
89 achievements
  1. Slay or Fall 17 Sep '24

    70 base game achievements worth 5,397
    1. Defeated Guard

      Defeat a hero type Guard

      100 %

    2. Defeated Mage

      Defeat a hero type Mage

      100 %

    3. Deserved victory

      Defeat heroes at least 1 time

      100 %

    4. On the easy way

      Win on 50% difficulty

      100 %

    5. Defeated Archer

      Defeat a hero type Archer

      100 %

    6. Standard win

      Win with the standard preset

      100 %

    7. Hard to learn

      Complete the tutorial

      100 %

    8. Hungry for more

      Make the lizards see you as The Sly One

      80 %

    9. Armed and dangerous

      Collect 2 items in one run

      80 %

    10. First defeat

      Lose at least 1 time

      80 %

    11. Failed session

      Defeat the default hero preset

      60 %

    12. Shared weakness

      Make sure your heroes have the same personality trait

      60 %

    13. Tyranny upon the Goblins

      Make the goblins see you as a tyrant

      60 %

    14. Defeated Cleric

      Defeat a hero type Cleric

      60 %

    15. Political ambitions

      Open the Political Chairs event

      60 %

    16. Defeated ForestMan

      Defeat a hero type ForestMan

      60 %

    17. Daily warm-up

      Win on 100% difficulty

      60 %

    18. Faith didn't help them

      Defeat the Inquisition hero preset

      60 %

    19. Tyranny upon the ratfolks

      Make the ratfolks see you as a tyrant

      60 %

    20. Dead forest

      Defeat the sons of the forest hero preset

      60 %

    21. Bloody letter

      The best assassin killed the hero

      60 %

    22. Defeated Dworf

      Defeat a hero type Dworf

      60 %

    23. Defeated Minstrel

      Defeat a hero type Minstrel

      60 %

    24. Restoring injustice

      Defeat the women's league hero preset

      60 %

    25. Goblin Cooperation

      Achieve partnerships with goblins

      40 %

    26. Tyranny upon the Lizards

      Make the lizards see you as a tyrant

      40 %

    27. Loss of the faithful

      Make the Occultists See You as a Fool

      40 %

    28. Broken morally

      Win on morale during a halt

      40 %

    29. Power in the magic

      Win with the Master preset

      40 %

    30. Power in the money

      Win with the Aristocrat preset

      40 %

    31. Defeated Hunter

      Defeat a hero type Hunter

      40 %

    32. I did...

      Complete the game with a preset of identical heroes

      40 %

    33. Criminal cooperation

      Achieve partnerships with ratfolks

      20 %

    34. A madman for his subjects

      Get the Occultists to See You as a Madman

      20 %

    35. Victory in sweat and tears

      Win on 150% difficulty

      20 %

    36. Decay of sanity

      Win with the Ghost preset

      20 %

    37. And yet no

      The best killer killed you

      20 %

    38. Defeated Alchemist

      Defeat a hero type Alchemist

      20 %

    39. Fed up with hatred

      Win with the Hated preset

      20 %

    40. Commander of the sadism

      Form a conspiracy of cruelty

      20 %

    41. Rescue Fetish

      In the Suburban Brothel event, no one chose Invincible

      20 %

    42. Rotten Bones

      Defeat the Old School hero preset

      20 %

    43. Morally humiliated

      Win with the Oppressive preset

      20 %

    44. Hard won

      Win on 200% difficulty

      20 %

    45. Curiosity

      Open Test Mode

      20 %

    46. What's the difference

      Turn on "don't care" mode and lose the final battle because of it

      20 %

    47. We got to you earlier

      Die from the black mark effect

      20 %

    48. Beneficial cooperation

      Kill a hero in the Deal Captor text event

      0 %

    49. Dark Army

      Win with the Warlord preset

      0 %

    50. I don't care

      Kill everyone present in the text event Political Chairs or Treacherous Council

      0 %

    51. Dark Essence

      This achievement is hidden. Unlock the Seed of Darkness

      0 %

    52. Knife to the heart

      One of the heroes must come to your side in the final battle

      0 %

    53. Commander of the greed

      Form a conspiracy of greed

      0 %

    54. Seed of Darkness 1

      This achievement is hidden. Complete the game with 1 Seed of Darkness on Real Death

