
13 achievements
  1. RATSHAKER 1 Nov '24

    8 base game achievements worth 558
    1. Shake it Baby

      Shake the RAT for the first time.

      100 %

    2. Shake it Real Good

      Shake the RAT 100 times.

      99.4 %

    3. A Cabin In The Fields

      Enter the house.

      94.8 %

    4. Exterminator

      Kill the RAT.

      93.7 %

    5. Video Killed the Rat-io Star

      Watch the ADVERTISEMENT.

      93.1 %

    6. Cracking Up

      Crack the RAT to turn it into a glowstick.

      88 %

    7. Wife Shaker

      Beat the game.

      85.7 %

    8. Stage Fright

      Don't go into the HOUSE for a minute after opening the DOOR.

      75.4 %

  2. RATSHAKER — Update #1 22 Nov '24

    1 additional achievements worth 171
    1. YOUCH!!!!

      This achievement is hidden. Get crushed by the ANVIL.

      78.5 %

  3. RATSHAKER — Update #2 20 Feb '25

    4 additional achievements worth 77
    1. Rodent Engineering

      Shake the RAT to start the generator.

      100 %

    2. Ratibiotics

      Shake the rat to purge the infection.

      100 %

    3. Savouring Your Meal

      This achievement is hidden. Linger in the meat maze for 5 minutes.

      100 %

    4. Caught Rat Handed

      This achievement is hidden. Find the secret ending.

      93.3 %