
572 achievements
  1. Emporea 17 Mar '16

    420 base game achievements worth 61,776
    1. Alliance Member

      Become a member of an alliance that has at least 10 members.

      62.5 %

    2. Tower Defence

      Assemble 10 tower units in your city.

      56.8 %

    3. Easy portal hunter

      Raid 1 times easy portal.

      52.8 %

    4. Blacksmith

      Forge 1 items using forge.

      48.8 %

    5. Undead Hero Level

      Improve the level of your undead hero to 5.

      48.0 %

    6. Tower Defence

      Assemble 20 tower units in your city.

      44.0 %

    7. Medium portal hunter

      Raid 1 times medium portal.

      44.0 %

    8. Elf Hero Level

      Improve the level of your elvish hero to 5.

      43.6 %

    9. Dwarf Hero Level

      Improve the level of your dwarven hero to 5.

      43.6 %

    10. City conqueror

      Successfully raid a city of another player 1 times.

      42.7 %

    11. Master trader

      Sell 1 items on the market.

      40.9 %

    12. Tower Defence

      Assemble 30 tower units in your city.

      40.0 %

    13. Battle mage

      Inflict 2000 magical damage on your opponents.

      36.5 %

    14. Rune of earth collector

      Find 30 runes of earth.

      33.0 %

    15. Orc Hero Level

      Improve the level of your orcish hero to 5.

      31.7 %

    16. Arena champion

      Win 10 arena fights in a row.

      31.2 %

    17. Hard portal hunter

      Raid 1 times hard portal.

      28.6 %

    18. Imperium

      Achieve 5000 points in the category "Cities"

      28.6 %

    19. Unit upgrades researcher

      Research 10 unit upgrades.

      28.1 %

    20. Blacksmith

      Forge 50 items using forge.

      28.1 %

    21. Altar builder

      Be a member of an alliance which successfully completed level 12 of the Altar of Gods.

      27.7 %

    22. Spell researcher

      Research 10 spell(s).

      27.3 %

    23. Rune of water collector

      Find 25 runes of water.

      27.3 %

    24. Altar builder

      Be a member of an alliance which successfully completed level 4 of the Altar of Gods.

      27.3 %

    25. Rune of light collector

      Find 35 runes of light.

      26.8 %

    26. Alchemist - sender

      Send 50 ingredients to your friends

      25.5 %

    27. Attacks on fortresses

      Successfully attack a fortress 1 times.

      25.1 %

    28. Tower Defence

      Assemble 60 tower units in your city.

      25.1 %

    29. Mine Production

      Build at least 12 mines of level 10 in your city.

      25.1 %

    30. Altar builder

      Be a member of an alliance which successfully completed level 8 of the Altar of Gods.

      24.6 %

    31. Very hard portal hunter

      Raid 1 times very hard portal.

      24.2 %

    32. Alchemist - requestor

      Ask for 50 ingredients from your friends.

      23.7 %

    33. In the chips

      Achieve 500 treasure points

      23.3 %

    34. Rune of water collector

      Find 50 runes of water.

      23.3 %

    35. City conqueror

      Successfully raid a city of another player 10 times.

      22.9 %

    36. Hard Camp Raider

      Raid 100 hard camps on one gameworld.

      22.4 %

    37. Dwarf Army Upkeep

      Gather a dwarven army of 5000 upkeep.

      22.4 %

    38. Rune of earth collector

      Find 60 runes of earth.

      22.0 %

    39. Blacksmith

      Forge 150 items using forge.

      22.0 %

    40. Unit upgrades researcher

      Research 25 unit upgrades.

      21.5 %

    41. Dwarven Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 2000 as a dwarf.

      21.5 %

    42. Dragonchest opener

      Open 5 Dragon chests

      20.7 %

    43. Spell researcher

      Research 25 spell(s).

      20.7 %

    44. Rune of water collector

      Find 100 runes of water.

      20.7 %

    45. Medium Camp Raider

      Raid 150 medium camps on one gameworld.

      20.7 %

    46. Master trader

      Sell 20 items on the market.

      20.2 %

    47. Hard Camp Raider

      Raid 150 hard camps on one gameworld.

      20.2 %

    48. Blacksmith

      Forge 200 items using forge.

      20.2 %

    49. Imperium

      Achieve 10000 points in the category "Cities"

      20.2 %

    50. Master alchemist

      Create 20 items using Alchemist.

      20.2 %

    51. Alchemist - requestor

      Ask for 250 ingredients from your friends.

      20.2 %

    52. Drops of Blood

      Use 50 Drops of Blood in the event shop.

      19.8 %

    53. Easy portal hunter

      Raid 50 times easy portal.

      19.8 %

    54. So many magic lamps?

      Use 1 items $2$ in the event shop.

      19.3 %

    55. Hard Camp Raider

      Raid 200 hard camps on one gameworld.

      18.9 %

    56. Alchemist - sender

      Send 250 ingredients to your friends

      18.9 %

    57. Elf Army Upkeep

      Gather an elvish army of 5000 upkeep.

      18.5 %

    58. Dragonchest opener

      Open 15 Dragon chests

      18.5 %

    59. Ifrit army

      Have at least 1 Ifrits in your army.

      18.5 %

    60. Temple conqueror

      Be a part of the alliance army that conquers an enemy temple!

      18.5 %

    61. Unit upgrades researcher

      Research 50 unit upgrades.

      18.5 %

    62. Elven Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 2000 as an elf.

      18.0 %

    63. Rune of fire collector

      Find 20 runes of fire.

      18.0 %

    64. Arena champion

      Win 30 arena fights in a row.

      18.0 %

    65. Spell researcher

      Research 50 spell(s).

      18.0 %

    66. Frostbane army

      Have 1 Frostbanes in your army.

      18.0 %

    67. Undead Army Upkeep

      Gather an undead army of 5000 upkeep.

      17.6 %

    68. In the chips

      Achieve 2000 treasure points

      17.6 %

    69. Ifrit army

      Have at least 5 Ifrits in your army.

      17.6 %

    70. Undead Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 2000 as an undead.

      17.1 %

    71. Nagakiller

      Kill 20 Nagas.

