Boon Companion
If you are having trouble using an item on Yorrick because you use it instead, (like the fountain or the book), you can go to the options, choose Retro Commands.
This way, you can click on Use, then click on Yorrick, then click on the item.
Here is a list of items to use on Yorrick in case you dont like watching video guides.
Coin (Antechamber, under the rug, or Strong Room). [You only need one of these]
Female Skull (Grotto)
Mushroom (Wizard's Den). [Use only one on him]
Book ("Cardas' Rhymes", 12th book, bottom row, Bookcase, Library)
Water (Fountain on the wall, Landing #1, West Tower) [You can use an empty bottle on water, then use bottle with water on him]
Lit Pipe. You need two items:
Pipe (Study) [The pipe is inside the globe, you need a spell to access]
Dead Flowers (Battlement) [The flowers are in the feet of the statues]
Put the flowers in the pipe, light it with your torch, and give it to Yorick. -
Some additional notes, since the guide I read didn't mention it.
You can get this achievement over multiple playthroughs or a single playthrough even if you reload.
You have to reload when brewing the white vapor, since you know, you die...
You need a Mushroom and the Dead Flowers for the achievement Steam LinkBoon Companion [So make sure you do that one first, then reload or viceversa]
You can eat the root, kane, mushroom or bread and you wont be able to do the recipes, so dont eat them until you get this achievement.
The ice chip can be gotten by using the hammer on a stalactite in the ice elemental room, you might need a couple of swings. The stalactite is hard to notice as an interactable object. The Ice chip will melt in some turns so you need to rush to the lab with it.In order for the Laboratory contraption to work, the 3rd skull must be placed at the Entrance dais. To get the 3rd skull you have to cast Placleer at the sky in the Banquet Hall (through the mural on the wall), look at the floor, and pry a tile off with the bar.
There are 5 recipes in total. For each one, you have to put the ingredients in, and then cast the Myyxx spell. A vapor will appear that you will have to USE. The recipes are:
Deep Purple Vapor (Banshee curse antidote)
Mushroom (Wizard's Den)
Flower (Well)
Snowdrop Flower (Inner Keep)White Vapor (rat transfiguration) (Steam LinkHidden Death #8)
Root (Entrance)
Horned Animal Skull (Well)
Dirty Water (Courtyard moat)Cyan Vapor (freezing essence) (see Avenger for more info)
Ice Chip (Cellar, use hammer on ice)
Horned Animal Skull (Well)
Kane (Store Room, North Tower)
Dead Flowers (Battlement, on the base of the statue)Fuchsia Vapor (sweet recipe)
Moss (Well)
Kane (Store Room, North Tower)
Bread (Strong Room, West Tower)Black Vapor (failed recipe, tastes like licorice)
any wrong combination of ingredients -
Rookie Pumpkin Hunter
Master Pumpkin Hunter
For the Dread Pumpkin Quest you need to wear the following:
Cloak (taken from the Wraith, Passage)
Hat (Music Room)
Mask (combine the two parts first)
1st part: Suit of Armour, Grand Hallway.
2nd part: Lakmir's Inner Sanctum.
and have the Broom in your inventory (found in the Mirror Room).The other items you need for the quest are:
Hooked Blade (Strong Room)
3 Candles:
Red Candle (Library).
White Candle (Library).
White Candle (Laboratory).
3 Pumpkins, located at:
Well, in the bucket.
Laboratory, under the leftmost grate.
Store Room, under the burlap cover.
5 skulls (these you can find almost everywhere).
To complete the Dread Pumpkin Quest follow these steps:Go to Landing #3, North Tower, and speak on the door for it to open.
Enter, and go through the mirror to the Pumpkin Patch.
Place the skulls on the outer circles.
Place the 3 pumpkins on the inner circles.
Carve the pumpkins with the hooked blade.
Put a candle in each pumpkin.
Light the pumpkins.
Cast Invokan. -
Seven Angry Dwarven Miners
ust a small note, in my game (Master mode) there were 2 black crystals beyond the chasm.
This means the game trolled me as I was thinking all the crystals would be mined BEFORE they were to be used.
So, in this case, there were two crystal to be mined AFTER the puzzle where you need to use the crystals.
Novice Scholar
Journeyman Scholar
Master Scholar
Along with all the storyline puzzles you need to complete to finish the game on Master mode, there are some "side" puzzles as well.
Most of the side puzzles are involved in other achievements.
I had trouble with this one until I found this Steam Linkthread that had some optional puzzles recorded.
The one I was missing was enchanting my Dirk in the study.
