
9 guides
  1. 2
    • Bookworm
    • Trial-and-Error

    Just a reminder that you need to stay illiterate until you get the achievement Trial-and-Error from "From the ashes" DLC

    So avoid learning to read until after you get that other achievo.

  2. 1
    • Bad Girl

    As soon as you start as Theresa fail all the first morning quests by walking up the way to skalitz a bit until they fail. After that go back and talk to your father. Then just walk up to Skalitz again to make the new quests fail too. Achievement unlocked!

  3. 1
    • Christian Burial

    In the Capon DLC there is a new quest given from the Charlatan in Ledetchko.
    After you dug out the bones of the "wretched charcoal-burner Lev" talk to the Charlatan again and say that you want to bury him.
    For the "Christian Burial" do what the Charlatan suggested and bury his remains in the Rattay graveyard by the church. The Questmarker should show you the way.

  4. 1
    • Not-so-Christian Burial

    In the Capon DLC there is a new quest given from the Charlatan in Ledetchko.
    After you dug out the bones of the "wretched charcoal-burner Lev" talk to the Charlatan again and say that you want to bury him.
    For the "Not-so-Christian Burial" talk with the gossip woman from the beginning again and hear the full story how he died. After that go to the spot she mentioned (questmarker should be there now) and bury him there, along with his family. Achievement unlocked.

  5. 0
    • Saviour

    This achievement is done during Theresa's mission and after the night after finding her brother Samuel.

    First, you need to find Holba, follow Tinker to him and if you can, help him, this will start the quest 'Angel of Mercy'

    You can come back to him if you cant help him right now.

    Other quest markers will appear around the area.

    It is very important that you DO NOT go into Skalitz as this will end the DLC and you will miss this achievement.

    Anyway, here are side quests:

    Marker A: Potter Stanislav is trying to get inside his house, you can use lockpicking to enter the house OR follow the road west and across the bridge to find the key next to some firewood. Get the coin bag from the apple bag then confront the Looter outside, you can talk to the looter and make him go away or fight him. make sure the Potter survives the fight.

    Marker B: There is a cuman guard patrolling, you need to get rid of him then find Jarmila hiding nearby, you can ask Tinker to seek to find her.

    If you are in a Merciful run, Keep in Mind that it might VOID the achievement if you kill him, but Tinker can finish him off just fine.

    Marker C: Julian is in the middle of some woodcutting buildings now littered with bodies everywhere.

    Save here if you can then talk to him and then find his axe lodged in a nearby stump and return it to him.

    Reload if the dialogue makes you fail this part.

    Marker D: Marosh is looking for Pavlena in the forest, use Tinker to Seek and find her. Pretty straightforward.

    Marker E: Holba's marker if you couldnt help him earlier.

    Once you complete the last of the objectives, the achievement should pop.

    The order does not matter but do keep in mind you might void the merciful achievement if you kill someone as Theresa.

  6. 0
    • Death by Splinter

    Just a little note that this is missable if you choose NOT to fight Henry during Theresa's DLC Quest.

  7. 0
    • You had one job!

    Highly Missable Achievement

    Perks to Get: True Slav, Loose Tongue and Wine Bibber

    You need your Drinking skill to be below 10.

    Maybe you might pull it off if you have 11 but don't risk it.

    This makes a Hardcore run super annoying since Schnaps, which you need to save, is alcohol and raises your Drinking skill.

  8. 0
    • Lost Trinket

    "You're not the only one playing the Ring of Bacchus game, so watch out for the others!"

    If you CANCEL your sleep, even though youve slept for hours, the ring might never be stolen or even worse, when you wake up, it will be stolen but the achievement wont pop.

    Make sure you wait and DO NOT cancel sleep.

  9. -1
    • Virgin
    • Cleric's Pet

    Just a couple of notes:

    Drinking with Father Godwin will void the Virgin achievement and you wont be able to get it.

    This forces you to replay the whole game from Mysterious Ways forward.

    Make a hard save before speaking with Father Godwin then decide if you want this achievement or Virgin.

    You can also convince the Sassau Priest to go to Rovna instead of getting Father Simon, which will make you unable to get this achievement.

    The Devil's skull is hidden between some earthwall and the water in the river.

    The Waldensians quest is time sensitive, you have like 3 or 4 days to complete it.