      17.1 %

    72. Battle mage

      Inflict 2000000 magical damage on your opponents.

      17.1 %

    73. Rune of fire collector

      Find 40 runes of fire.

      17.1 %

    74. Medium portal hunter

      Raid 50 times medium portal.

      16.7 %

    75. Worm killer

      Kill 100 infected worms

      16.7 %

    76. Very Hard Camp Raider

      Raid 75 very hard camps on one gameworld.

      16.7 %

    77. Totem finder

      Find 15 Totem fragments in the camps

      16.7 %

    78. Fledgling

      Use 50 Feathers of Light in the event shop.

      16.7 %

    79. Dwarf Hero Level

      Improve the level of your dwarven hero to 50.

      16.7 %

    80. Dwarven Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 4000 as a dwarf.

      16.7 %

    81. Master alchemist

      Create 40 items using Alchemist.

      16.7 %

    82. Lizard warchief killer

      Kill at least 30 lizard warchiefs

      16.2 %

    83. Saurian army

      Have at least 1 Saurians in your army.

      16.2 %

    84. Orc Army Upkeep

      Gather an orcish army of 5000 upkeep.

      16.2 %

    85. Alchemist - requestor

      Ask for 500 ingredients from your friends.

      16.2 %

    86. Lycanthrope army

      Have at least 2 Lycanthropes in your army.

      16.2 %

    87. Dwarf Army Upkeep

      Gather a dwarven army of 20000 upkeep.

      16.2 %

    88. Mine Production

      Build at least 12 mines of level 15 in your city.

      16.2 %

    89. Rune of earth collector

      Find 120 runes of earth.

      16.2 %

    90. Rune of fire collector

      Find 60 runes of fire.

      16.2 %

    91. Lizard warchief eggs

      Amass at least 10 lizard eggs from camp raids

      15.8 %

    92. Nagakiller

      Kill 250 Nagas.

      15.8 %

    93. Pearl amulet creator

      Forge 5 Pearl Amulets

      15.8 %

    94. Attacks on fortresses

      Successfully attack a fortress 15 times.

      15.8 %

    95. Master trader

      Sell 50 items on the market.

      15.8 %

    96. Potion drinker

      Drink 50 potions - a potion of a higher level counts as the sum of all potions of level 1.

      15.8 %

    97. Alchemist - sender

      Send 500 ingredients to your friends

      15.8 %

    98. Very Hard Camp Raider

      Raid 125 very hard camps on one gameworld.

      15.8 %

    99. Orcish Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 2000 as an orc.

      15.4 %

    100. Octopus killer

      Kill 10 Octopuses.

      15.4 %

    101. Hard portal hunter

      Raid 50 times hard portal.

      15.4 %

    102. Djinn army

      Have at least 1 Djinns in your army.

      15.4 %

    103. Lizard warchief killer

      Kill at least 250 lizard warchiefs

      14.9 %

    104. Lizard warchief killer

      Kill at least 500 lizard warchiefs

      14.9 %

    105. Master alchemist

      Create 60 items using Alchemist.

      14.9 %

    106. Totem finder

      Find 50 Totem fragments in the camps

      14.9 %

    107. Dwarf Hero Level

      Improve the level of your dwarven hero to 70.

      14.9 %

    108. Eye of the Beholder level

      Achieve the 1 level of the Eye of the Beholder.

      14.9 %

    109. Dwarven Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as a Dwarf with hero level 70

      14.9 %

    110. Rune of light collector

      Find 70 runes of light.

      14.9 %

    111. Stone spell support

      Cast 100 stone spells on your allies.

      14.9 %

    112. Lizard warchief eggs

      Amass at least 40 lizard eggs from camp raids

      14.5 %

    113. Pearl amulet creator

      Forge 10 Pearl Amulets

      14.5 %

    114. Mine Production

      Build at least 12 mines of level 20 in your city.

      14.5 %

    115. Wood spell support

      Cast 100 wood spells on your allies.

      14.5 %

    116. Naga lover

      Recruit 10 Nagas.

      14.0 %

    117. Nagakiller

      Kill 750 Nagas.

      14.0 %

    118. Very hard portal hunter

      Raid 50 times very hard portal.

      14.0 %

    119. Imperium

      Achieve 15000 points in the category "Cities"

      14.0 %

    120. Valuable Collector

      Find 300 valuable artifacts on one gameworld.

      14.0 %

    121. Gold Spell support

      Cast 100 gold spells on your allies.

      14.0 %

    122. Undead Hero Level

      Improve the level of your undead hero to 50.

      13.6 %

    123. Undead Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 4000 as an undead.

      13.6 %

    124. Undead Army Upkeep

      Gather an undead army of 20000 upkeep.

      13.6 %

    125. Fledgling

      Use 200 Feathers of Light in the event shop.

      13.6 %

    126. Elf Hero Level

      Improve the level of your elvish hero to 50.

      13.6 %

    127. Elven Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 4000 as an elf.

      13.6 %

    128. Seraphim army

      Have 1 Seraphims in your army

      13.6 %

    129. Chimera Army

      Have 1 Chimeras in your army

      13.6 %

    130. Dwarven Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 6000 as a dwarf.

      13.6 %

    131. Arena champion

      Win 50 arena fights in a row.

      13.6 %

    132. Unit upgrades researcher

      Research 100 unit upgrades.

      13.6 %

    133. Ifrit army

      Have at least 15 Ifrits in your army.

      13.6 %

    134. Burning chest opener

      Open $2$ 10 times

      13.2 %

    135. Elf Army Upkeep

      Gather an elvish army of 20000 upkeep.

      13.2 %

    136. Worm killer

      Kill 2000 infected worms

      13.2 %

    137. Orc Hero Level

      Improve the level of your orcish hero to 50.

      13.2 %

    138. Orcish Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 4000 as an orc.

      13.2 %

    139. Alliance Member

      Become a member of an alliance that has at least 50 members.

      13.2 %

    140. Army of Medusas

      Have at least 5 Medusas in your army

      13.2 %

    141. Orc Army Upkeep

      Gather an orcish army of 20000 upkeep.

      13.2 %

    142. Easy portal hunter

      Raid 150 times easy portal.

