      Picked up every item that came with the 1.1 update at least once.

      10 %

    25. Feeder

      Fed 10 or more chests to the Snail.

      10 %

  3. Chronicon: Survivors — Update #2 12 Dec '24

    6 additional achievements worth 241
    1. It's Raining Money!

      Got the Gold Burst powerup.

      100 %

    2. Nuclear Launch Detected!

      Got the Nuke powerup.

      100 %

    3. Baby It's Cold Outside

      Took 100 damage or more from the Blizzard on the Winter Arena map in a single run.

      0 %

    4. It's Christmas Time

      Survived for 25 minutes or more on the Winter Arena map.

      0 %

    5. Bad Santa

      Found a Lump of Coal.

      0 %

    6. Lump of Coal Modifier

      Held 10 Lumps of Coal at once, unlocking the Lump of Coal Modifier for all standard maps.

      0 %