
29 guides
  1. 3
    • Investment Banking

    The 'Investment Banking' achievement requires you to put a city under siege. In order to do this, target a city you want to conquer and start a war with its owner's leader. Now it's a case of surrounding the targeted city with your military units so that your army establishes a 'zone of control' around the city, making it so that there's no passable tiles into/out of the targeted city. You'll know that the city is under siege when a small icon in the shape of a heart (with a line through it) appears above the target city, much like in the screenshot below:


    As soon as you see this icon, the achievement will unlock.

  2. 1
    • I'll melt with you

    Very easily done. Set up a new game with only 'Score Victory' checked as a victory condition. Set Limit Turns to "Custom" and Max Turns set to "1". Make sure that Apocalyse Mode is ticked under Game Modes. All other settings can be left as default.

    I'll melt with you setup

  3. 1
    • A Case for War

    At some point, you'll probably go to war with another civilization. If you move one of your military units into another civilization's territory, or into one of their military units, you'll be prompted about whether you want to proceed with a Surprise War. Doing so will accumulate grievance points which other civilization will take note of. Whilst this is fine if you're aiming for a domination victory, this will make winning via other victory conditions a little harder, especially on tougher difficulties.

    Instead, if you denounce the civilization you want to attack first (by clicking on one of their cities and selecting "Denounce") and then wait 5 turns. After the 5 turns have elapsed, select 'Casus Belli' and then "Declare Formal War" from the Intel Report screen. This will then unlock the 'A Case for War' achievement.

  4. 1
    • Naming Rights

    If one of your units earns enough XP (experience points) by attacking cities and units, they earn a promotion. Promotions vary with each unit, but the majority of these promotions will make your units stronger. If one of your units earns two promotions they'll earn the right to be renamed. Clicking on the feather and selecting a name will unlock the 'Naming Rights achievement.


  5. 1
    • Gift From the Storm God

    City-states appear randomly when you start a new game. Keep this in mind when going for the 'Gift from the Storm God' achievement as you'll require the Hattusa city-state.

    If you start a new game (Starting era: Information; Speed: Online) and "Satellite rush" (build a Spaceport district and then Launch Earth Satellite from the city build menu), this will expose the entirety of the map which will reveal all of the city-states in the game.

    If Hatussa is located, send as many envoys to it as possible so that you become the suzerain. Hattusa's suzerain bonus will provide you with 1 copy of each strategic resource you have revealed but do not own, thus unlocking the achievement.

  6. 1
    • 100th Anniversary

    To get this you need to recruit two Environmentalists, with religion points.
    Then, having the right Civic Technology, create two national parks in both the Crater Lake and the Yosemite World Wonders.

    Yes, the achievement line is kinda misleading, you can have two national parks.. the problem here is to find a map that has both Wonders in it.

    The one I like is to create a Large or Huge map in the Information Era, quicksave on the first turn, found a city then delete all units.

    Create a spaceport and then go for the Earth Satellite. Skip Turns until its done then look around the map for the wonders you need.

    If you found them, great! Reload the quicksave and start building.

    Just so you know, you dont have to claim them in the same turn.

    Map Seed: -51290197
    Sea Level Low
    Teddy vs Cleopatra

  7. 1
    • Pizza Party!

    I did it with Online speed vs 1 AI in a Large map religion focused on Chieftain.

    Just remember that all great persons you need for this are in the Renaissance era but there are 4 different Renaissance artists and the order they appear are random.

    What I did is that I saved around 1500 religion and bought the first one (lets say, Donatello) and with luck, the next one will be Mike.

    You can also do Theater projects to speed up your great artists points, the +2 G.artist point per turn policy help, as well as anything you can do to rack up those religion points so you can buy the artists rlly quick.

  8. 1
    • Overclocked Conviction

    To earn this one, you need 7 cities within 6 hex of where you build Jebel Barkal, the achievement will unlock at the start of the next turn after you build the last city.

    Now, when counting, dont count the hex the wonder is in. Its Six Hex outwards.