      13.2 %

    143. Rune of air collector

      Find 15 runes of air.

      13.2 %

    144. Tower Defence

      Assemble 150 tower units in your city.

      13.2 %

    145. Iron spell support

      Cast 100 iron spells on your allies.

      13.2 %

    146. Burning chest opener

      Open $2$ 35 times

      12.7 %

    147. So many magic lamps?

      Use 20 items $2$ in the event shop.

      12.7 %

    148. Dwarf Army Upkeep

      Gather a dwarven army of 35000 upkeep.

      12.7 %

    149. In the chips

      Achieve 4000 treasure points

      12.7 %

    150. City conqueror

      Successfully raid a city of another player 50 times.

      12.7 %

    151. Spell researcher

      Research 100 spell(s).

      12.7 %

    152. Elven Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as an Elf with hero of at least level 70

      12.7 %

    153. Very hard portal hunter

      Raid 150 times very hard portal.

      12.7 %

    154. Eye of the Beholder level

      Achieve the 2 level of the Eye of the Beholder.

      12.7 %

    155. Medium Camp Raider

      Raid 250 medium camps on one gameworld.

      12.7 %

    156. Mind Shackle level

      Own artifact Mindshackle of level 1

      12.3 %

    157. Master trader

      Sell 100 items on the market.

      12.3 %

    158. Elf Hero Level

      Improve the level of your elvish hero to 70.

      12.3 %

    159. Battle mage

      Inflict 20000000 magical damage on your opponents.

      12.3 %

    160. Medium portal hunter

      Raid 150 times medium portal.

      12.3 %

    161. Blazewing army

      Have 1 Blazewings in your army

      11.8 %

    162. Attacks on fortresses

      Successfully attack a fortress 50 times.

      11.8 %

    163. Use the totem relic

      Attack the Wormhole camp with using the totem relic.

      11.8 %

    164. Orcish Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 6000 as an orc.

      11.8 %

    165. Extreme Camp Raider

      Raid 50 extreme camps on one gameworld.

      11.8 %

    166. Rune of air collector

      Find 25 runes of air.

      11.8 %

    167. Undead Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 6000 as an undead.

      11.4 %

    168. Undead Hero Level

      Improve the level of your undead hero to 70.

      11.4 %

    169. Elven Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 6000 as an elf.

      11.4 %

    170. Snakes are everywhere!

      Spend at least 1000 twisted snakes in the event shop

      11.4 %

    171. Elf Army Upkeep

      Gather an elvish army of 35000 upkeep.

      11.4 %

    172. Dwarf Army Upkeep

      Gather a dwarven army of 45000 upkeep.

      11.4 %

    173. Easy Camp Raider

      Raid 200 easy camps on one gameworld.

      11.4 %

    174. Ifrit army

      Have at least 30 Ifrits in your army.

      11.4 %

    175. Ragnarok of undead

      Finish the gameworld as an Undead with hero level 70

      11.0 %

    176. Nagakiller

      Kill 1500 Nagas.

      11.0 %

    177. Undead Army Upkeep

      Gather an undead army of 35000 upkeep.

      11.0 %

    178. Orc Hero Level

      Improve the level of your orcish hero to 70.

      11.0 %

    179. Orcish Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as an Orc with hero level 70

      11.0 %

    180. Potion drinker

      Drink 150 potions - a potion of a higher level counts as the sum of all potions of level 1.

      11.0 %

    181. Hell coin collector

      Craft 15 hell coins using the forge.

      10.5 %

    182. Drops of Blood

      Use 300 Drops of Blood in the event shop.

      10.5 %

    183. Dragonchest opener

      Open 40 Dragon chests

      10.5 %

    184. Very Hard Camp Raider

      Raid 200 very hard camps on one gameworld.

      10.5 %

    185. Dwarven Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 8000 as a dwarf.

      10.5 %

    186. Mind Shackle level

      Own artifact Mindshackle of level 2

      10.5 %

    187. Headhunter

      Attack 5 camp at least $2$ times.

      10.5 %

    188. Worm killer

      Kill 5000 infected worms

      10.5 %

    189. Saurian army

      Have at least 10 Saurians in your army.

      10.5 %

    190. Elf Army Upkeep

      Gather an elvish army of 45000 upkeep.

      10.5 %

    191. Hard Camp Raider

      Raid 400 hard camps on one gameworld.

      10.5 %

    192. Valuable Collector

      Find 400 valuable artifacts on one gameworld.

      10.5 %

    193. Mine Production

      Build at least 12 mines of level 23 in your city.

      10.5 %

    194. Tentacle Crown level

      Own artifact Tentacle Crown of level 1

      10.1 %

    195. Hard portal hunter

      Raid 150 times hard portal.

      10.1 %

    196. Undead Army Upkeep

      Gather an undead army of 45000 upkeep.

      10.1 %

    197. Octopus killer

      Kill 250 Octopuses.

      10.1 %

    198. Orc Army Upkeep

      Gather an orcish army of 35000 upkeep.

      10.1 %

    199. Seraphim army

      Have 3 Seraphims in your army

      10.1 %

    200. Very Hard Camp Raider

      Raid 225 very hard camps on one gameworld.

      10.1 %

    201. Rare Collector

      Find 200 rare artifacts on one gameworld.

      10.1 %

    202. Orc Army Upkeep

      Gather an orcish army of 45000 upkeep.

      10.1 %

    203. Legendary Collector

      Find 50 legendary artifacts on one gameworld.

      10.1 %

    204. Lycanthrope army

      Have at least 5 Lycanthropes in your army.

      10.1 %

    205. Imperium

      Achieve 20000 points in the category "Cities"

      10.1 %

    206. Rune of air collector

      Find 35 runes of air.

      9.69 %

    207. Frostbane army

      Have 3 Frostbanes in your army.

      9.69 %

    208. Eye of the Beholder level

      Achieve the 3 level of the Eye of the Beholder.

      9.69 %

    209. Hell Brute army

      Have at least 2 Hell Brutes in your army.

      9.25 %

    210. In the chips

      Achieve 6000 treasure points

      9.25 %

    211. Spell researcher

      Research 150 spell(s).

