22 All achievements
Little Nightmares - 100% Achievement Guide
This guide will be going over all of the achievements in Little Nightmares as well as the DLC. This is a horror game all about the atmospheric story telling as it has no dialogue, but still manages to be very creepy and get the story across.
This written guide goes along with my complementary video guide over on Youtube if you'd like to check that out.
This game requires two main play-throughs in order to 100% it. The first being a general play-through where we get all of the collectibles and then a second where we do a hardcore speedrun.
Light Up Your Life, Little Lost Things, Rascal, Not Alone, Is Anybody Out There?, And I'm Losing You
Light Up Your Life is for lighting 20 candles and lanterns throughout the game. There are 26 scattered across the levels so this one isn't too bad and you can even afford to miss a few.
Little Lost Things is for finding and hugging the 13 Nomes throughout the game. These are sometimes pretty well hidden and can be hard to find without a guide.
Rascal is for destroying all 10 of the figurines throughout the game.
Not Alone is for finding and picking up the 5 Flotsam bottles on the depths DLC.
Is Anybody Out There is for finding and picking up the 5 Flotsam bottles on the hideaway DLC.
I'm Losing You is for finding and picking up the 5 Flotsam bottles on the residence DLC.
Because there are so many collectibles throughout the game and it's three DLCs the easiest way to show the locations in an intuitive way is by video. I made a full Little Nightmares collectibles video that you can pull up and watch along with as you play through the game to make sure you get all of these picked up during your 100% play through.
The Prison
This achievement is earned at the end of chapter one.
The Lair
This is earned at the end of chapter two.
The Kitchen
This achievement is earned when you finish chapter three.
The Guest Area
This achievement is earned when you finish chapter four.
The Lady's Quarters
This is earned at the end of chapter five which is also the end of the base game.
So Close
This is earned at the end of the first DLC.
End In Sight
This is earned at the end of the second DLC.
We'll Meet Again
This is earned at the end of the third DLC.
Highly Sprung
This achievement is earned when you find any bed at any point in the game and jump on it until the achievement pops up, normally after 6 jumps.
Six's Song
During chapter two you climb up a bookcase and jump on a piano.When you get to the piano, run up and down the keys until you get this achievement.
Kitchen Hand
This achievement is earned when you throw three ingredients into the pot of water in the kitchen.
This achievement is earned when you get chased and almost caught 6 times, make sure you escape though. This can be done across chapters two, three and four. It doesn't have to be in a row or with the same enemy.
Fun and Games Ahead
This is a more fun achievement as you get it when you get the ball into the basket.
Ashes In The Maw
This achievement is a bit of a lengthy one to receive. You have to run on rags here and throw a monkey to make a distraction and not be seen.Then run back to the right and pull the lever on that side.
Then in the area to the right you turn on the saw and grab the little wooden gnome.
Bring the gnome over to the trapdoor.
Then later in the game you open the trapdoor and have another door to bring it to.
Then you have to drop down to the floor below to open the trap door. After this you can bring the gnome over to the furnace and throw it in.
Ashes to Ashes
This one has an interesting puzzle you have to solve. In the upstairs library find the book with the spine that has half of a mask on it. Bring it downstairs and all the way over to the left side of the map to place it next to the book with the other half of the mask on it. A hidden door will open and you just knock over the vase on a pedestal.
Hard to the Core
This one is for completing the entire base game in under one hour without dying. You can save, leave, and load the game back up to continue. As long as you're completing it within an hour of in game time without ever dying once you'll be good to go.That means you can pull up my video guide where I show my entire run of this, watch me do a section, do it on your game, pause your game, and continue the video. Keep doing that back and forth to get through the run and it should be fairly easy.
An additional trick to make this EVEN EASIER is to back up your save (steamlibrary\steamapps\common\Little Nightmares\Atlas\Saved) as you get through hard sections and then if you end up dying you can put your backup save back in that folder and the game will think you never died on that save when you load it back up.
And there you go! 100% of the achievements in Little Nightmares. If you found the written guide helpful be sure to like/favorite it and drop a comment down below.
If you found the video guides helpful be sure to also like, comment, and subscribe over on my Youtube Channel.
I also cover the achievement/trophy guides for many other games so whether it's on Youtube, or Steam, check out some of my other guides to help you 100% more games.
Thanks for reading/watching!