Thanks Xelios!
1 - Move the rock in the center of the Mirror Room [use self > rock]
2 - Enchant the dirk [heat with large fire > hit with hammer x2 > douse with water]
3 - Learn Placleer in the Library [wear glasses]
4 - Open the globe in the Study [cast Terakk]
5 - Open up third runed skull floor area in the Banquet Hall [cast Placleer > sky]
6 - Insert the third runed skull at Entrance
7 - Cure the banshee curse [white teardrop flower, seeded flower, mushroom, Myyxx]
8 - Use Lab for recipe #2 [bread, kane, fungus]
9 - Use Lab for recipe #3 [dead flowers, animal skull, ice chip, kane]
10 - Use Lab for recipe #4 [wrong combinations]
11 - Look at the individual stars in the telescope of the Observatory [use Placleer > sky]
12 - Put the torn scroll fragments together to learn Magj'ryk
13 - Answer the Djinn's riddle #1 [heated fire poker]
14 - Answer the Djinn's riddle #2 [parchment w/ map imprint from Study globe]
15 - Answer the Djinn's riddle #3 [root]
16 - Answer the Djinn's riddle #4 [bucket]
17 - Wear goblin armor to trick the goblins in the Guard Room [tunic, helm, shoulders]
18 - Light the signal fire at the Summit
19 - Defeat the goblins in the Grotto and retrieve the Black Axe [crossbow, bolt x2]
20 - Enchant the hammer [cast Magj'ryk]
21 - Double enchant the hammer at the Lava Flow in the Catacombs
22 - Find the two artifacts in the darkness in Catacombs [cast Exquish]
*23 - Fulfill all Yorick's requests (gold coin, dead flowers in pipe, female skull, mushroom, fountain at the Landing, Cardas' Rhymes book in the Library)
*24 - Sweep all the rugs with the broom, and use it on the four cobwebs in the Lab
25 - Cure the banshee curse [purple potion from Djinn]
26 - Use the hammer on the frozen Cellar walls for an ice chip*Not sure if it's considered a puzzle -
As for this one, I'm not sure the different locations of water count, its only bad tasting water, normal water and dirty water but I might be wrong.
Most of these are used in other achievements like Alchemist, Boon Companion so save before you eat them and then reload to have them available when needed.
I added some additional notes to the items in brackets, they might help you find them.
As you can see from the following list, there are more than 22 drinkable/edible items in the game. I'm not sure if duplicates count (e.g. two kanes, or two flowers), or if there is a difference between drinking water directly from its source, or drinking it through a bottle.
Root (Entrance) [Use Dirk to chop them off]
Ice chip (Cellar) [Use Hammer on icicles on ice elemental room, might need a couple of tries]
Water (Cavern Lake)
Water (Waterfall)
Water (Hideaway)
Water (Sewer)
Water (Wizard's Den)
Mushroom (x3, Wizard's Den) [You need 1 Mushroom for Yorrick and another one for Alchemy Recipe]
Mud (Courtyard) [You need to drain the moat]
Water (Courtyard) [You need the waterfall active, moat undrained]
Moss (x2, Well)
Flower (x2, Well)
Deep Purple Vapor (Laboratory)
White Vapor (Laboratory)
Cyan Vapor (Laboratory)
Fuchsia Vapor (Laboratory)
Black Vapor (Laboratory)
Dead Flowers (Battlements) [I couldnt eat these, I dont know why Orestes put these here]
White Teardrop Flower (Summit) [You need this for Purple Vapor]
Water (Landing #1, West Tower)
Purple Potion (Prison) [You can only get this one in Master Mode]
Meat (Strong Room) [You need this for Wyvern]
Bread (Strong Room) [You need this for Vapor recipe]
Kane (x2, Store Room) [You need this for Vapor recipe]
Vines (on stairs, Landing #3, South Tower)
Roots (on door, Landing #4, South Tower [If you hit the door before eating, its gone, so eat before hitting the door] -
My Note notes on getting this one:
You have to open/unlock the book THEN look to read its contents for it to count.
In the library, you need to unlock/open all books, there's like 30 books there.
You don't need to read all of the book, (as in clicking on More), just unlock, see the first page, move on.
Be careful when doing the pyromaniac achievement at the same time, read before you burn!
Some books can only be read if you have the glasses equipped (gotten from prying them off a skull with a bar, you get the skull in dragon's den)In my playthrough, It finally unlocked when I put my glasses on and read a book that was "in a strange language" that I found in the mage room in the catacombs.
Good luck!
To pray, you need to speak to the statue.