      9.25 %

    212. Tentacle Crown level

      Own artifact Tentacle Crown of level 2

      9.25 %

    213. City conqueror

      Successfully raid a city of another player 50 times.

      9.25 %

    214. Wood spell support

      Cast 250 wood spells on your allies.

      9.25 %

    215. Iron spell support

      Cast 250 iron spells on your allies.

      9.25 %

    216. Burning chest opener

      Open $2$ 80 times

      8.81 %

    217. Elven Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 8000 as an elf.

      8.81 %

    218. Lizard warchief army

      Have at least 25 lizard warchiefs in your army

      8.81 %

    219. Arena champion

      Win 100 arena fights in a row.

      8.81 %

    220. Orc Hero Level

      Improve the level of your orcish hero to 100.

      8.81 %

    221. Stone spell support

      Cast 250 stone spells on your allies.

      8.81 %

    222. Undead Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 8000 as an undead.

      8.37 %

    223. Lizard warchief eggs

      Amass at least 80 lizard eggs from camp raids

      8.37 %

    224. Undead Hero Level

      Improve the level of your undead hero to 100.

      8.37 %

    225. Use the totem relic

      Attack the Wormhole camp with using the totem relic.

      8.37 %

    226. Very hard portal hunter

      Raid 150 times very hard portal.

      8.37 %

    227. Ifrit army

      Have at least 50 Ifrits in your army.

      8.37 %

    228. Gold Spell support

      Cast 250 gold spells on your allies.

      8.37 %

    229. Rune of light collector

      Find 140 runes of light.

      8.37 %

    230. Easy portal hunter

      Raid 500 times easy portal.

      8.37 %

    231. Attacks on fortresses

      Successfully attack a fortress 150 times.

      7.92 %

    232. Orcish Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 8000 as an orc.

      7.92 %

    233. Extreme Camp Raider

      Raid 100 extreme camps on one gameworld.

      7.92 %

    234. Unit upgrades researcher

      Research 150 unit upgrades.

      7.92 %

    235. Elf Hero Level

      Improve the level of your elvish hero to 100.

      7.92 %

    236. Easy Camp Raider

      Raid 300 easy camps on one gameworld.

      7.92 %

    237. Stonegrinder army

      Have 1 Stonegrinders in your army

      7.48 %

    238. Chimera Army

      Have 4 Chimeras in your army

      7.48 %

    239. Dwarf Hero Level

      Improve the level of your dwarven hero to 100.

      7.04 %

    240. Headhunter

      Attack 10 camp at least $2$ times.

      7.04 %

    241. Saurian army

      Have at least 20 Saurians in your army.

      7.04 %

    242. Hard portal hunter

      Raid 500 times hard portal.

      7.04 %

    243. Medium portal hunter

      Raid 500 times medium portal.

      7.04 %

    244. Eye of the Beholder level

      Achieve the 4 level of the Eye of the Beholder.

      7.04 %

    245. Easy Camp Raider

      Raid 500 easy camps on one gameworld.

      7.04 %

    246. Medium Camp Raider

      Raid 500 medium camps on one gameworld.

      7.04 %

    247. Wood spell support

      Cast 500 wood spells on your allies.

      7.04 %

    248. Stone spell support

      Cast 500 stone spells on your allies.

      7.04 %

    249. Iron spell support

      Cast 500 iron spells on your allies.

      7.04 %

    250. Mind Shackle level

      Own artifact Mindshackle of level 3

      6.60 %

    251. Attacks on fortresses

      Successfully attack a fortress 250 times.

      6.60 %

    252. Extreme Camp Raider

      Raid 150 extreme camps on one gameworld.

      6.60 %

    253. Valuable Collector

      Find 500 valuable artifacts on one gameworld.

      6.60 %

    254. Use the totem relic

      Attack the Wormhole camp with using the totem relic.

      6.60 %

    255. Headhunter

      Attack 15 camp at least $2$ times.

      6.60 %

    256. Headhunter

      Attack 20 camp at least $2$ times.

      6.60 %

    257. Lizard warchief killer

      Kill at least 5000 lizard warchiefs

      6.16 %

    258. Worm killer

      Kill 8000 infected worms

      6.16 %

    259. Octopus killer

      Kill 500 Octopuses.

      6.16 %

    260. Seraphim army

      Have 5 Seraphims in your army

      6.16 %

    261. Rare Collector

      Find 300 rare artifacts on one gameworld.

      6.16 %

    262. Tentacle Crown level

      Own artifact Tentacle Crown of level 3

      6.16 %

    263. Frostbane army

      Have 7 Frostbanes in your army.

      6.16 %

    264. Mine Production

      Build at least 12 mines of level 25 in your city.

      6.16 %

    265. Easy portal hunter

      Raid 1000 times easy portal.

      6.16 %

    266. Gold Spell support

      Cast 500 gold spells on your allies.

      6.16 %

    267. City conqueror

      Successfully raid a city of another player 200 times.

      5.72 %

    268. Potion drinker

      Drink 300 potions - a potion of a higher level counts as the sum of all potions of level 1.

      5.72 %

    269. Dragonchest opener

      Open 80 Dragon chests

      5.72 %

    270. Very hard portal hunter

      Raid 1000 times very hard portal.

      5.72 %

    271. Dwarven Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as a Dwarf with hero level 70

      5.28 %

    272. Lizard warchief army

      Have at least 50 lizard warchiefs in your army

      5.28 %

    273. Mind Shackle level

      Own artifact Mindshackle of level 4

      5.28 %

    274. So many magic lamps?

      Use 40 items $2$ in the event shop.

      5.28 %

    275. Undead Hero Level

      Improve the level of your undead hero to 120.

      5.28 %

    276. Fledgling

      Use 800 Feathers of Light in the event shop.

      5.28 %

    277. Worm killer

      Kill 12000 infected worms

      5.28 %

    278. Saurian army

      Have at least 30 Saurians in your army.

      5.28 %

    279. Hard portal hunter

      Raid 1000 times hard portal.

      5.28 %

    280. Headhunter

      Attack 30 camp at least $2$ times.

      5.28 %

    281. Orcish Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as an Orc with hero level 70

      4.84 %

    282. Hell coin collector

      Craft 30 hell coins using the forge.

