
21 achievements
  1. Chupacabra Hunt 3 Sep '24

    21 achievements worth 7,297
    1. Mutant wolf

      Kill 1 mutant wolf.

      100 %

    2. What is that?

      Kill 1 mutant rat.

      100 %

    3. Giant spider!

      Kill 1 mutant spider.

      100 %

    4. Wolf killer

      Kill 5 mutant wolves.

      100 %

    5. Big hunt

      Kill 1 mutant bear.

      100 %

    6. Healing

      Use a healing syringe.

      66.6 %

    7. Wolf hunter

      Kill 10 mutant wolves in a single game.

      66.6 %

    8. Rat killer

      Kill 5 mutant rats.

      50 %

    9. Mutant spider killer

      Kill 5 mutant spiders.

      50 %

    10. Wolf exterminator

      Kill 20 mutant wolves.

      33.3 %

    11. Mutant bear!

      Kill 5 mutant bears.

      33.3 %

    12. Chupacabra hunter

      Kill the Chupacabra on any difficulty.

      33.3 %

    13. Rat hunter

      Kill 10 mutant rats in a single game.

      16.6 %

    14. Spider hunter

      Kill 10 mutant spiders in a single game.

      16.6 %

    15. Rat exterminator

      Kill 20 mutant rats.

      16.6 %

    16. Spider exterminator

      Kill 20 mutant spiders.

      16.6 %

    17. Many bears

      Kill 20 mutant bears.

      16.6 %

    18. Professional Chupacabra hunter

      Kill the Chupacabra on hard difficulty.

      16.6 %

    19. Bear hunter

      Kill 10 mutant bears in a single game.

      16.6 %

    20. Legendary Chupacabra hunter

      Kill the Chupacabra on very hard difficulty.

      16.6 %

    21. Weapons collector

      Get all weapons.

      0 %