There are 8 altars in total, where you can pray. These are located at:
Alcove, Caves (Hooded Figure)
Battlement, Castle (Feare, left)
Battlement, Castle (Reliant, centre)
Battlement, Castle (Despaire, right)
Landing #4, West Tower
Landing #2, South Tower
Lava Flow, Catacombs (Goblin-like rock)
Subterrane, Upper Catacombs (Hand with trident)
Notice the three distinct figures at the Battlement. -
Most of these weapons unlock deaths for the necromancer achievement, so use them on yourself.
If you cant, use them on a door, it counts as being used.
For the guardroom items, the goblins will be suspicious if you do too many actions, grab three items, then leave, come back later to grab some more.
There are 9 unique weapons in the game. The Spear appears twice, but needs only be used once. There is a slingshot in the Antechamber, but it's not considered a weapon and really has no use. Some of the weapons can be used on yourself, and thus commit suicide (marked in bold), but not all; the rest you can use to kill goblins with! I can't be sure if the Staff of Ages counts, but if it does, its use is dictated by the story, so you don't have to get out of your path for it.
Dirk (starting weapon)
Hammer (Dragon's Nest)
Spear (Dragon's Nest)
Sword (Crypt)
Black Axe (Goblin Hole)
Crossbow & 2x Bolts (Guardroom)
Wooden Club (Guardroom)
Mace (Guardroom)
Spear (Guardroom)
Bow (Watch Tower) & Arrow (Grotto)
Staff of Ages (?)
(In the Dragon's Nest you have to leave an item behind, because if you try to take it you'll burn to a crisp. You need all the other items for the various achievements, so it's best to leave the spear here and take the one in the Guardroom). -
Master Investigator
To get this one you need access to the catacombs and the ability to extinguish your torch (and re-lit it again).
Basically, there are two rooms in the catacombs that when you enter, you feel a powerful magic entering your mind.
This is a clue telling you that the items that we are looking for are in those rooms.
One room can be found if you go down the first ladder you see in the catacombs (into a blue room).
The second room is when you go up the stairs into the brown caves where the mage room is (with broken mirror and books) its near there.
Once you are in the special room, light a candle then douse your torche.
Lighting a candle is important so you can lit your torch again after you are done.
To put out your torch:
You can use the extinguish spell (Exquish) found in the study's globe (open with Terrakk) to extinguish your torch.
You can also use an empty bottle and fill it with water (lots of water everywhere, bottles in laboratory in castle/ 1 in sewers) then use bottled water on torch.
Once its dark, an object will appear, you cant take it but for the achievement to count, you need to LOOK at it.
Once you've done this to the 2 objects, the achievement will unlock.
Novice Necromancer
In my playthrough, it wasnt unlocking for me even though I did my best to follow the list then I realized I had missed one.
It was: Keep tower: Jump off (after placating the Air Elemental)
So yeah, this is a pretty good guide for this achievement, just follow it and make a checklist out of it if you can so you dont miss one like I did and then find yourself wondering what was wrong.
In my run I did NOT do "Take too long to reach the Summoning Chamber."
So I'm sure you dont have to do that one either.
For "Open the Skull Door and don't enter, but leave." you need to try and leave the whole catacombs, not just the skull door room.
In the following list, there are 47 unique deaths, and a dozen or so falls from windows. The window jumps are not all unique, as I was on my 55th death, and the achievement hadn't popped. So try a few jumps, especially from distinct rooms, but don't really bother with all the tower windows.
Entrance: Suicide by dirk.
Entrance: Suicide by torch.
Snuffed out torch.
Alcove: Collapsed floor (try to take the book first).
Dragon's Nest: Dragon Fire (nothing equipped).
Dragon's Nest: Dragon Fire (wooden shield equipped).
Dragon's Nest: Suicide by hammer.
Dragon's Nest: Suicide by spear.
Cavern Lake: Jump in lake (drowned by monster).
Waterfall: Jump in water.
Killed by Banshee curse (fail to cure in time, or enter the Catacombs before curing).
Crypt: Suicide by sword.
Grotto: Goblin arrow.
Grotto: While climbing the cave.
Goblin Hole: Suicide by black axe (see Axe Wielder).
Footbridges: Rickety bridge.
Footbridges: Jump in chasm.
Furnace: Fire drake.
Furnace: Jump (full fire).
Furnace: Jump (quenched fire).CASTLE
Courtyard: Drown at moat (water must be flowing, before lowering the drawbridge).
Courtyard: Jump in well (no rope).
Drawbridge: Jump out the wrong window.