      4.84 %

    283. Temple conqueror

      Be a part of the alliance army that conquers an enemy temple!

      4.84 %

    284. Elven Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as an Elf with hero of at least level 70

      4.84 %

    285. Pearl amulet creator

      Forge 30 Pearl Amulets

      4.84 %

    286. Legendary Collector

      Find 100 legendary artifacts on one gameworld.

      4.84 %

    287. In the chips

      Achieve 10000 treasure points

      4.84 %

    288. Elf Hero Level

      Improve the level of your elvish hero to 120.

      4.84 %

    289. Valuable Collector

      Find 600 valuable artifacts on one gameworld.

      4.84 %

    290. Medium portal hunter

      Raid 1000 times medium portal.

      4.84 %

    291. Easy Camp Raider

      Raid 1000 easy camps on one gameworld.

      4.84 %

    292. Stonegrinder army

      Have 3 Stonegrinders in your army

      4.40 %

    293. Burning chest opener

      Open $2$ 120 times

      4.40 %

    294. Lycanthrope army

      Have at least 10 Lycanthropes in your army.

      4.40 %

    295. Saurian army

      Have at least 40 Saurians in your army.

      4.40 %

    296. Ragnarok of undead

      Finish the gameworld as an Undead with hero level 70

      3.96 %

    297. Goblin mechanic army

      Have 10 Goblin mechanics in your army

      3.96 %

    298. Snakes are everywhere!

      Spend at least 2000 twisted snakes in the event shop

      3.96 %

    299. Undead Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 10000 as an undead.

      3.96 %

    300. Elven Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as an Elf with hero of at least level 70

      3.96 %

    301. Victory!

      Be a member of the victorious alliance at the moment the game world ends!

      3.96 %

    302. Imperium

      Achieve 25000 points in the category "Cities"

      3.96 %

    303. Army of Medusas

      Have at least 25 Medusas in your army

      3.96 %

    304. Djinn army

      Have at least 5 Djinns in your army.

      3.96 %

    305. Medium Camp Raider

      Raid 1000 medium camps on one gameworld.

      3.96 %

    306. Dwarven Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as a Dwarf with hero level 70

      3.52 %

    307. Ragnarok of undead

      Finish the gameworld as an Undead with hero level 70

      3.52 %

    308. Dwarf Hero Level

      Improve the level of your dwarven hero to 120.

      3.52 %

    309. Elven Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 10000 as an elf.

      3.52 %

    310. Lizard warchief killer

      Kill at least 10000 lizard warchiefs

      3.52 %

    311. Naga lover

      Recruit 50 Nagas.

      3.52 %

    312. Stonegrinder army

      Have 6 Stonegrinders in your army

      3.52 %

    313. Chimera Army

      Have 12 Chimeras in your army

      3.52 %

    314. Lizard warchief army

      Have at least 100 lizard warchiefs in your army

      3.52 %

    315. Hell Brute army

      Have at least 10 Hell Brutes in your army.

      3.52 %

    316. So many magic lamps?

      Use 60 items $2$ in the event shop.

      3.52 %

    317. Use the totem relic

      Attack the Wormhole camp with using the totem relic.

      3.52 %

    318. So many magic lamps?

      Use 80 items $2$ in the event shop.

      3.52 %

    319. Extreme Camp Raider

      Raid 200 extreme camps on one gameworld.

      3.08 %

    320. Orc Hero Level

      Improve the level of your orcish hero to 120.

      3.08 %

    321. Orcish Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as an Orc with hero level 70

      3.08 %

    322. Dwarven Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 10000 as a dwarf.

      3.08 %

    323. Orcish Gladiator

      Achieve an Arena rating of 10000 as an orc.

      3.08 %

    324. Lizard warchief eggs

      Amass at least 150 lizard eggs from camp raids

      3.08 %

    325. Tentacle Crown level

      Own artifact Tentacle Crown of level 4

      3.08 %

    326. Rare Collector

      Find 400 rare artifacts on one gameworld.

      3.08 %

    327. Seraphim army

      Have 10 Seraphims in your army

      3.08 %

    328. Rare Collector

      Find 500 rare artifacts on one gameworld.

      3.08 %

    329. Lizard warchief army

      Have at least 200 lizard warchiefs in your army

      3.08 %

    330. Fledgling

      Use 1500 Feathers of Light in the event shop.

      3.08 %

    331. Stonegrinder army

      Have 9 Stonegrinders in your army

      3.08 %

    332. Dwarven Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as a Dwarf with hero level 70

      2.64 %

    333. Temple conqueror

      Be a part of the alliance army that conquers an enemy temple!

      2.64 %

    334. Burning chest opener

      Open $2$ 160 times

      2.64 %

    335. Elven Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as an Elf with hero of at least level 70

      2.64 %

    336. Blazewing army

      Have 10 Blazewings in your army

      2.64 %

    337. Totem finder

      Find 200 Totem fragments in the camps

      2.64 %

    338. Octopus killer

      Kill 1500 Octopuses.

      2.64 %

    339. Frostbane army

      Have 12 Frostbanes in your army.

      2.64 %

    340. Dragonchest opener

      Open 130 Dragon chests

      2.64 %

    341. Army of Medusas

      Have at least 50 Medusas in your army

      2.64 %

    342. Army of Medusas

      Have at least 75 Medusas in your army

      2.64 %

    343. Lizard warchief army

      Have at least 400 lizard warchiefs in your army

      2.64 %

    344. Hell coin collector

      Craft 80 hell coins using the forge.

      2.64 %

    345. Naga lover

      Recruit 100 Nagas.

      2.64 %

    346. Stonegrinder army

      Have 15 Stonegrinders in your army

      2.64 %

    347. Army of Medusas

      Have at least 100 Medusas in your army

      2.64 %

    348. Chimera Army

      Have 25 Chimeras in your army

      2.64 %

    349. Chimera Army

      Have 35 Chimeras in your army

      2.64 %

    350. Orcish Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as an Orc with hero level 70

      2.20 %

    351. Victory!

      Be a member of the victorious alliance at the moment the game world ends!

      2.20 %

    352. Snakes are everywhere!

      Spend at least 3000 twisted snakes in the event shop

      2.20 %

    353. Legendary Collector

      Find 150 legendary artifacts on one gameworld.

