- Black Black Heart
Four pages to be found on Act 4 of Wintermute story mode:
1)In the back of a bus near the beginning of chapter 1, the bus is the 2nd one you see inside a garage.
2)On Foreman's clearcut workbench, this area is southeast from the prison, inside the trailer.
3)Inside the substation, on the desk, this area is southwest from the prison.
4}Locker #3 in the barracks inside the prison, the key is in the glovebox of a car that is inside a barn, the barn is the one marked to the south of the prison (near late employee ravine) -
0- No Half-Measures
On wintermute story mode, episode 4, chapter 3 you will need to go into a mine.
In this mine, there is a combo locked stash of the Forest Talkers, to get this achievo, you need to open it.
Its a tumbler, so any of the 3 numbers can be above 10.
to use the tumbler, move it to the right to the first number, to the left to the second then to the right to the final one.The last number of the combo can be found in a letter near where you find the elevator crank(mission item), the letter is on a crate nearby.
The next clue is in a letter found on a corpse in the area where you need to find levers to clear the toxic gas.
The letter says something about flashing lights on the 2nd floor which you can access by going to Floor 3, moving among the gas until u find another elevator to take you up.
On level 2, near the detonators, where you find the wire cutters and an X on the ground, standing on the X and looking across the cave you will see the flashing light.The last clue is on a corpse below where you find the detonators (you need to take stairs down), the note says to look at the marks on the signs leading back to the entrance of the mine. There are more than four letters.
Answer belowThe code is: 12-7-18
0- Hard Times
3 Rumours:
1)Found on the floor between the nurse's desk and a wall on the 2nd floor of the infirmary (Late Employee), this guy fell off a ravine to the south, past a barn.
2)Inside the yellow locker at the room before leaving the prison. (Aggressive Wolf)
3)Inside a truck/car near the SW substation. (Suspicious Person) -
0- Penitent Scholar
The game puts randomized skill books in important locations, since books dont decay, you can take your time finding these.
The hardest book to find is the advanced shooting book. Guns! guns! guns! which takes 25 hours to research.
I found my copy in the bottom of the Ravine (exit east of Carter's Dam in Mystery Lake), bring a rope and some coffee for the climb back!
The book was inside a railroad transportation cart thing that fell to the bottom of the abyss, it's back in the driver's seat.
I also found another copy inside a car in spruce falls bridge in the mountain town area (Milton) on my way to the crashed airplane.
Dont forget to bring charcoal so you can map this place for the cartographer achievo.
0- Penitent Scholar
The game puts randomized skill books in important locations, since books dont decay, you can take your time finding these.
The hardest book to find is the advanced shooting book. Guns! guns! guns! which takes 25 hours to research.
I found my copy in the bottom of the Ravine (exit east of Carter's Dam in Mystery Lake), bring a rope and some coffee for the climb back!
The book was inside a railroad transportation cart thing that fell to the bottom of the abyss, it's back in the driver's seat.
I also found another copy inside a car in spruce falls bridge in the mountain town area (Milton) on my way to the crashed airplane.
Dont forget to bring charcoal so you can map this place for the cartographer achievo.
0- Deep Forest
I did this one in the rest area that had a bed outside the maintenance shed in the maintenance yard in broken railroad.
With a good hatchet, you can destroy all the crates/pallets inside the yard to maintain your CAMPFIRE for 72 hours, although the maximum hours it allows is 12, so check on your fire time before going out for food or sleep.
This is also a good place to hunt wolves, since you can shoot them from the rest area in relative safety after they come for you.
Remember, this achievement needs a campfire, not a stove or a fireplace, a campfire.
0- Cache Mastery
Episode 1
Data redacted from: Outside
Cache #1: At the Church
Note found in a car in Milton.
Before you arrive at Milton you will stumble upon a St. Christopher’s church. There is a fallen tree behind the building, where you will see a box on the ground.
Cache #2: In the Cave
Note found in the lone house under construction SW from Milton.
The cave with the next cache can be located on your way to the Tower. Instead of going forward, just turn left and go all the way down the path into the dark cave.
At the end of the cave you will see a pile of rocks -- that’s your cache.
Cache #3: In the Miller’s House
Location is given by The Grey Mother with 125 trust.
The Miller’s house is the last house in Milton that is also the most destroyed one. Behind the house you will find another one of those orange boxes.
Episode 2
Data redacted from: Outside
To see the locations on your map, you need to find the notes.
If you still cant pinpoint the box, check the link.
Cache #1: Alan’s Cave
The note to this cache can be found on the table inside the office of the Carter Hydro Dam located between Mystery Lake and Pleasant Valley.
Cache #2: Clearcut
If you find the note inside one of the cabins on the Mystery Lake, then it will lead you right to the Clearcut. It is the location at the crossroads to the Forestry Lookout to the west, the road to the logging camp, and back to the train tracks to the east.
Cache #3: Forlorn Muskeg Entrance
If you can reach the Forestry Lookout between the Destroyed Lookout to the west and Derailment to the east, then you will find a note with location to this cache inside the tower.
Cache #4: Broken Railroad
At the end of the Forlorn Muskeg railway, you should find a note at the wagons. As you leave the Forlorn Muskeg, follow the Broken Railroad all the way through to the east. At the end of the railway, turn right and go down to the frozen river.
Cache #5: Hunting Lodge
The Hunting Lodge is located to the east from the Rail Tunnel. The note with the cache’s location is nailed to the entrance steps.