    You need a desert hill tile to build this, I used a map with lot of desert so I could have my capital nearby, build Petra really quick and then this one.

    Remember that you cannot build cities within 3 hexes of each other and plan accordingly.

  9. 1
    • Greatest Is As Greatest Does

    A very easy achievo, as Alexander, create a city with both the Great Lighthouse (Science) and Great Library (Civics), this must be in a town NOT in your capital.

    Its recommended to start in Ancient era with an easy difficulty mode.

    The town must have at least 2 adjacent coast squares (one for a harbor district and the other for the Lighthouse) The town itself can be inland, but it must own two adjacent coast squares.

    Once you have both wonders in town, surround the town with a siege unit (a catapult) and a couple of other units.

    GIFT the town to an opponent then start a war, get your city back by using your units to capture it, Achievement done 😃

  10. 0
    • If You Build It, They Will Come

    With your builders, you can use their charges to build tile improvements, such as farms, mines, quarries, plantations, camps, pastures, fishing boats, lumber mills, forts, airstrips, seaside resorts, oil wells, missile silos and oil refineries. Each builder starts with three charges (not including leader abilities, wonders or governor abilities), so you'll need two builders in order to improve the six tiles required for this achivement.

  11. 0
    • A Revolution Without Dancing

    By default you'll start under the Chiefdom government. As soon as you've researched the Political Philosophy civic, you'll have the option to change your government to either Autocracy, Classical Republic or Oligarchy - selecting either one will earn you the 'A Revolution Without Dancing' achievement.

    The quickest route to researching Political Philosophy is as follows:

    Code of Laws > Foreign Trade > Craftsmanship > Early Empire > State Workforce > Political Philosophy

  12. 0
    • New Orleans Style Spanish Rice

    In order to become the suzerain of a city-state, you'll need to earn envoys. Envoys are earned through the accumulation of influence which can be earned a number of ways:


    • Chiefdom gains 1 influence point per turn where 100 will earn you one envoy.
    • Autocracy, Classical Republic or Oligarchy gain 3 influence points per turn where 100 will earn you 1 envoy.
    • Monarchy, Theocracy or Merchant Republic gain 5 influence points per turn where 150 will earn you 2 envoys.
    • Democracy, Fascism or Communism gain 7 influence points per turn where 200 will earn you 3 envoys.


    Each city-state will hand out quests for you to complete either upon first meeting them or during a change of era. Completing any of the following quests will earn you an extra envoy:

    • Train a certain unit.
    • Construct a certain district.
    • Trigger a Eureka for a certain tech.
    • Trigger an Inspiration for a certain civic.
    • Recruit a certain type of Great Person.
    • Convert the city-state to your religion.
    • Send a Trade Route to the city-state.
    • Destroy a Barbarian Outpost within 5 tiles of the city-state.

    Given that no other civilization has become the suzerain of a city-state, you'll only need to invest three envoys to become the suzerain and gain the achievement.

  13. 0
    • Escort Service

    The 'Escort Service' achievement requires you to link two units together, so that they share movement. Simply move a military unit onto the same tile as a civilian unit (Settler or a Builder) and click on the link button. This will also work when linking a military unit and a siege unit (Battering Ram or Siege Tower):


  14. 0
    • Everything is Awesome!!!

    Amenities are new to Civ 6 and replace the Happiness mechanic from Civ 5. The number of amenities your cities have dictate how happy your citizens are. The number of amenities required in your cities is determined by the city's population. In order for your city to be classed as ecstatic, you'll need +3 amenities. In order to calculate how many amenities you city requires for it to be classed as happy, the first two citizens do not require any amenities, the third citizen requires 1 and then for every 2 citizens you have after this require 1 amenity. In the screenshot below, the population for Sparta is 5, so it'd require 2 amenities to be classed as happy. As it has 5 amenities, it has +3 and it's status is classed as ecstatic.