Grand Hallway: Goblin.
Study: Jump through window.
Study: Jump over (big) fire.
Guardroom: Goblins.
Guardroom: Yorick shrapnel. (see Avenger)
Small corridor: Goblin.
Battlement: Throw water at Lightning Elemental.
Battlement: Use Lightning Elemental on self, while wearing the cloak.
Keep tower: Jump off (after placating the Air Elemental).
Ornate Chamber: Jump in the pit.TOWERS
West tower, Landing #1: Goblins.
West tower, Landing #2 Window jump.
West tower, Landing #4: Window jump.
Strong Room: Malor Kahu (beast).
Strong Room: Window jump.
North tower, Landing #2: Window jump.
Observatory: Window jump.
North tower, Spire: Jump.
North tower, Spire: Shoot the Wyvern (with bow or crossbow).
South tower, Empty Chamber: Window jump.
South tower, Music Room: Window jump.
South tower, Landing #4: Window jump.
Lakmir's Abode: Window jump.
Lakmir's Abode, Ceiling: Golden Thorn suicide.CATACOMBS
Catacombs, Den: Gargoyles.
Catacombs, Lava Flow: Jump in lava.
Lower Catacombs, Ruins: Jump into well.
Lower Catacombs, Cavern #4: Jump in tar pit.
Upper Catacombs, Subterrane: Jump in chasm.
Upper Catacombs, Subterrane: Blasted by Talimar.
Catacombs, Chasm: Jump in chasm.
Catacombs, Skull Door: Blasted by Skull Door (by placing the Bladed Sun in the wrong place).
Catacombs, Summoning Chamber: Talk 3 times to Talimar.
Catacombs, Summoning Chamber: Destroyed by Talimar: (I don't really know which of the following count as unique since you get killed in the same way in each instance)
Take too long to reach the Summoning Chamber.
Open the Skull Door and don't enter, but leave.
Enter the Summoning Chamber and then try to leave.
Use the Staff of Ages on Talimar.
Use the Staff of Ages on the Behemoth. -
You can NOT do this in a single run, you need one run on Apprentice and another on Master.
You can get all room's torches on Apprentice (28) but you will also need the torches the Djinn gives you as you solve riddles (7).
Dont bother lighting the torches while they are in a room then reloading, just taken them with you until its time to lit them all.
To lit all torches you will need to eventually use them from your inventory.
The way to do this is to lit an unlit/new torch that is in your inventory using the torch that you have currently lit until you have no more torches on
A good place to do this on Apprentice mode is after you pick the final torches in the South Tower, make a save, lit all your torches on your inventory, reload.
A good place to do this on Master mode is after answering the Djinn's 4th riddle.
Djinn's answers are:
Red hot poker (use torch on poker)
A map using parchment from werewolf room on globe in study
Roots you cut with Dirk at the entrance in the start of the game
Bucket found in well -
Novice Tradesman
Journeyman Tradesman
Master Tradesman
One of the hardest achievements is looking at 600 different objects.
These can be from torches to tables to windows to books to doors.
Some tips on how to get this:
- There are more than 600 things to look at, maybe around 610~620, so this needs for you to look at almost everything.
- You will need to go for this on Master difficulty since some rooms and some objects that are only available in that difficulty.
- Use F2 to highlight items you can look at.
- Sometimes, two items are close together and they might seem to glow as one with F2, but when you click on it, you will notice only one of them is highlighted.
- For example, outside Lakmir's rooted room, it looks like a single rooted plant, but its actually 3 (1 on door, 1 on floor and west wall and 1 on north wall)
- Bones on the ground count individually, so does rib cages and skulls, look at them on the screen because once on your inventory they stack and you wont be able to look at them apart.
- Look at the sacks before burning them/opening them.
- Look at the keys before using them.
- Look at items before combining them and after combining them.
- Look at the goblins/monsters before vanquishing them.
Things you might miss:
The skeleton in the water has two manacles.
- Tables, the 2nd spear and the individual mugs and rat carcasses in the guard room.
- Look at each star individually through the telescope in the observatory.
- The stone behind the star chart (when you burn the star chart)
- Each grate in both the sewers (3) and in the laboratory (4).
- Each elemental when in the screen and when inside the silver orb.
- All the different boxes and barrels in the store room (need to burn tarp, look at tarp first)
- Each individual window in the study and each individual window in the towers. (Includes inside rooms)
- Look at each half of the Magj'ryk spell.
- Each book in the library.. they are more than 50 (57).
- There are two individual gears to the sides of the drawbridge in the courtyard.
