
  1. 0
    • Computing with Style
    • Beauty is Pain
    • Fashion Fanatic

    These three achievements are a set of grind related as you need to reach certain Echelon ranks. To summarise, here are the needed Echelons:

    1. Unto the Evil (Robotic Armor):
      Computing with Style - You need to reach Echelon VII, but the earliest is reaching Echelon V.
    • Scalper - Headshot Kills (Unlocked at Echelon V)
    • For the Glory - Glory Kills across all modes (Unlocked at Echelon V)
    • Power Outage - Shutdown Medals (Unlocked at Echelon VI)
    • Stain the Streak - Show Stopper Medals (Unlocked at Echelon VI)
    1. Bloodfall (Evil Cultist Armor):
      Fashion Fanatic - You need to reach Echelon IV, but the earliest is reaching Echelon 0 Level 2.
    • Reaper Mastery (20 Reaper Kills)
    • Blood Brother (Assistant Commendations)
    • Olympiad (Marathon Runner Commendation)
    • Hellshot Mastery (20 Hellshot Kills)
    1. Hell Followed (Cyber-Demonic Armor):
      Beauty is Pain - You need to reach Echelon X, but the earliest is reaching Echelon VIII.
    • MVP? More Like LVP - Kill the top enemy three times in a match (Unlocked at Echelon VIII)

    Luckily, there is a way to earn EXP and the max cap per Echelon rank is after Lv. 50, you need to play on a Sector map just by capturing points from point A to B then B to A the same goes to your team and the opposing team, it is a matter of grinding exp and persevering through. Here is a video down below for an example it is pretty straightforward. The grand total to hit Echelon VIII is 1982000 EXP.

    Credits (All from PSNProfiles Guide):
    Robotic Armor
    Evil Cultist Armor
    Cyber-Demonic Armor