
16 guides
  1. 0
    • The Genie in the Bottle

    You need to be a summoner to get this achievement

    You wont be able to do this achievement until after you exit the Aztec Temple after getting your memories stolen.
    You will need to get the optional quest "Take a picture" from a woman in the easternmost house in Lekora.
    After getting the Picture orb from her, and exiting the normal Aztec temple, south of the stairs, a cutscene will happen and you will take the picture.
    Return to the woman to recieve the Genie's Lamp.

    Now go to the desert where the trolls live and in the second area, go into a cave east of the exit to the troll village and into a part of the quicksand caves.
    In here, you will find a weird altar and if you step into the center with the lamp, you will get the genie and this achievement.

  2. 0
    • Humpty Dumpty

    You can only get this achievement if you are a summoner.

    First, From Mirrorcle Caves, you will need a Crystal Shard to trade for the Mirror Eye in the Item Center, NW of Kairo Town.
    With the Mirror Eye, return to the Caves and find Humpty's reflection in the SW area of the cave where you start when you first come to the Caves, its SW of the cave/hallway of the teleporter.
    Click on Humpty's reflection and he will give you his summon power and this achievement.

  3. 0
    • Awakening the Dragon

    This achievement can only be gotten if you are a summoner.

    After reaching Halloween town, you will enter the catacombs, if you go south, you will reach an area with lots of zombies in tombs.

    In the southeasternmost tomb, you will find Wravyn's grave, check it out and proceed with the story until you reach The Moon.

    Here, after doing the moonbat quest, you can ask the Moon Lady about the grave, she will task you with getting 10 Voice Crests from monsters around the Moonhills, the Enochlophobias.

    You can save after getting a kill, open the loot orb and if you didnt get a crest, reload and try again until you get one.

    Once you get 10 crests, go back to Moon Lady and she will give you the WarCry Crest.

    Go take that crest to the Grave and if you are a summoner, you will get this achievement.

  4. 0
    • Puppeteer

    You must be a summoner to get this achievement.

    This achievement is missable if you dont explore the Marionette Factory fully.

    In the second area, right before the exit to the north, you can continue east instead, then go south to a big fight with six marionettes, having powerful AOE spells for Hellen is very useful.

    Once you defeat the ambush, go west and find Pinoch just chilling there, talk to him and if you are a summoner, you will get this achievement.

  5. 0
    • The Queen's Gift

    This, along with Star, are the only two summons you can get if you picked Warrior or Paladin as a class at the start of the game.

    All other summons and their respective achievements can only be gotten if you choose Summoner as a class.

    Queen Ayumi can be found in the Butterfly Caves, to get to ger castle, you need to travel along some caves, here are some directions:

    Just right before the entrance to Ladybug Village to the north, go east instead, through some flower patch with some bees and then south and west into a cave next to a river.

    Follow the cave and you will be out and will have to fight a toadstool, another cave is nearby to the south of that fight.
    Follow that cave and you will find the Queen, she will ask you to get the Butterfly Crystal that was stolen by some dude.
    She’ll request you to find a crystal stolen by a man, who has now turned into a monster by the curse.

    Go back to the first area of the zone, where you can climb a vine and see a cave entrance nearby to the east, enter that cave and head SW.
    You will eventually arrive at a small boulder puzzle, go NE from there and find Demoneyes, a boss monster who has the crystal.

    Take the crystal from his cold dead corpse and return to the Queen to get this achievement.

  6. 0
    • RPG Rules

    In the town of Vestyrka, find a man who lives in the NW house, he will give you a metal saw.

    Go to the Love Engine all the way back in Sweet Tower via Valentown and use it on the sparkling pipes, you will get the ancient weapon.

  7. 0
    • Happy Anniversary

    This side quest is missable since the ring wont spawn unless you talk to the quest giver and you can even keep the ring instead of delivering it.

    In the main building of Lekora, where the chief resides, there is a woman in the SE part of the building that casually mentions losing the ring to Water Monkeys.

    You can find Water Monkeys in the Fureta Jungle and after a few fights, one of them will drop the ring.

    Return the ring to get the achievement and a reward: Steel Plate Ring which gives you resistance against slashing and piercing damage.

  8. 0
    • Lost Love

    At Valentown, you can find Ellen near the Statue of the Love Saint, to the Northwest of town, through a Cave.

    She will mention how her love, Edgar, died to a monster, you will agree to bring him back.

    First, you need an uncharged crystal found in the Mirrorcle Caves, that is past the Door of Seasons, the crystal is in a blue chest in the room with all the mirrors, to unlock that chest, you need the light to directly hit it, its a puzzle, alright.

    Take the crystal to Queen Ayumi, way back at Butterfly Caves, see (The Queen's Gift) guide for directions.

    You will need to finish the Queen's quest for her to help you with this one.

    Go back to Ellen at Valentown, she will tell you where Edgar's soul is. [Its at Sweet Tower Dungeon]

    Travel to the dungeon and go to the eastern side, through a door/passage that takes you to another area, the soul is an orb that is close to that entrance, to the right side.

