
4 guides
  1. 4
    • Full House

    You need to use every single item in Double or Nothing mode in the same turn.

    The items are 9:
    Adrenaline, Beer, Burner Phone, Cigarettes, Expired Medicine, Handcuffs, Hand Saw, Inverter, Magnifying Glass.

  2. 1
    • Digita, Orava and Koni

    Pills, beer and cigarettes consumed in the same turn.

  3. 1
    • Bronze Gates

    Lose on round 3 of normal mode.

  4. 1
    • Full House

    Things you need to do to make things less luck-based:

    • Always look for high health with few shells. 4 health & 2 shells = gud. 2 health & 8 shells = bad. Always reset when getting bad luck on the first round, if you're past the first or second round of good
    • Empty the shotgun as fast as possible. Meaning, if you have a chance to dump/invert live shells, do it. It's always better to not shoot live shells at all than risking getting shot yourself. You can shoot a live only if the dealer can't for the rest of the remaining shots. Beers and Inverters are your friends.
    • Never let the dealer have a turn as much as possible. This is pretty much half of the goal of the previous tip. If you dump all of the shells or shoot all the live shells yourself, the dealer won't have a turn for himself, however if he did have one, which is likely since you can't skip most of the time, it might steal your items when it has an Adrenaline.
    • Use as few items as possible. You only use Beers or Inverters to empty the shotgun when there are 4 shells or less. You at least dump/invert one and save a live one to shoot at him.Trying to empty an 8 shell shotgun will just make you use too many items just to stay alive.
    • Prolong the round as much as possible. The ultimate goal is to use all of the items, not killing the dealer. If you have more health than the dealer and you have the ability to kill him, don't. Sacrifice and shoot yourself if you can't empty the shotgun. Killing him can just hurt your chances since winning will reset and take all of your unused items unless you're in the third round.
    • Always save Adrenalines. They won't be stolen by the dealer, and you can just get his items if you don't have what you need. They're practically joker items.
    • Always use/remove duplicates to make space.
    • Keep count of the rounds, it helps a lot. Here's a tool to help you, Roulette Helper