- The runes for the staff puzzle that you dont need.
- Everything in the Djinn room, since its only available on Master.
For reference, I spent an hour after I finished my master run looking for items and I was missing:
- 2 barrels from the store room and 1 crate from the store room (realized I had to look under the tarp and a barrel was well hidden besides another one)
- 1 cage from the laboratory (One of the cages is small and in the back, I missed it)
- Most items in the guard room, including the chandelier (I really didnt want to be in there and got out ASAP, my bad)
- Looking at the Wyvern unlocked the achievement for me.
So yeah, its a wild hunt but with persistence and luck you can do it.
Good luck!
Another wild object hunt but this time with fire, you can only complete this on Master difficulty.
Some of my notes:
- You can quicksave, burn everything in the room, quickload.
- Torches dont count, neither the bonfires or candles.
- Scrolls and books count once, it doesnt matter if they are open or closed.
- You can only burn spell scrolls on Master difficulty.
- Remember to try and burn up plants and food you get, but always reload.
- Always burn a bag before opening it.
- You can burn up the dog carcass in the laboratory.
- You need to burn each half of the Magj'ryk spell and then the complete scroll.
- You can burn up all the banners.
- You can burn the tarp in the storeroom.
Here is a list taken from by Orestes
Antechamber: Rug*
Alcove: Scroll
Small Hall: Bag
Small Hall: Scroll
Cellar: Scroll (Aggaap spell)*
Crypt: Mummy #1
Crypt: Mummy #2
Crypt: Mummy #3
Crypt: Mummy #4
Crypt: Bag
Crypt: Scroll #1
Crypt: Scroll #2
Captive, Cavern Lake: Blindfold*
Hideaway: Scroll #1 (Myyxx spell)*
Hideaway: Scroll #2
Passage: Wraith
Sewer: Scroll (Entraiz spell)*
Wizard's Den: Scroll
Mirrors: Broom*
Grate: Scroll
Circle Chamber: ScrollCASTLE
Drawbridge: Scroll
Grand Hallway: Banner #1
Grand Hallway: Banner #2
Grand Hallway: Banner #3
Grand Hallway: Banner #4
Grand Hallway: Rug*
Library: Book #1
Library: Book #2 (left on the desk, Placleer spell)*
Library: Book #3 (right on the desk)*
Library: Book #4
Library: Book #5
Library: Scroll
Study: Scroll (Exquish spell)*
Laboratory: Spider web #1*
Laboratory: Spider web #2*
Laboratory: Spider web #3*
Laboratory: Spider web #4*
Laboratory: Carcass
Banquet Hall: Scroll
Battlement: Dead Flowers*
Watch Tower: Bag
Watch Tower: Scroll #1
Watch Tower: Scroll #2 (Flumoris spell)*
Inner Keep: Bag
Inner Keep: Scroll #1
Inner Keep: Scroll #2 (Crysalys spell)*
Inner Keep: Broken Flute
Ornate Chamber: BookTOWERS
Landing #3, West Tower: Banner
Strong Room: Parchment
Strong Room: Book
Strong Room: Bag
Strong Room: Blueprints
Strong Room: Torn Parchment (half of Magj'ryk spell)*
Landing #1, North Tower: Banner #1
Landing #1, North Tower: Banner #2
Store Room: Burlap Cover
Store Room: Bag
Store Room: Kane #1*
Store Room: Kane #2
Landing #4, North Tower: Tapestry
Observatory: Scroll (Terakk spell)*
Observatory: Book
Observatory: Star Chart
Empty Chamber: Scroll (Sparrx spell)*
Empty Chamber: Cushion #1
Empty Chamber: Cushion #2
Empty Chamber: Torn Parchment (half of Magj'ryk spell)*
Music Room: Flute*
Music Room: Music Score
Music Room: Scroll (Acensur spell)*
Inner Sanctum: Scroll #1 (Runy'tr spell)*
Inner Sanctum: Scroll #2
Inner Sanctum: Book #1
Inner Sanctum: Book #2
Repaired Parchment (Magj'ryk spell)*CATACOMBS
Tunnel #2, Catacombs: Bag
Tunnel #2, Catacombs: Scroll
Hollow #2, Upper Catacombs: Scroll
Hollow #2, Upper Catacombs: Book #1
Hollow #2, Upper Catacombs: Book #2
Hollow #2, Upper Catacombs: Book #3
Hollow #2, Upper Catacombs: Book #4
Cavern #5, Catacombs: Bag
Cavern #5, Catacombs: Scroll -