
70 achievements
  1. SLAMMED! 30 Jan '15

    70 achievements worth 19,714
    1. Show Stealer

      Hog the mic.

      71.2 %

    2. Parts Unknown

      Win an amateur match via forfeit.

      64.3 %

    3. Samoan Drop

      Get one of your trainers to forgive you.

      63.0 %

    4. Texas Death Match

      Reminisce about the most dangerous match, ever.

      61.6 %

    5. Generation Me

      Use social media to interact with fans.

      61.6 %

    6. 2x2 Horsemen

      Get into a two on two fight in the scaffolds match.

      58.9 %

    7. Hell in a Chapel

      Reminisce about the most sacrilegious match, ever.

      57.5 %

    8. No Holds Barred

      Win an amateur match by exploiting an injury.

      57.5 %

    9. Match of the Year

      Receive Match of the Year honors in the Masters of Wrestling Annual World Rankings.

      56.1 %

    10. PlayerWinsLOL

      Become the most popular wrestler in the federation.

      52.0 %

    11. Boston Crabby

      Ensure a flunky knows his role.

      52.0 %

    12. Not Marty

      Beat your rival on the grandest stage.

      47.9 %

    13. Excellence of Execution

      Become a true mat technician.

      46.5 %

    14. The Streak

      End the game in the cusp of a long-term commitment.

      45.2 %

    15. Ring General

      Win by making sure you lose, with style.

      42.4 %

    16. Gravity Forgot

      Master the high-flying style.

      41.0 %

    17. Superior Junior

      Get the best of Super Horns.

      39.7 %

    18. What a Maneuver

      Hit a high flying move from the top of a cage.

      38.3 %

    19. Pipe Bomber

      Become a true master of promos.

      38.3 %

    20. Sell Like It's 2005

      Make 'em look strong. Ridiculously strong.

      34.2 %

    21. Skull Basher

      Good wrestlers don't quit—they just wear masks.

      32.8 %

    22. Tough Love

      Force a contestant to quit, for their own good.

      32.8 %

    23. Hidden Attitude

      During an unmasking, use that famous line…

      30.1 %

    24. Poetic Justice

      Defeat your rival with the most appropriate finisher.

      28.7 %

    25. Ruler of Strong Style

      Master a hard striking style.

      27.3 %

    26. 1,005 Holds

      Master a submission-focused style.

      27.3 %

    27. Dead Lift

      Master a style involving power moves.

      27.3 %

    28. Crooked Edge

      Fall off the wagon.

      27.3 %

    29. That Person Has a Family

      Seek solace with your family.

      26.0 %

    30. Lie, Cheat, Steal

      Win the final Academy challenge using your wits.

      26.0 %

    31. Dirty Deeds

      Win an amateur match via disqualification.

      24.6 %

    32. Eyes on the Prize

      Don't make a deal with the devil.

      24.6 %

    33. Handicap Match

      Get into a two on one fight in the scaffolds match.

      23.2 %

    34. Super Junior

      Earn Super Horns' respect early.

      23.2 %

    35. The Chosen One

      Gain immunity in Near Fall Academy.

      20.5 %

    36. Our Time Is…Not Yet

      Come for the King, and miss.

      20.5 %

    37. Legend Killer

      End the career of a legend.

      19.1 %

    38. World's Strongest

      Become a true powerhouse.

      17.8 %

    39. Bah Gawd

      Take a career-ending fall.

      17.8 %

    40. Heel Turn

      Go from hero, to villain, in the eyes of the fans.

      17.8 %

    41. Ex-cuuuuse Me

      Become the most despised wrestler in the federation.

      17.8 %

    42. The Cleaner

      Use a mop on an opponent.

      16.4 %

    43. Code of Honor

      Turn a two on one fight into a one on one duel.

      16.4 %

    44. Potato Shooter

      Take the old veteran down. Or try to.

      16.4 %

    45. Power Couple

      End the game as half of the most influential couple in wrestling.

      15.0 %

    46. Kill a Wish

      Be very, very mean to a child.

      15.0 %

    47. Loser Leaves Town

      Get a second chance, then fail a second time.

      15.0 %

    48. Shelton Holmes

      Uncover the truth behind the Near Fall Academy eliminations.

      13.6 %

    49. Tron Assassin

      Use a video montage to mentally massacre.

      13.6 %

    50. Reality Era

      Air dirty laundry in public.

      12.3 %

    51. Not Michaels

      Lose to your rival on the grandest stage.

      12.3 %

    52. Best for Business

      Make a buck off a mark.

      12.3 %

    53. Falling Star

      Disgrace a contestant at Near Fall Academy.

      12.3 %

    54. Botch Watch

      Contradict yourself in an interview.

      12.3 %

    55. Break the Wall Down

      Spear an opponent through a cage.

      10.9 %

    56. Super Kick Party

      Gain the Super Kick, and keep it.

      10.9 %

    57. Pride of the Valkyrie

      Get the worst misogynist in the federation to accept your challenge.

      10.9 %

    58. Queen of Wrestling

      Become the first female GWA World Champion.

      10.9 %

    59. Ultimate Opportunist

      Expose a chink in the champion's armor, and exploit it.

      10.9 %

    60. Lonely Warrior

      End the game still looking for closure.

      10.9 %

    61. Triple Threat

      End the game with an unresolved love triangle.

      9.58 %

    62. Kiss It Out

      Prove that hate and love are two sides of the same coin.

      6.84 %

    63. Best in the World

      The best match, against the best opponent, on the grandest stage.

      6.84 %

    64. Fight like a Girl

      Show the misogynist just how hard a woman can hit.

      6.84 %

    65. Mandatory Rematch

      Get a second chance at love.

      5.47 %

    66. Blue Pants

      A crowd and a story aren't enough to beat misogyny.

      5.47 %

    67. Time Splitter

      End the game by returning to how things used to be.

      4.10 %

    68. Heartbroken Kid

      Have your heart broken on the grandest stage.

      4.10 %

    69. The Animal

      Unleash your rage on your rival.

      4.10 %

    70. The Beast

      Cross the line, and destroy the best.

      4.10 %