
12 achievements
  1. Hydrangea 13 Sep '24

    12 achievements worth 154
    1. What's in a name?

      This achievement is hidden. Give your sweetheart a custom name

      100 %

    2. Bonk

      Get bonk'd in the head

      98.6 %

    3. Bitter Advice

      See ending 2.

      98.6 %

    4. My Sweetheart

      See ending 1.

      98.6 %

    5. Hello, Again

      This achievement is hidden. Start over using the same identity

      97.2 %

    6. BitterSweet

      See ending 3.

      97.2 %

    7. Clean Slate

      This achievement is hidden. Start over and create a new identity

      97.2 %

    8. Hydrangea

      See the true ending.

      97.2 %

    9. Yua The One!

      This achievement is hidden. Finish the game with a feminine sweetheart.

      97.2 %

    10. What a coincidence!

      This achievement is hidden. Give yourself, your sweetheart, and your friend the same name.

      97.2 %

    11. Made for Yuu

      This achievement is hidden. Finish the game with a masculine sweetheart.

      95.9 %

    12. Twinning

      This achievement is hidden. Finish the game with a masculine and feminine sweetheart

      95.9 %