    There are several ways to earn amenities:

    • Luxury resources
    • Entertainment districts and buildings
    • Policy cards
    • Governments
    • Great people
    • Religion
    • National parks

    Luxury resources are the best and quickest way to earn amenities. If you happen to settle near any, be sure to have your builders improve them.

  15. 0
    • Voyage of the Mayflower

    The 'Voyage of the Mayflower' achievement asks that you found of conquer a city on a different continent. If you click on the Lenses button (above the minimap) and select the Continent radio button, the map will display the different continents in your game. The continents are colour-coded to help differentiate between them, like in the screenshot below.


    It's probably a little easier to build a Settler unit and found a city on a different continent to your capital, but conquering a city works just as well. Once settled, the achievement should unlock.

  16. 0
    • Land Party

    If you're feeling particularly brave, you can earn this achievement for playing a multiplayer game. However, you can earn this by yourself by simply starting a hotseat game and the achievement will unlock upon loading said game.

  17. 0
    • Claim the Fourth Cataract

    This is easier than you might think.

    Start an Earth map with only you and Nubia on an easy difficulty.

    Nubia's capital will start like 6 hexes away from yours, buy the land between you quickly to stunt their growth.
    It is important to buy a hex 2 hexes away from their capital so you can build an encampment there.

    Focus on buying the city-state nearby and get your small army ready to fight.
    Build a Catapult and put it in your encampment, the catapult will be able to wail on the city safely once the fight starts.

    If she hasnt condemned you, go ahead and condemn her for some reason and start a formal war afterwards, you have 10 turns to wipe her out.

    You can also double dip this and do the achievement for building a Sphinx and the pyramids on floodplains since Egypt starts close to those too.

  18. 0
    • Seven Wonders of the Post-Apocalyptic World

    An easy strategt for this:
    Build 7 wonders in your city.
    Get a Thermonuclear Nuke which has 2 Hex radius.
    Launch the nuke from a sub or a bomber.

    Lots of wonders have terrain prerequisites, plan accoridngly.

  19. 0
    • Wat is Love

    Just to clarify, its not building a Wat in a city with the Angkor Wat wonder, its building a Wat and the wonder in the Khmer city NAMED Angkor Wat.

  20. 0
    • Even Our Castles Have Castles

    To be able to build Alcazar improvements, you need to be the Suzerain of Granada.
    To build Alhambra, you need to have a Hill next to an Encampment District.

  21. 0
    • Raid Healer

    Just a quick reminder that you need to make an enemy attack your Guru, since for this achievement you need the Guru plus 6 other units around him, all wounded.

    A guru cannot initiate combat, so you have to get him close and bait your enemy.

  22. 0
    • Give Peace a Chance

    I did this one with an Online speed huge island map with 9+mine civs. It is very important to make sure all the major civs get their prophets before the Industrial era or else they wont be able to found religions, so probably an Ancient Era start is preferred.

    You can motivate the AI to get prophets by making religious victory one of the few options or the only one.

  23. 0
    • Loire Valley

    With Catherine de Medici, you could start the game in Renaissance or Industrial era so the Châteaux tile improvement is available with the Humanism civic.

    Here is a map seed you can use to attempt and start near river with a Wine resource:

    Map Seed : -445092328

    Game Seed: -445092329

  24. 0
    • 12 Olympians

    Play as Gorgo

    Settler Difficulty

    Pangea Map

    Tiny Size

    All other settings default

    To reach 12 Policy Slots you need to stack bonus government policy slots which is primarily done with Wonders that you can build (and one Great Merchant) and reach the Modern Era governments. You need 3 of the 5 following bonus slots:

    1 - Alhambra (+1 Military policy slot), Castles technology. Must be built on Hills adjacent to an Encampment district.

    2 - Forbidden City (+1 Wildcard policy slot), Printing technology. Must be built on flat land adjacent to the City Center.

    3 - Potala Palace (+1 Diplomatic policy slot), Astronomy technology. Must be built on a Hill adjacent to a Mountain.