Cache #6: Forlorn Muskeg Docks
At the opposite end of the Rail Tunnel, look out for a yellow wagon. There is a pickup truck nearby with a note inside indicating the location of this cache.
Cache 7,8 & 9: Maintenance Yard, Old Spence Family Homestead, Logging Camp
The Hunting Lodge keeps one more note with three locations of the Forest Talkers supply caches. -
0- Sounds Like Some Kind of Indie Band
You can find the note in the Hunting Lodge in Broken Railroad.
Cache #1: Maintenance Yard
The fence that surrounds the Maintenance Yard at the Broken Railroad has a gap through which you can squeeze onto the path that leads to the river.
Follow the cliffs to your right and soon you will arrive at the place with the dent in the ground. Inside the dent you will see a supply box.
Cache #2: Old Spence Family Homestead
At the entrance to the Forlorn Muskeg turn left and follow the path to the Old Spence Family Homestead.
On your way there you will find a cave. To the right of the cave you will see a rock, and behind it you will find another box with supplies.
Cache #3: Logging Camp
Nearby Clearcut on Mystery Lake you will find a number of blue trailers at the Logging Camp. Behind the trailers you will see a steep hill.
Go up the hill in the direction of the tower and look behind the rocks on your way there. The last supply box is hidden right there. -
0- Every Last One
This achievement is for Wintermute [Story mode] Episode 3.
There are 3 Forest Talker notes and 3 Locals notes.
Forest Talker notes:
Inside one of the bunker shelters, might be the last one but I read its random.
Inside the abandoned barn (not molly's), its the barn with a truck inside, its upstairs.
Inside an outside shed near 3 Strikes Farmstead, you will need to crouch to get into the space where the cache and the note is.
Local notes:
Pinned to the bulletin board in the convenience store near the community hall in town.
In a cabin near Point of Disagreement
Inside the radio station in Signal hill (you need to get here for main storyline)
To find the first bunker, go to the convenience store near the community hall if it isnt there try Outside LinkDerelict Cabins
To find the 2nd bunker, you first must find a note in the first bunker which is hidden in an air vent.
The note for the last bunker location is in the 2nd bunker, in a vent again.
Thats it! Happy exploring the quiet apocalypse!
0- Tall Tales
This achievement is for Wintermute [Story mode] Episode 3.
For this achievement, you will need to find four special, unmarked books in key quest locations so you can unlock the tall tale sidequest.
After you find the book, a quest marker will appear on your map, simply go to the marker and do what the quest tells you.
You can do these in any order but you must do them before entering the final mine.
The first book you might find is in the community center, where you meet the Priest.
It is located on a cabinet shelf, its a book with a big feet on the cover.
The second book is close to the community hall where you found the first.
The book is inside a convenience store close to a bridge, here you will also find a note for the achievement Every Last One.
The store is close to a bridge to the east of town.
It will take you to a cave far up north, to complete this quest, you will need to find a waterfall INSIDE the cave and walk through it to get behind it.
The third book is in a cabin south of the plane crash, you will go to this cabin in search of a lost church relic.
Inside this cabin you will find this book and a note saying the relic is in a basement somewhere else.
To complete the quest, go to the quest marker after you get the book (3 Strikes Farmstead) and find a snow shelter out in the field.
Hide there and wait.
There is also a note for Every Last One achievement in the area.
The final book is in the 2nd Joplin's Bunker which will lead you to a pond where you must fish for a big bass.
To find the 2nd bunker, you first must find a note in the first bunker which is hidden in an air vent.
To find the first bunker, go to the convenience store where you found the 2nd book and read the note that tells you about it.
If the first clue is not there, try derelict cabins, a ways northeast of the community hall, you might find the body and backpack there instead.
Thats it~!
Good luck exploring the quiet apocalypse.
0- Goods and Services
You need to complete his Tale (can be started after 5 trades - the amount for each trade doesn't matter). After his tale (or in between its stages), you need to complete a few trades before the achievement triggers. From what I can gather on a few Google searches, the number of trades you need to do seems to vary. My guess is that it's between 3-10 trades (excluding your first 5 trades to start the tale). I had to do 7. This is probably because some items traded yields higher trust.
-1- Freight-Train of Hate & Hunger
This is a very tricky thing to do if you dont know the scenario's mechanics.
The old bear is no ordinary bear, you need to fight the bear six times at different spots, in each stage, you need to shoot the bear and avoid its rampage.
One hit! Dont waste bullets!
Once you hit the bear, you need to find somewhere safe, either try to move to a tree or a hard to get cliff, with luck and skill, the bear wont get you and it will move to the next stage. Track and follow the blood to the next area. You will notice green boxes with supplies in the areas the bear is supposed to have an encounter with you.
Remember, no matter how many times you shoot the bear, it will not die until you scare and follow it SIX times into clearcut, where the final encounter is supposed to happen.
Additional Tips:
Save often and in different slots and try different things.
You can see if an encounter was successful by checking the logs (the mission details has a counter)
When you are getting close to the area where the bear is waiting for you, the game will autosave, use this to notice that the bear might be near.
Tracking the bear is tricky, save after it flees and try to track him, if you cant find it by going one way, reload and try going another way until you find it again.
Sometimes and with good aim, you can shoot the bear at very long range and instead of charging at you, it will just run away.