
80 achievements
  1. Pandora: First Contact 30 May '14

    80 achievements worth 26,672
    1. Starmaker

      Explore an observatory.

      90 %

    2. Science In Action

      Complete a project.

      88 %

    3. Trouble Incoming

      Native aliens turn aggressive.

      84.5 %

    4. If I Had A Hammer

      Add a device to a unit design.

      82 %

    5. Not The Gubernator

      Have unrest in a city.

      76.5 %

    6. Colony Expanding

      Build a second city.

      74.5 %

    7. There’s Gold In Them Thar Hills

      Reassign city territory acquisition.

      72 %

    8. Satellite Rain

      Deploy an operation.

      62 %

    9. Clever Girls

      Execute a flank attack.

      62 %

    10. We Can Rebuild Him

      Refit a unit.

      61.5 %

    11. Planned Economy

      Reassign population tasks.

      58.5 %

    12. Here Comes Skynet

      Enter the Mechanization Era.

      45.5 %

    13. Top Of The World, Ma

      Attain maximum rank with a unit.

      41.5 %

    14. Turn Around, Bright Eyes

      Convert a native alien to your side.

      40.5 %

    15. If You Want Peace ...

      Declare war on another faction.

      36.5 %

    16. There Is No Spoon

      Enter the Transcendence Era.

      26 %

    17. Sir, Yes, Sir!

      Promote 5 or more units with a single Field Training operation.

      24.5 %

    18. Circumnavigation

      Explore the whole planet.

      24.5 %

    19. Kinetic Bombardment

      Damage 3 or more units with a single operation.

      23.5 %

    20. Friends Like These

      Forge an alliance with another faction.

      22 %

    21. The Choke's On You

      Build a Fort on a choke point.

      22 %

    22. I Am Become Death, Destroyer of Worlds

      Build a nuclear launch center.

      19 %

    23. Nu Dillydale

      Develop a city with more than 10 morale.

      19 %

    24. The Constant Gardinier

      As Vivian Gardinier, produce or refit a unit with the Deadlock Elusion Field device.

      18 %

    25. Limit Break

      Kill an Aspidoch.

      17 %

    26. A New Earth

      Kill all native aliens on Pandora.

      17 %

    27. On The Trading Floor

      Use the planetary market.

      16 %

    28. Farm Belt

      Develop a city to produce more than 100 food per turn.

      16 %

    29. Progress Waits For No One

      As Alpheus Schreiber, explore 4 ruins before turn 24.

      15.5 %

    30. CERN Around, Bright Eyes

      Develop a city with more than 100 research per turn.

      15 %

    31. Back To Earth

      Eliminate a faction from Pandora.

      14 %

    32. Money Talks

      Win an economic victory.

      14 %

    33. Staring Into The Abyss

      Build a black hole generator.

      13.5 %

    34. Nu Eldorado

      Develop a city to produce more than 100 minerals per turn.

      13 %

    35. Fishing With Dynamite

      Sink a Transport with a Bombardment operation.

      11.5 %

    36. The Bellboy

      Change ground elevation.

      11 %

    37. Metropolis

      Develop a city with more than 100 production per turn.

      11 %

    38. God Bless The NHS

      Build or refit a trooper with the Healing and Universal Maintenance device.

      11 %

    39. No Points For Neutrality

      Win a military victory.

      11 %

    40. EVA-01

      Build a Titan Mech.

      10 %

    41. Another Glorious Day In The Corps

      As James Heid, clear a hive before native aliens turn aggressive.

      9.5 %

    42. True Friends Stab You In The Front

      Finish a multiplayer game.

      9.5 %

    43. Singin' in the Rain

      Use a Spitter unit against a Hive.

      9 %

    44. Rolled The Dice

      Start a game on random alien aggression, difficulty, world size and shape.

      8.5 %

    45. The Orni’s Reporting Wormsign

      Build or refit an aircraft with the Sonic Environment Evaluation device.

      8 %

    46. Razing The Stakes

      Destroy an enemy city.

      8 %

    47. Glass Cannon

      Build or refit an artillery tank with the Assault Tactics Tweaker device and no armor.

      8 %

    48. The Bigger They Are

      Win a game on a large size world or larger.

      8 %

    49. All The Nobels

      Win a research victory.

      7.5 %

    50. Hey, Big Spender

      Purchase 200 production items.

      7.5 %

    51. Mini-Me

      As Yun Xi, produce a Replicant Factory building.

      7 %

    52. It Belongs In A Museum!

      Explore 100 ruins.

      6.5 %

    53. Standard Boring Triumph

      Win a game on a medium size world.

      6.5 %

    54. For Great Science!

      Win a game with Togra University.

      6.5 %

    55. Royal Rumble

      Start a multiplayer game with the drop-in option enabled.

      6 %

    56. Only Zerglings Go To Heaven

      As Lilith Vermillion, produce 5 troopers before turn 18.

      5.5 %

    57. No Man Is An Island

      Convert an Aspidoch to your side.

      5 %

    58. Closed The Box

      Win a game on medium difficulty or higher.

      5 %

    59. Little Big Victory

      Win a game on a small size world or smaller.

      5 %

    60. Another Green World

      Win a game with Terra Salvum.

      5 %

    61. The Gentle Giant

      Convert a Leviathan to your side.

      4.5 %

    62. The Big Bug Hunter

      Win without losing any units to aliens on medium alien aggression or higher.

      4.5 %

    63. Mercenary Kings

      Win a game with Imperium.

      4 %

    64. The Rule Of One

      Win a game with Solar Dynasty.

      4 %

    65. Stayin’ Alive

      Win a multiplayer game.

      4 %

    66. Time For The IPO

      Win a game with Noxium Corporation.

      4 %

    67. Master Of All Trades

      Achieve every victory type.

      4 %

    68. Wealth Over Work

      Accumulate 1.000.000 credits across any number of playthroughs.

      4 %

    69. The Promised Land

      Win a game with Divine Ascension.

      3.5 %

    70. Welcome To The Jungle

      Win a game on high alien aggression or higher.

      3.5 %

    71. Just An Obstacle

      Win a game on very high alien aggression.

      3.5 %

    72. The Ultimate Survivalist

      Win without losing any units to aliens on very high alien aggression.

      3.5 %

    73. Calculated Move

      As Eric Preston, forge an alliance with James Heid.

      3 %

    74. Master of Pandora

      Win a game on hard difficulty or higher.

      3 %

    75. I Survived Pandora And All I Got Was This Achievement

      Win a game on very hard difficulty and very high alien aggression.

      3 %

    76. The Rok

      Win a game on very hard difficulty.

      3 %

    77. 2.5 %

    78. Siege Centurion

      Capture 100 enemy cities.

      2.5 %

    79. Unlocked Secret Level

      Win a game with every faction.

      2.5 %