
12 achievements
  1. Siegecraft Commander 16 Jan '17

    12 achievements worth 6,230
    1. Spiteful Last Words

      As a tower is being destroyed, fire a projectile and destroy an enemy tower

      70 %

    2. Too Many Eggs In This Basket

      Get 5 tower kills by destroying the tower it is linked to

      60 %

    3. Deconstruction

      Destroyed a tower with a building projectile

      50 %

    4. Full Speed Ahead

      Crashed air units into each other

      40 %

    5. Cows Go Moo When They Boom

      Changed a cow into a mad cow

      40 %

    6. Booster Shot

      Killed a tower with a full power trebuchet shot

      30 %

    7. SAM Site

      Shot down an air unit with a keg

      30 %

    8. Got Milk?

      Caught a cow with a dragon

      30 %

    9. Blitzkrieg

      Hit 8 friendly units with the haste spell

      20 %

    10. Winter War

      Hit 10 enemy units with the freeze spell

      20 %

    11. Gibbed

      Destroyed 10 units with a single keg

      20 %

    12. Lockdown

      Chained 4 Towers with a single Hex Curse

      20 %