Happy Planning
Too Early
Old Man
No Gimmicks
Mission 1
"No Gimmicks" achievement, when we reach the door where we will have to help Mugen, what we will have to do is throw a stone to distract the soldiers.
"Too Early" achievement, when we are in the area where we will have to take the explosive barrel, we have to take it and let them shoot us to death.
"Old Man" achievement, we will use Hayato to climb with the hook of the tower where Takuma is and we approach.
"Happy Planning" achievement, We must go where there are two guards who are looking at a map, when a 3rd soldier joins we will have to throw the planks to crush the 3.
Misión 1
Logro "Sin Artefactos", cuando lleguemos a la puerta donde tendremos que ayudar a Mugen, lo que tendremos que hacer es lanzar una piedrapara distraer a los soldados.
Logro "Demasiado Pronto", cuando estemos en la zona donde tendremos que coger el barril explosivo, hay que cogerlo y dejar que nos disparen hasta morir.
Logro "El anciano", usaremos a Hayato para trepar con el gancho de la torre donde esta Takuma y nos acercamos.
Logro "Planes Perfectos", deberemos ir donde hay dos guardias que estan mirando un mapa, cuando un 3er soldado se una tendremos que tirar los tablones para aplastar a los 3.
Stoned Ox
Happy little accidents
The Cave
Mission 2
- "The Cave" achievement, when you meet Yuki, turn the camera where the rocks are and there you will see a cave, go inside and you will see a smiling face.
- "Stoned Ox" achievement, next to the river you will see an ox drinking from the river and with a soldier just behind, you will only have to throw a stone at him and you will succeed.
- "Happy little accidents" achievement, the first accident is done with the achievement "Stoned Ox", the second you will have to throw a rock on top of a soldier and the third is on the other side of the river and you will have to remove the stoppers from the wheels of the cart and you will get the achievement.
Misión 2
- Logro "La Cueva", cuando conozcais a Yuki, girais la camara donde estan las rocas y alli vereis una cueva, os meteis dentro y se vera una cara sonriendo.
- Logro "Buey Letal", al lado del río vereis un buey bebiendo del río y con un soldado justo detras, solo tendreis que lanzarle una piedra y conseguido.
- Logro "Accidentes Fortuitos", el primer accidente se hace con el logro "Buey Letal", el segundo tendreis que tirar una roca encima de un soldado y el tercero esta al otro lado del río y tendreis que quitarle los topes a las ruedas del carro y obtendreis el logro.
A thief's beginning
Ice Ice Yuki
Mission 3
- "Rollin'" achievement, you just have to get on the red bandwagon, but after meeting with Mugen.
- "Ice Ice Yuki" achievement, you have to throw an icicle at the guard who has the key.
- "A thief's beginning" achievement, you have to steal the key from the guard..
Misión 3
- Logro "En marcha", solo hay que subirse al carro rojo, pero despues de haberte reunido con Mugen.
- Logro "Yuki la gélida", tienes que tirarle un carambano al guardia que tiene la llave.
- Logro "Los indicios de Ladrona", hay que robarle la llave al guardia.
Release the Kraken
Mission 4
What you have to do is take 3 rocks with Mugen and leave them in specific places, the best way to do it is to eliminate all the guards and civilians.
GoGoshik B.A.T - Edit - Attention !!! There must be exactly those specific rocks in those specific places, it seems that you cannot bring any other rock Be carefull not to break any.
Misión 4
Lo que se tiene que hacer es coger 3 rocas con Mugen y dejarlas en sitios especificos, la mejor manera de hacerlo es eliminando a todos los guardias y civiles.
The Old Way
Mission 8
- "Prisioners" achievement, in castle have two prisoner cages, open it.
- "The Old Way" and "Okkoto" achievement, beafor you regoup to continue the mission, near the tent of Okkoto you have three barrels, take all and you put in front of the Okkoto's tent, then regroup, when the scene finish, choose Takuma and shoot the barrels.
Misión 8
- Logro "Presos", en el castillo tienes dos jaulas de prisioneros, ábrelas.
- Logros "Viejas Costumbres" y "Okkoto", antes de que te reúnas para continuar la misión, cerca de la tienda de Okkoto tienes tres barriles, cogelos todos y ponlos frente a la tienda de Okkoto, luego reagrupate, cuando termine la escena, selecciona a Takuma y dispara a los barriles.
The End
Five Shadows
Mission 9
- "Five Shadows" achievement, this achievement it's easy, with the SHIFT you need do an action with every character (walk action is enough) at the same time and you press ENTER.
- "The End" achievement, select Takuma in the mission start and move little bit to the left side and shoot Kage-sama.
Misión 9
- Logro "Cinco sombras", Este logro es fácil, con SHIFT necesitas hacer una acción con todos los personajes (la acción de caminar es suficiente) al mismo tiempo y presionas ENTER.
- Logro "Se acabo", selecciona a Takuma al inicio de la misión y muévete un poco hacia el lado izquierdo y dispara a Kage-sama.
Gear up
Mission 10
Video is only achievement "Stoned" YouTube
- "Stoned" achievement, at start mission, with Hayato you throw a stone to the guard.