    4 - Big Ben (+1 Economic policy slot), Economics technology. Must be built next to a River adjacent to a Commercial Hub district with a Bank.

    5 - Adam Smith (+1 Economic policy slot), Industrial era Great Merchant.

    Settle cities that will be able to make the above wonders and build those wonders as soon as you can. Tiny map size allows for some useful City States without having too many players competing for Wonder production. Some Great Engineers will rush Wonder production so keep an eye out for them. Total math: Greece +1 slot, Modern Era government +8 slots, +3 from Wonders or Adam Smith.

  25. 0
    • Katsu!

    You can unlock all "Win a regular game as X" via Hotseat Multiplayer mode and its really easy.

    You only need to have Player 1 be the leader you want to unlock, in this case, Hojo.

    Set Player 2 as a human, random leader, doesnt matter.

    Make sure you have the default Domination Victory enabled.

    P1 Starts turns, found a city, moves the warrior.

    P2 Deletes his settler, P1 wins! Achievement unlocked.


    Set the leader you want to achievement unlock as P2 instead and a Random one in P1.

    P1 deletes his settler, next player.

    P2 found a city, P2 wins.

    Cheesy Peasy Easy.

  26. 0
    • Midnight Oil

    Because to see Oil as a resource, you need the Combustion tech, you might not have Oil inside your territories by the time you research the tech to see it.

    Prepare for this by either settling cities in deserts or leaving a settler in order to settle a city near Oil once you see it, I strongly suggest having saves at turn 40 and turn 50.

    You will get your last settler after turn 40 or so, if I can remember correctly.

    Once you locate the Oil, return to an early save and settle a city near it, wait for the last turn and use your prospector.


  27. 0
    • Frenemy

    1)Frist find a civilization that you can ally with, must be friendly to you.

    2)Settle near their border but leave small enough space so they settle near your border (you can leave a luxury resource as bait), it must be a bit away from their capital, the idea is to have 2 or 3 big cities in the border when they newly settle near you (maybe because there is no more space in the contient, best done on a tiny or duel map).

    3)Buy all their surrounding land so they have as small as space as possible, you want to limit their population growth.

    4)Use spies to make unrest, if you did it right, its citizen pressure should be really low because of their small population versus your nearby big cities.

    5)You can also use spies to neutralize their governor bonuses, use the loyalty lense (map option) to check their loyalty per turn, it should be negative.

    6)Once their city rebels, ally with the civ and send troops to surround the city, you want to prevent your ally from retaking it, dont capture it for yourself though! Your big cities should pressure the little rebel city to join your civ in a few turns, just wait it out.

    Check the loyalty lense to see if your cities are rpessuring the rebel city alright and when it switches over to your side, if you are allied with the civ that founded the city, when you decide to keep the city, you should unlock this 😃

  28. 0
    • Airing Your Grievances

    When you have more than 16 diplomatic victory points, the world congress will have a resolution to remove or add victory points from "A player".

    Simply vote to reduce your own victory points and this achievement should unlock.

  29. 0
    • One does not simply walk into Ngauruhoe

    Volcanoes names are pulled from a list and they get generated randomly when being discovered, this means the name is different depending on the civilization you are playing as and the turn you discover the volano, so for example, you could discover volcano Z on turn 10 but if you reload and ignore the tile and go discover it on turn 15, the name will change to volcano Y.

    Anyway, as Kupe, start a huge Primordial map game on Medieval Era with only one opponent and no city states on Online speed.

    Settle your first two cities and maybe make two more so you can start churning out Toa units.
    Delete all other military units, you dont want them scouting, only your Toas should be auto-exploring.

    Do NOT research Apprenticeship or you wont be able to build Toas anymore.
    For policies, +50% production for melee units, -1 gold to unit maintenance costs, new builders have 2 extra actions and build encampments and markets for extra production.

    Now you wait, just keep cranking out Toas and setting them to autoexplore and eventually you'll find enough volcanoes that the name Ngauruhoe will come out, I got it on my 8th discovered volano.

    Good luck!