
2 guides
  1. 0
    • 'Completist II'

    You will lose all credits, stats and most items when you start a new game, so its best to fully explore and do everything until new game+ read below for more details.

    The exception to this are secondary growth items that can only be found on a first playthrough (Read a middle post in: for details of the growth items only available on first playthrough)

    To get the good ending, it is recommended to get to level 56 and recruit the beta player and avoid hacking players before recruiting the Developer in the overworld level.

    To get the evil ending, just hack 1 or more players.

    You will see on what ending path you are when you talk to the developer and he says if you succumbed to power (evil) or went for community (good).

    You can do the evil ending on your first run, then go for the good ending on the ng+

    Even though the record will show you hacked players as you start a new game plus, if you dont hack anyone in the new game, you still can get the good ending.

    I highly recommend you get strong enough on your first playthrough to get the dragon familiar from the tower of strife in the first town and on your 2nd playthrough get a growth item.

    Excerpt from

    You might notice that this is game continues to Data Hacker: Corruption and you can transfer your save to the second game. This game also has a New Game+ feature so I'll start by listing what transfers and what doesn't.

    New Game+

    What transfers: Odd Book I - IV, 1 of each pet summon items (duplicates won't be transferred), learned skills except Band Together, recruits, property (it won't be automatically rented if you rent it in the previous save), milestone achievement (the progress for Scrooge and Traveller will be reset though)

    What doesn't transfer: other items (including Growth Ribbons and growth items; make sure you use them before initiating New Game+), weapons, armors, credits, level, milestone progression for Scrooge and Traveller, Band Together skill

    Guardian Trioarch card will be added to your inventory in New Game+ even if you sell it beforehand. Not sure about nicknames but I assume it should transfer as well.


    Everything is transferable.

    Therefore, the best way to play this game (if you also want to unlock all achievements) is to play the first game normally, get and use all growth items you can then start a ng+ and unlock all milestones on New Game+ so that you can still keep those 1 mil credits you have been saving.

  2. 0
    • 'Scrooge I'
    • 'Scrooge II'
    • 'Scrooge III'
    • 'Scrooge IV'
    • 'Scrooge V'
    • 'Scrooge VI'

    A house that sells for 15,000 credits can be bought in Fort Leonhart, when rented out, it will give you 1 gold per second when the game is not paused or in the menu (main menu or game menu).

    1 Million seconds is around 12 days.

    As you go for the Trioarchs achievements (100 trioarch battles), you can grind those in the Trioarch Arena.

    After you win the tournament 2 times and get two awesome titles, from the 3rd win onward, you will get 2500 credits each tournament win.

    The dodo bird races pays 175 credits per win at level 4, since you also need to win 50 of these, its a good way to get funds for the house.

    You can use those along with some savings and selling of cores/monster parts to get the house and just let the game running while you sleep.

    8 idle hours will give you 28800 credits.

    Another way of quick money is to do the Arenas at the Hacker HQ, as you get stronger, just spam the Spacebar or Enter button to fight.

    If you equip your teammates with an automaton badge, they will unleash spells or techniques instead of normal strikes without you having to command them.

    You can do this while you watch some youtube videos or something, after a few hours, you can sell the things that dropped and also get some more credits from each fight.

    These achievements are easy but super grindy, so be patient and good luck!