      2.20 %

    354. Victory!

      Be a member of the victorious alliance at the moment the game world ends!

      2.20 %

    355. Victory!

      Be a member of the victorious alliance at the moment the game world ends!

      2.20 %

    356. Goblin mechanic army

      Have 30 Goblin mechanics in your army

      2.20 %

    357. Goblin mechanic army

      Have 50 Goblin mechanics in your army

      2.20 %

    358. Snakes are everywhere!

      Spend at least 4000 twisted snakes in the event shop

      2.20 %

    359. Legendary Collector

      Find 200 legendary artifacts on one gameworld.

      2.20 %

    360. Victory!

      Be a member of the victorious alliance at the moment the game world ends!

      2.20 %

    361. Lizard warchief eggs

      Amass at least 300 lizard eggs from camp raids

      2.20 %

    362. Hell Brute army

      Have at least 20 Hell Brutes in your army.

      2.20 %

    363. Frostbane army

      Have 18 Frostbanes in your army.

      2.20 %

    364. Goblin mechanic army

      Have 75 Goblin mechanics in your army

      2.20 %

    365. Goblin mechanic army

      Have 100 Goblin mechanics in your army

      2.20 %

    366. Drops of Blood

      Use 1000 Drops of Blood in the event shop.

      2.20 %

    367. Snakes are everywhere!

      Spend at least 5000 twisted snakes in the event shop

      2.20 %

    368. Seraphim army

      Have 30 Seraphims in your army

      2.20 %

    369. Fledgling

      Use 3000 Feathers of Light in the event shop.

      2.20 %

    370. Djinn army

      Have at least 10 Djinns in your army.

      2.20 %

    371. Ragnarok of undead

      Finish the gameworld as an Undead with hero level 70

      1.76 %

    372. Ragnarok of undead

      Finish the gameworld as an Undead with hero level 70

      1.76 %

    373. Elven Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as an Elf with hero of at least level 70

      1.76 %

    374. Dwarven Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as a Dwarf with hero level 70

      1.76 %

    375. Orcish Ragnarok

      Finish the gameworld as an Orc with hero level 70

      1.76 %

    376. Pearl amulet creator

      Forge 60 Pearl Amulets

      1.76 %

    377. Potion drinker

      Drink 500 potions - a potion of a higher level counts as the sum of all potions of level 1.

      1.76 %

    378. Hell Brute army

      Have at least 30 Hell Brutes in your army.

      1.76 %

    379. Pearl amulet creator

      Forge 90 Pearl Amulets

      1.76 %

    380. Totem finder

      Find 400 Totem fragments in the camps

      1.76 %

    381. Hell coin collector

      Craft 160 hell coins using the forge.

      1.76 %

    382. Naga lover

      Recruit 200 Nagas.

      1.76 %

    383. Lycanthrope army

      Have at least 20 Lycanthropes in your army.

      1.32 %

    384. Lycanthrope army

      Have at least 35 Lycanthropes in your army.

      1.32 %

    385. Blazewing army

      Have 20 Blazewings in your army

      1.32 %

    386. Blazewing army

      Have 30 Blazewings in your army

      1.32 %

    387. Blazewing army

      Have 40 Blazewings in your army

      1.32 %

    388. Goblin chest opener

      Open Goblin chest 1 times

      0.881 %

    389. Goblin chest opener

      Open Goblin chest 20 times

      0.881 %

    390. Goblin chest opener

      Open Goblin chest 50 times

      0.881 %

    391. Drops of Blood

      Use 2000 Drops of Blood in the event shop.

      0.881 %

    392. Drops of Blood

      Use 3500 Drops of Blood in the event shop.

      0.881 %

    393. Djinn army

      Have at least 20 Djinns in your army.

      0.881 %

    394. Djinn army

      Have at least 30 Djinns in your army.

      0.881 %

    395. Gold digger

      This achievement is hidden. Achieve a combined production of 200 gold per hour from all of your cities.

      0.440 %

    396. Woodcutter

      This achievement is hidden. Achieve a combined production of 200 wood per hour from all of your cities.

      0.440 %

    397. Stone miner

      This achievement is hidden. Achieve a combined production of 200 stone per hour from all of your cities.

      0.440 %

    398. Iron miner

      This achievement is hidden. Achieve a combined production of 200 iron per hour from all of your cities.

      0.440 %

    399. Gold trader

      This achievement is hidden. Send 100000 gold to allied cities.

      0.440 %

    400. Stone trader

      This achievement is hidden. Send 400000 stone to allied cities.

      0.440 %

    401. Iron trader

      This achievement is hidden. Send 200000 iron to allied cities.

      0.440 %

    402. Gold digger

      This achievement is hidden. Achieve a combined production of 600 gold per hour from all of your cities.

      0.440 %

    403. Woodcutter

      This achievement is hidden. Achieve a combined production of 600 wood per hour from all of your cities.

      0.440 %

    404. Stone miner

      This achievement is hidden. Achieve a combined production of 600 stone per hour from all of your cities.

      0.440 %

    405. Iron miner

      This achievement is hidden. Achieve a combined production of 600 iron per hour from all of your cities.

      0.440 %

    406. Gold trader

      This achievement is hidden. Send 500000 gold to allied cities.

      0.440 %

    407. Gold trader

      This achievement is hidden. Send 1000000 gold to allied cities.

      0.440 %

    408. Wood trader

      This achievement is hidden. Send 500000 wood to allied cities.

      0.440 %

    409. Wood trader

      This achievement is hidden. Send 1500000 wood to allied cities.

      0.440 %

    410. Wood trader

      This achievement is hidden. Send 3000000 wood to allied cities.

      0.440 %

    411. Stone trader

      This achievement is hidden. Send 1000000 stone to allied cities.

      0.440 %

    412. Stone trader

      This achievement is hidden. Send 2000000 stone to allied cities.

      0.440 %

    413. Iron trader

      This achievement is hidden. Send 600000 iron to allied cities.

      0.440 %

    414. Iron trader

      This achievement is hidden. Send 1200000 iron to allied cities.