      0 %

    55. Commander of the madness

      Form a conspiracy of sanity

      0 %

    56. Seed of Darkness 2

      This achievement is hidden. Complete the game with 2 Seeds of Darkness on Real Death

      0 %

    57. Seed of Darkness 3

      This achievement is hidden. Complete the game with 3 Seeds of Darkness on Real Death

      0 %

    58. Victory over true darkness

      Complete the global story

      0 %

    59. Darkness has consumed you

      This achievement is hidden. Lose with Seed of Darkness and True Death

      0 %

    60. Master of all evil deeds

      Complete the game on all variations of the lord

      0 %

    61. Enhanced classics

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat the standard hero preset with 3 Seeds of Darkness and True Death

      0 %

    62. Absurdly lucky and faithful

      Occultists kidnapped a living hero in the text event Such a cramped cemetery

      0 %

    63. The rising of the Dark Knight

      The cruel hero kills his team in the final battle

      0 %

    64. Darkest Faith

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat the Inquisition hero preset with 3 Seeds of Darkness and True Death

      0 %

    65. Dark forest

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat the sons of the forest hero preset with 3 Seeds of Darkness and True Death

      0 %

    66. An endless army of farmers

      Defeat the heroes in the Goblin Village text event (special branch)

      0 %

    67. The essence of propaganda

      Spread rumors about the heroes in the text event Goblin Strays

      0 %

    68. Victory of the Immortals

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat the Old School hero preset with 3 Seeds of Darkness and True Death

      0 %

    69. Fall of beauty

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat the Women's League hero preset with 3 Seeds of Darkness and True Death

      0 %

    70. Are you adequate?

      This achievement is hidden. Complete the game with 3 Seeds of Darkness on Real Death with a run length of 5

      0 %

  2. Slay or Fall — Update #1 26 Sep '24

    1 additional achievements worth 70
    1. Master of Shadows

      Win with the Intriguer preset

      33.3 %

  3. Slay or Fall — Update #2 6 Oct '24

    5 additional achievements worth 304
    1. Terrible mistake

      Unlock the Rise of Hate event

      66.6 %

    2. The power of hatred

      Lose in the Rise of Hatred event

      33.3 %

    3. Caravan looting

      Defeat the Caravan Heroes Preset

      0 %

    4. Lost load

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat the Caravan hero preset with 3 Seeds of Darkness and True Death

      0 %

    5. Guided by the muse

      The Menestrel left the party in the Traveling Musicians event

      0 %

  4. Slay or Fall — Update #3 17 Oct '24

    3 additional achievements worth 211
    1. Defeated Guardian

      Defeat a hero type Guardian

      0 %

    2. And now even God serves me

      Defeat a hero preset consisting of three Guardians

      0 %

    3. Ban from above

      Activate Guardian's passive ability

      0 %

  5. Slay or Fall — Update #4 28 Oct '24

    6 additional achievements worth 242
    1. Shameful deal

      Unlock a new Witch unit

      0 %

    2. Statuses

      Unlock faction statuses

      0 %

    3. A real official

      Win with the Politician preset

      0 %

    4. From experience

      Win 15 times

      0 %

    5. Burn the witch!

      Burn a witch in the Witch of the Cave event

      0 %

    6. Impossible victory

      Win on difficulty 500%

      0 %

  6. Slay or Fall — Update #5 20 Nov '24

    3 additional achievements worth 2
    1. Defeated Monster

      Defeat a hero type Monster

      0 %

    2. Divine Intervention

      Defeat the Lepers hero preset

      0 %

    3. Revenge on the Deity

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat the Lepers hero preset with 3 Seeds of Darkness and True Death

      0 %

  7. Slay or Fall — Update #6 12 Jan '25

    1 additional achievements worth 0.9
    1. Return of the Prodigal Son

      The Dark knight has entered the battlefield

      0 %