
46 achievements
  1. Sir Fallen 1 Apr '24

    31 base game achievements worth 10,011
    1. Do you even lift?

      This achievement is hidden. Use the upper training slope to start your run.

      77.7 %

    2. Jumper!

      Jump 1000 times

      55.5 %

    3. Ouch! Who put that there?

      Land on spikes 100 times

      55.5 %

    4. Where'd all my eggs go?

      Find your basket.

      44.4 %

    5. Runner's Club

      Walk a mile

      44.4 %

    6. Hell Castle

      This achievement is hidden. Reach Hell Castle.

      44.4 %

    7. Wolf Tower

      This achievement is hidden. Visit Wolf Tower

      44.4 %

    8. Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

      Land on a slope 100 times

      33.3 %

    9. Holy Feet

      Land on spikes 500 times

      33.3 %

    10. The spaceman says

      This achievement is hidden. Fly into space.

      33.3 %

    11. Found Him

      Beat the game once on any mode

      33.3 %

    12. 3,600,000 Milliseconds

      Finish a run in 1 hour or less.

      33.3 %

    13. Early Adopter

      Beat the Sir Fallen demo or beat L-2 Demo Days

      22.2 %

    14. Up and over

      This achievement is hidden. Bounce over the top of Arcane Tower

      22.2 %

    15. Slip and Slide

      Land on a slope 500 times

      22.2 %

    16. High Jumper

      Jump 25,000 times

      22.2 %

    17. BANANAS!!!

      This achievement is hidden. Find the bananas

      22.2 %

    18. Half Hour Special

      Finish a run in 30 minutes or less.

      22.2 %

    19. The Flash

      Finish a run in 15 minutes or less.

      22.2 %

    20. How do I get down?

      This achievement is hidden. Find the observatory room.

      11.1 %

    21. Know where your towel is

      Find your mislaid towel.

      11.1 %

    22. You are king!

      This achievement is hidden. Find the sword in the stone

      11.1 %

    23. Mini-Marathon

      Walk a half marathon

      11.1 %

    24. Swiss Cheese

      Land on spikes 5000 times

      11.1 %

    25. Thorny Reputation

      Find the white rose.

      11.1 %

    26. Bionic Legs

      Jump 100,000 times

      11.1 %

    27. Marathon Runner

      52,427 steps taken

      11.1 %

    28. Sir, I've fallen

      Land on a slope 5000 times

      11.1 %

    29. Bump, Set, NO!

      Make it to the top without hitting a spike.

      0 %

    30. Grand Old Flag

      Activate 34 different flags in a single run.

      0 %

    31. Perfect picnic place in space

      This achievement is hidden. Set up the picnic.

      0 %

  2. Sir Fallen — Update #1 20 Jul '24

    15 additional achievements worth 38
    1. Arcade 1

      Found the first arcade!

      100 %

    2. Arcade 2

      Second level found!

      0 %

    3. Silver Bells!

      Its not even christmas

      0 %

    4. Lower Door Unlocked

      Permanently unlocked the lower door

      0 %

    5. Gold Bell

      Ring the golden bell

      0 %

    6. Hidden Bronze

      Ring throughout the universe

      0 %

    7. I'm Boiling!

      Enter the lava castle for the first time

      0 %

    8. Why?

      Why is this here?

      0 %

    9. Arcade 3

      You are quiet the collector!

      0 %

    10. Arcade 4

      Icy tundra time!

      0 %

    11. Recover the Phoenixheart

      Beat Shadows of the Phoenixheart

      0 %

    12. Covered in sand

      Found the backdoor to the sand castle

      0 %

    13. Super Speed

      Finish Shadows of the Phoenixheart in less than 15 minutes

      0 %

    14. Sir Fallen the Anime

      Beat Shadows of the Phoenixheart in the time it takes to watch an anime episode

      0 %

    15. Arcade 5

      The final boss

      0 %