      0.440 %

    415. Gold digger

      This achievement is hidden. Achieve a combined production of 1500 gold per hour from all of your cities.

      0.440 %

    416. Woodcutter

      This achievement is hidden. Achieve a combined production of 1500 wood per hour from all of your cities.

      0.440 %

    417. Stone miner

      This achievement is hidden. Achieve a combined production of 1500 stone per hour from all of your cities.

      0.440 %

    418. Iron miner

      This achievement is hidden. Achieve a combined production of 1500 iron per hour from all of your cities.

      0.440 %

    419. Goblin chest opener

      Open Goblin chest 100 times

      0.440 %

    420. Goblin chest opener

      Open Goblin chest 150 times

      0 %

  2. Emporea — Update #1 31 Jul '16

    40 additional achievements worth 2,174
    1. Play every day!

      Log in one game world each day, for at least 2 days.

      65.4 %

    2. Play every day!

      Log in one game world each day, for at least 7 days.

      44.3 %

    3. Play every day!

      Log in one game world each day, for at least 20 days.

      36.0 %

    4. Mana used

      Spend 5000 mana.

      30.0 %

    5. Mana used

      Spend 25000 mana.

      24.0 %

    6. Play every day!

      Log in one game world each day, for at least 50 days.

      23.3 %

    7. First boss fight - Harvester

      Deal 9000000 damage to Harvester boss

      23.3 %

    8. First boss fight - Harvester

      Deal 65000000 damage to Harvester boss

      22.5 %

    9. Second boss fight - Stormreaver

      Deal 50000000 damage to Stormreaver boss

      21.8 %

    10. Third boss fight - Xoggoth

      Deal 70000000 damage to Xoggoth boss

      21.8 %

    11. Second boss fight - Stormreaver

      Deal 75000000 damage to Stormreaver boss

      21.0 %

    12. Lords of Darkness!

      Have 1 Lords of Darkness in your army

      20.3 %

    13. Ancient relics

      Spend at least 20 Ancient Relics in the event shop

      19.5 %

    14. First boss fight - Harvester

      Deal 83000000 damage to Harvester boss

      19.5 %

    15. Second boss fight - Stormreaver

      Deal 88000000 damage to Stormreaver boss

      19.5 %

    16. Second boss fight - Stormreaver

      Deal 104000000 damage to Stormreaver boss

      19.5 %

    17. Second boss fight - Stormreaver

      Deal 116000000 damage to Stormreaver boss

      19.5 %

    18. Third boss fight - Xoggoth

      Deal 130000000 damage to Xoggoth boss

      19.5 %

    19. First boss fight - Harvester

      Deal 100000000 damage to Harvester boss

      18.7 %

    20. Ancient relics

      Spend at least 50 Ancient Relics in the event shop

      18.0 %

    21. First boss fight - Harvester

      Deal 116000000 damage to Harvester boss

      18.0 %

    22. Mana used

      Spend 150000 mana.

      18.0 %

    23. Orb of a thousand lives

      Achieve level 1 of this artifact

      15.7 %

    24. Ancient relics

      Spend at least 100 Ancient Relics in the event shop

      14.2 %

    25. Mana used

      Spend 350000 mana.

      12.7 %

    26. Lords of Darkness!

      Have 10 Lords of Darkness in your army

      12.0 %

    27. Third boss fight - Xoggoth

      Deal 200000000 damage to Xoggoth boss

      12.0 %

    28. Play every day!

      Log in one game world each day, for at least 95 days.

      12.0 %

    29. Orb of a thousand lives

      Achieve level 2 of this artifact

      9.02 %

    30. Third boss fight - Xoggoth

      Deal 255000000 damage to Xoggoth boss

      8.27 %

    31. Ancient relics

      Spend at least 200 Ancient Relics in the event shop

      6.76 %

    32. Mana used

      Spend 600000 mana.

      6.76 %

    33. Lords of Darkness!

      Have 20 Lords of Darkness in your army

      6.01 %

    34. Lords of Darkness!

      Have 30 Lords of Darkness in your army

      6.01 %

    35. Ancient relics

      Spend at least 400 Ancient Relics in the event shop

      5.26 %

    36. Orb of a thousand lives

      Achieve level 3 of this artifact

      4.51 %

    37. Lords of Darkness!

      Have 60 Lords of Darkness in your army

      4.51 %

    38. Third boss fight - Xoggoth

      Deal 300000000 damage to Xoggoth boss

      3.75 %

    39. Orb of a thousand lives

      Achieve level 4 of this artifact

      2.25 %

    40. Orb of a thousand lives

      Achieve level 5 of this artifact

      1.50 %

  3. Emporea — Update #2 18 Jan '17

    24 additional achievements worth 1,075
    1. Daily quests

      Finish 50 daily quests

      64.8 %

    2. Daily quests

      Finish 500 daily quests

      31.5 %

    3. Altar builder

      Be a member of an alliance which successfully completed level 35 of the Altar of Gods.

      27.9 %

    4. Spider eggs

      Use 30 Spider eggs in the event shop

      25.2 %

    5. Spider army

      Have 1 Spider queens in your army

      24.3 %

    6. Daily quests

      Finish 1500 daily quests

      24.3 %

    7. Spider eggs

      Use 5 Spider eggs in the event shop

      23.4 %

    8. Master alchemist

      Create 150 items using Alchemist.

      20.7 %

    9. Spider eggs

      Use 80 Spider eggs in the event shop

      17.1 %

    10. Spider army

      Have 4 Spider queens in your army

      15.3 %

    11. Daily quests

      Finish 3000 daily quests

      14.4 %

    12. Spider army

      Have 8 Spider queens in your army

      10.8 %

    13. Spider eggs

      Use 130 Spider eggs in the event shop

      9.90 %

    14. Master alchemist

      Create 300 items using Alchemist.

      9.90 %

    15. Spider eggs

      Use 200 Spider eggs in the event shop

      8.10 %

    16. Altar builder

      Be a member of an alliance which successfully completed level 45 of the Altar of Gods.

      7.20 %

    17. Arena champion

      Win 300 arena fights in a row.