    Take it back to Ellen and get this achievement and a reward: The Love Ribbon which gives you a permanent SPD UP when equipped (super cool)

  9. 0
    • Mirrorcle Master

    Inside the Mirrocle Caves, you will find a mirror, stepping through will take you to a minigame.

    The goal is to move each Melrose on a separate portal at the center.

    To get this achievement, you need to do the puzzle in the least amounts of steps possible.

    The solution is:

    Down x2
    Right x8
    Left x2

  10. 0
    • Letters from Ghosts

    A very easy optional sidequest.

    1. In Halloweentown, to the east side, you will see Naylie walking near a ramp going up.
    2. Talk to her and she will ask you to deliver a letter to her husband back in Valentown.
    3. Go to Valentown and in a house near the entrance to the town, you will find her daughter and husband.
    4. Deliver the letter.
    5. Go back to Naylie and get this achievement.

  11. 0
    • Aspiring Writer

    This is totally missable if you dont look for it and its in an area which you cannot return to.

    *You might need to get the side quest first from Yasmine, but Im not sure, you can find her in a house, up the hill in the NE zone of Valentown, away from the town.

    After talking to Jack in the catacombs, you will be sent to a Cartoony World and play as Christina instead of Melrose.

    In this world, you will need to walk a red or a blue path to proceed.

    About halfway through, you will find a sparkling spot near a lake, to the right of a signpost, this is the novel Lady Yasmine is looking for.

    If you see nightmarish cartoons and are about to leave the zone without the novel, just turn back and go look for it.

    After you get access to teleport machines again, go to Valentown and give the novel to Yasmine to get this achievement.


  12. 0
    • Spirit Guide

    In halloweentown, at the north part of town, you will find The Death in a big house, he has a side quest for you.

    Find and talk to six runaway souls in the upcoming areas of the game, these souls take the form of skeletons you need to speak to.

    Their locations are:

    Catacombs: All the way directly south from the entrance.
    Hills of the Crying Moon: Follow the path all the way north, then west and then south all the way.
    Kairo: On the busy market island at the top.
    Swamp: All the way south-east.
    Pirate Cove: To the north-west of the giant lake you find in the first area of the Pirate Cove.
    Sadrin’s Desert: The most north-western part of this area. It’s a complicated area, so it might take a while to find it.
    (Note: You can talk to them before receiving this Quest, and it will still count.)

    Reward: Merlin’s Orb

  13. 0
    • Holy Ground

    You can get this optional side quest from the guy next to the chief in the town of Lekora (Tree Town).

    Once he gives you the items, you can fix two broken vases in the puzzle room that can be found in the northeast part of the first area, where you need to move big circles into a statue's eyes with different colors.

    Go back to the quest giver and gloat about your success, you will get this achievement and a Poison Bow as a reward.

  14. 0
    • Disaster Averted
    • The Eye of Fire

    In the last town, Vestyrka, you will find a fire mage in the mage's guild, he collects orbs and has a Sky orb that you need for the achievement Disaster Averted

    The mage will ask you for a Golem's Eye and its a rare drop from the Lava Golems you fight in the previous area.

    You can save scum a Lava Golem loot orb until you get it, simply save a game before opening the loot orb and reload if you dont get it.

    It might take several minutes until the RNG gives you one.

    The eye wont appear in the loot table until you start this side quest.

    You get Disaster Averted as a reward for completing the side quest for this achievement: The Eye of Fire

    Return the orb to Kairo's cartographer in the northeast side of town and unlock this achievement.

  15. 0
    • Excalibur

    An easy to miss sidequest.

    Near the end of the game, when you are on your way to the cerebral cortex, past the Pirate Cove area, you will find a small village of sea creatures, most of them will only make a weird sound when you try to talk to them but there is a single one, a purple one, that can speak and it gives you the quest to get a Yellow flow from Fureta jungle.

    You cannot get the flower before speaking to this puple sea creature, so you need to backtrack all the way to the pirate cove teleporter, then go to the Fureta Jungle teleporter, go west then north, get the yellow flower, back to the teleporter, to the cove, past the skeletons, ride the ship again into then underwater ara and finally give the flower to purply.

    Your reward is this achievement the the best sword in the game.

  16. 0
    • The Sagittarius

    Near the end of the game, after defeating the evil witch and returning to the Elay, you will meet the fairy godmother which will open a gate to Sandrin's Desert.

    At this point, a new side quest will appear way back at the Puppet Factory [Yes, this game has a lot of backtracking]

    So, go to Pirate Cove, teleport to LadyBug Village, exit north, go west and go into the save that goes into the Puppet Factory.

    Rake will be at the entrance asking you for Perfect Wood which never burns.

    As you explore the factory, you can set marionettes that are on the floor on fire, Hellen will comment wether the puppet burns or not.

    In the second area, to the northeast (on your way to the place where you find Pinoch), you will find the puppet that does not burn.

    The area where the puppet is, is before the ambush and a before a puppet fight but after the fork that goes to the 3rd area.

    So basically, instead of going north to the 3rd area, go east and if you find yourself close to the ambush, you went too far.

    Return the perfect wood to Rake and you will get this achievement and the best bow in the game.