
26 achievements
  1. Obludia 18 Jul '14

    26 achievements worth 7,891
    1. First Blood

      Slay your first enemy.

      99.3 %

    2. Titomosquito187 Statue

      Find the legendary golden monkey statue

      71.9 %

    3. Best Friend

      Buy your first dog.

      63.2 %

    4. Food Raider

      Eat 20 Hamburger.

      57.0 %

    5. Master of Dungeon

      Complete World 1 – Dungeon of Doom

      52.2 %

    6. Chicken Hunter

      Slay 20 chickens.

      45.1 %

    7. Samurai

      Slay 100 monsters with blade.

      44.8 %

    8. Demon Slayer

      Slay 20 Devils.

      34.1 %

    9. MadMax

      Fire 100 Shotgun Shells

      32.2 %

    10. Hero

      Save 10 princess.

      31.2 %

    11. Tower Guardian

      Complete World 2 – Ancient Tower

      30.6 %

    12. BANKER

      Find 1000 Coins.

      30.3 %

    13. Treasure Hunter

      Find 20 chest.

      28.3 %

    14. Frozen King

      Complete World 3 – Frozen Island

      27.4 %

    15. Gatekeeper

      Complete World 4 – Hell Gate

      25.4 %

    16. Exorcist

      Use 10x Holy Cross.

      24.8 %

    17. Colonial Marine

      Destroy 50 Alien eggs

      23.8 %

    18. Bomberman

      Throw 50 dynamites.

      23.2 %

    19. Lord of the Obludia

      Complete the game.

      22.2 %

    20. President of the Galaxy

      Complete World 5 – Space Ship

      22.2 %

    21. GhostBuster

      Slay 30 Ghosts.

      19.6 %

    22. ZEUS

      Cast 50x Lightning Strike spell

      18.3 %

    23. Grill Master

      Cast 50x Ring of Fire spell

      16.4 %

    24. Morozko

      Cast 50x Glacial Spike spell

      16.1 %

    25. MR. Awesome

      Complete the game on HARD mode.

      15.4 %

    26. Bad Days

      Die 50 times

      15.1 %