- "Gear up" achievement, you need recover all the equipment in this mission, 1st part have a daggers Yuki, the four pistols and the Yuki's trap, the 2nd part have a Yuki's whistle, Hayato's shuriken and the Hayato's katana.
Misión 10
El video es solo del logro "A pedradas" YouTube
- Logro "A pedradas", al inicio de la misión, con Hayato le lanzas una piedra al guardia.
- Logro "Equípate", necesitas recuperar todo el equipo en esta misión, la primera parte tiene las dagas de Yuki, las cuatro pistolas y la trampa de Yuki, la segunda parte tiene el silbato de Yuki, el shuriken de Hayato y la katana de Hayato.
High Five the Moon
Praise the Shogun
Mission 12
- "Praise the Shogun" achievement, at the beginning of the mission, on the mountain you will see two vines and three tents, because in the third tent just behind this you should see some marks on the ground, you stand on top of those marks and you give the mountain a sword, It will open a cave with an unlit campfire, you have to light it. "GoGoshiK B.A.T. - For me it worked with yuki only, activate the blade and press random on the rock behind the tent"
- "High Five the Moon" achievement, the moment you find the pagoda, all you have to do is climb up with the hook to the top.
Misión 12
- Logro "Honra al Shogun", al empezar la mision, en la montaña vereis dos enredaderas y tres tiendas de campaña, pues en la tercera tienda justo detras de esta deberiais ver unas marcas en el suelo, os poneis encima de esas marcas y le dais un espadazo a la montaña, se os abrira una cueva con una fogata apagada, la teneis que encender.
- Logro "Alzándose hacia la luna", en el momento que encontreis la pagoda, lo unico que teneis que hacer es subir con el gancho hasta arriba del todo.
Atheist Ox
Undeserved Honor
When Cut Across the Neck
Complete Mastery
Mission 13
- "Atheist Ox" achievement, next to one of the wells that you have to use later there is an ox, you throw a stone at it and it will throw the statue.
- "When Cut Across the Neck" achievement, before entering the well to continue, you will have to select Aiko or Takuma, you will have to climb the tower that is near the shooters and throw the perfume with Aiko when Noboru is supervising, if it is with Takuma, with the explosive grenade get close from the tower and when Noboru moves you throw it at him.
3- North well and West Well are Mutually Exclusive. if you use key on one, you will be stuck on the other well, make sure to save it before you use the key on either well.
4- Lord Noburu must be killed to get Noburu , while if you let him perform sepuku, you will get Undeserved honor. (mutually exclusive)
Misión 13
1.Logro "Buey Ateo", al lado de uno de los pozos que mas adelante tienes que usar hay un buey, le lanzas una piedra y este tirara la estatua.
2. Logro "Perfección", antes de entrar al pozo para continuar, tendreis que seleccionar a Aiko o a Takuma, tendras que subirte a la torre que esta cerca de los tiradores y lanzarle con Aiko el perfume cuando este Noboru supervisando, si es con Takuma, con la granada explosiva ponerse cerca de la torre y cuando Noboru se mueva se la lanzais.3- Pozo Norte y Pozo Oeste son Mutuamente Exclusivos. si usa la clave en uno, se quedará atascado en el otro pozo, asegúrese de guardarlo antes de usar la clave en cualquiera de los pozos.
4- Lord Noburu debe ser asesinado para obtener Noburu, mientras que si lo dejas realizar sepuku, obtendrás Honor inmerecido. (mutuamente excluyentes) -
Mission 1: Osaka Castle
Target is a nurse north of Takuma (sniper)Mission 2: Nakasendo Road
Target is a guard across the river among the other sleeping guards.Mission 3: Imai Town
Target is one of the guards that checks on the red tarp cart.Mission 4: Mount Tsuru (2 Targets)
Both targets are to the North West sector from mission start. (where Aiko san gets one of her dress)Mission 5: Lord Yabu's Estate
This target is on the outside of the estate by the hot spring to the north. he takes "restroom" breaks.Mission 6: Hida Village
This target is easy to miss as he hides OUT of screen from time to time. He is to the north of mission start by final objective. (further north of General Okkoto)Mission 7: Suganuma Village
From mission start this target is a 2 levels/ rice fields above to the north from start point.Mission 8: Kanazawa City
This target is in a tower within the enemy compound close to the objective (between blow up a building and where you pick the barrel)Mission 9: Kage-sama's Camp
This target is close to Kage-sama. Mugen side of the map. (sitting under a tree )Mission 10: Mount Tsuru Prison
Target is located between the two guards that have Hayato's weapons.(last part of map, after mugen does sepuku)
Mission 11: Matsuyama City (2 Targets)
First target is in the first section of the mission, within the city. Located in the tavern area, near 2nd dress for aiko)Second target is in the second section (after listening ) of the mission within the spa compound.
Mission 12: Myogi Pass
Target is located within the group that is optional to "drug" to sleep.Mission 13: Sunpu Castle (2 Targets)
First target is right behind the Samurai that holds the key to the wells.
Second target is the guard line at the firing range under training of Lord Noburu and Samurai. (the one firing with a delay of a sec) -