      7.20 %

    18. Daily quests

      Finish 6000 daily quests

      7.20 %

    19. Spider army

      Have 20 Spider queens in your army

      6.30 %

    20. Undead Army Upkeep

      Gather an undead army of 110000 upkeep.

      5.40 %

    21. Dwarf Army Upkeep

      Gather a dwarven army of 110000 upkeep.

      5.40 %

    22. Elf Army Upkeep

      Gather an elvish army of 110000 upkeep.

      5.40 %

    23. Spider army

      Have 30 Spider queens in your army

      5.40 %

    24. Orc Army Upkeep

      Gather an orcish army of 110000 upkeep.

      4.50 %

  4. Emporea — Update #3 21 Jun '17

    10 additional achievements worth 616
    1. Mastodon army

      Have 1 Mastodons in your army

      21.6 %

    2. Jewel spender

      Use 10 Primal jewellery in the event shop

      17.5 %

    3. Mastodon army

      Have 3 Mastodons in your army

      13.4 %

    4. Jewel spender

      Use 30 Primal jewellery in the event shop

      12.3 %

    5. Mastodon army

      Have 6 Mastodons in your army

      10.3 %

    6. Jewel spender

      Use 60 Primal jewellery in the event shop

      7.21 %

    7. Mastodon army

      Have 10 Mastodons in your army

      7.21 %

    8. Mastodon army

      Have 25 Mastodons in your army

      4.12 %

    9. Jewel spender

      Use 120 Primal jewellery in the event shop

      4.12 %

    10. Jewel spender

      Use 200 Primal jewellery in the event shop

      3.09 %

  5. Emporea — Update #4 9 Aug '17

    78 additional achievements worth 4,739
    1. Dwarwen war units

      Research 1 unit

      29.3 %

    2. Dwarwen war units

      Research 2 unit

      27.1 %

    3. Pirate coin spender

      Use 15 pirate coins in the event shop

      27.1 %

    4. Pirate coin spender

      Use 40 pirate coins in the event shop

      27.1 %

    5. Undead war units

      Research 1 unit

      26.0 %

    6. Dwarwen war units

      Research 3 unit

      26.0 %

    7. Pirate coin spender

      Use 3 pirate coins in the event shop

      26.0 %

    8. Elven war units

      Research 1 unit

      25 %

    9. Elven war units

      Research 2 unit

      25 %

    10. Bone dragons army

      Have 1 Bone dragons in your army

      25 %

    11. Orc war units

      Research 1 unit

      25 %

    12. Undead war units

      Research 2 unit

      23.9 %

    13. Undead war units

      Research 3 unit

      23.9 %

    14. Elven war units

      Research 3 unit

      23.9 %

    15. Dwarwen war units

      Research 4 unit

      22.8 %

    16. Pirates of the Emporea

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      22.8 %

    17. Bone dragons army

      Have 3 Bone dragons in your army

      22.8 %

    18. Undead war units

      Research 5 unit

      21.7 %

    19. Orc war units

      Research 3 unit

      21.7 %

    20. Undead war units

      Research 4 unit

      20.6 %

    21. Elven war units

      Research 4 unit

      20.6 %

    22. Pirate coin spender

      Use 90 pirate coins in the event shop

      20.6 %

    23. Orc war units

      Research 4 unit

      19.5 %

    24. Dwarwen war units

      Research 5 unit

      18.4 %

    25. Full Moon

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      18.4 %

    26. Orc war units

      Research 5 unit

      18.4 %

    27. Elven war units

      Research 5 unit

      17.3 %

    28. Sisters of Light

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      17.3 %

    29. Bone dragons army

      Have 6 Bone dragons in your army

      17.3 %

    30. Sands of oblivion

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      16.3 %

    31. Sinister snake

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      15.2 %

    32. Lord of Darkness

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      15.2 %

    33. Arachnophobia

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      14.1 %

    34. Call for help

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      14.1 %

    35. Return of the Fire Dragon

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      14.1 %

    36. Gates of the Underworld

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      13.0 %

    37. Terror from the deep hell

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      13.0 %

    38. Pirate coin spender

      Use 150 pirate coins in the event shop

      13.0 %

    39. Bone dragons army

      Have 10 Bone dragons in your army

      13.0 %

    40. Pirates of the Emporea

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      13.0 %

    41. Wrath of the Lizard Warchief

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      11.9 %

    42. Death from the skies!

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      10.8 %

    43. Tracks in the snow

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      8.69 %

    44. Merry Christmas!

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      8.69 %

    45. Sands of oblivion

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      8.69 %

    46. Sinister snake

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      7.60 %

    47. Beholder Event

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      7.60 %

    48. Sisters of Light

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      7.60 %

    49. Gates of the Underworld

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      7.60 %

    50. Sisters of Light

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      7.60 %

    51. Sands of oblivion

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      7.60 %

    52. Arachnophobia

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      6.52 %

    53. Call for help

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      6.52 %

    54. Lord of Darkness

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      6.52 %

    55. Full Moon

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      6.52 %

    56. Sinister snake

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      6.52 %

    57. Terror from the deep hell

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      6.52 %

    58. Wrath of the Lizard Warchief

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      6.52 %

    59. Arachnophobia

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      6.52 %

    60. Tracks in the snow

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      6.52 %

    61. Terror from the deep hell

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      6.52 %

    62. Beholder Event

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      6.52 %

    63. Wrath of the Lizard Warchief

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      6.52 %

    64. Lord of Darkness

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      6.52 %

    65. Gates of the Underworld

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      6.52 %

    66. Return of the Fire Dragon

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      5.43 %

    67. Merry Christmas!

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      5.43 %

    68. Pirates of the Emporea

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      5.43 %

    69. Call for help

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      5.43 %

    70. Return of the Fire Dragon

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      5.43 %

    71. Full Moon

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      5.43 %

    72. Tracks in the snow

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      5.43 %

    73. Bone dragons army

      Have 25 Bone dragons in your army

      5.43 %

    74. Death from the skies!

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 2

      4.34 %

    75. Merry Christmas!

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      4.34 %

    76. Death from the skies!

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 3

      4.34 %

    77. Orc war units

      Research 2 unit

      1.08 %

    78. Beholder Event

      Finish event questline with difficulty: 1

      0 %