
21 guides
  1. 0
    • Demonic

    An easy way to get this achievement at the start of the game is to wait for morning and start attacking villagers.

    So just start whacking them or shooting at them.

    If you find yourself talking to them instead, dont use the mouse buttons instead use Left Shift or click on the Axe button to the right in the interface.

    Another way to lose fame is to steal from villagers.

    To steal from villagers, you need to move around so you can see their backs, some villagers like streetwalkers and guards will never turn their backs to you.

    Once you see their backs, click on them or use the Use button (space) to attempt to pickpocket. [This skill is governed by stealth]

    Every time you fail at it, you will lose fame, it takes around 15 to 20 minutes to get max infamy (lowest fame).

    To can also go for Master Thief (50 successful pickpockets) during this time.

    Be careful if you walk around a guard, they will throw you in jail. (Where you can get Convicted Criminal and Jailbreak)

  2. 0
    • Master Thief

    There is no guide teaching you how to pickpocket, I had to google around to learn how to do this.

    To steal from villagers, you need to move around so you can see their backs, some villagers like streetwalkers and guards will never turn their backs to you.

    Once you see their backs, click on them or use the Use button (space) to attempt to pickpocket. [This skill is governed by stealth]

    It only counts if you successfully steal gold or items, if they dont have anything, the counter wont go up.

    Villagers might run out of things to steal, so you might need to go to another town to complete the achievo, going to the southeast to Vastares.

    You can escape the first village by going northwest and circling around the river, this way the guards wont catch you.

    But, you can reload a save (or start a new game, even) and the counter should still go up with every successful steal.

    While you are doing this, you might want to go for the achievement Demonic.

  3. 0
    • Savior of Matras

    This optional side-quest can be started in the village of Matras (the first town).

    1. You need to find the mayor, he is inside the house west of the Inn.
    2. Once the quest has been accepted, talk to the Innkeeper and the Alchemist. They will tell you about the cemetery and the gas.
    3. After you talk to them, a ladder will appear in a hole in the cemetery, go there, you will fight bats and skeletons.
    4. Inside the hole, to the north of the cave system, you will find the gas and the character will remark that you need to do "something" to cave in the passage.
    5. To collapse the passage, make sure you are one square behind the square with the gas and attack it with a weapon or use magic with fire. (Like burning hands)
    6. Return to the mayor and he will ask you to wait for a day, go do something else or spend 24 hours in the Inn.

    Inside the crypt, you can complete the smuggling quest by pushing a button near the tomb at the east side of the caves and finding the smuggling storeroom.

    In the caves, there is also a skull you will need for an Orc Shaman's quest.

  4. 0
    • Sea Dog

    To get this achievement you need to hire the sea captain at every port, there are only 3 ports in the main game:

    Port of Matras

    Port of Vestares

    Port of Mithria

    This should unlock once you use all three services.

    You can play cards at Matras to get to Mithria, play cards there to get around 1000 gold then go to Vestares from there.

    Once in Vestares, sail back to Mithria and it should unlock.

    if it still doesnt unlock, you might need to travel to the isles of fire and ice from Mithria's port and then use the captain there to go back, although im pretty sure you dont need to do this one since its part of the DLC.


  5. 0
    • Rich

    To get rich as fast as possible, it will take several hours to set your character up for him to be a money machine.

    Getting the idea of enchanting from profit from this guide: Steam LinkMoney Guide by apalapa

    The problem with the guide is that you need a high environmental and appraisal skills for it to work, not to mention the initial investment capital of around 10,000 gold.

    So what to do?

    You dont need a specific character to do this, we will upgrade our appraisal and environmental magic skills through trainers and books, no skill points needed.

    We do need to invest in our base Intelligence and personality, so we can get at least 50 base appraisal and environmental magic, thats 25 base Int and 25 base personality.

    The rest of the stats will be done through enchantment.

    1. In the start of the game, go to the Inn and play Cards until you have around 300 or 500 gold.
    2. Now try and find the spell book Town Portal in the local magic shop, save outside the shop, go in, if its isnt for sale, reload, try again. You might want to get Recall and Mark spellbooks too.
    3. Prepare for your mad dash south of town, you want to get to the next town Vastares where the card games are worth more, buy enough armor to survive a few hits, maybe 10 armor or so.
    4. While going south, check the world map and follow the road, if you see baddies, lead them away from the road and when you are far away enough, use town portal to escape, if lucky, you will be close enough to portal to the next town, if not, the enemies will stay away from the road and you can try again.
    5. Once you get to the next town. find the inn at Vastares, the one close to the palace, you can bet up to 200 per game there until you can upgrade your armor to around 30 or 40, buy/create healing potions for the next run.
    6. Go out the town to the northeast, your objective will be the Wall, the bridge toll is 100 gold, get the money ready, a couple of veteran archers will fight you, use the strategy above to lead them away from the path and get to the other side of the wall.
    7. Once on the other side of the wall, another mad dash to the northeast, along the coast, you want to get as close to Mithria as possible and hugging the coast will help you see less enemies, remember to save often and use town portal to see if you get there.
    8. Once in the capital, find the city Inn, you can bet 500 on card games here, play until you get around 5000, buy the Enchant book from the local magic shop.
    9. You can use the port here to sail back to Madra and Vestare to train your Alchemy and Environmental Magic, see the list of trainers here: [Steam LinkTrainers]If you have the Fire and Ice expansion, go to the isles instead, the card games are worth 600 and the trainers can train you up to 70.
    10. Mark and Recall spells will help tremendously, as you teleport from town to town for free to get plants from the herb shops. You can sell feather, fortify melee and permanent stat potions for personal use or sell them for profit.
    11. Now we need to create our appraisal, alchemy and environmental magic equipment sets, use the card games to finance both the sets and the trainers, you want to have around 70 alchemy to create fortify magic and restore mana potions, around 70 or 80 environmental magic to be able to enchant 600 points (once you drink fortify magic) and around 150 appraise, the more appraise, the better.
    12. You can go back to Vastares and buy some robes in the tailor, they can be strongly enchanted, enchant them with Resist wart disease, as high as you can go, you make around 600 to 1200 profit depending on your appraise.
    13. Use the money you've gotten so far to level a bit, you can buy a high level wand in the magic shop and use it against enemies, buy Recharge Wand spell for unlimited wand used, use the town guards mechanics to lure monsters close to town where they will be unable to get to you but you can zap them from a distance with a wand, getting experience.
    14. Once you are strong enough, go to Mitral's tailor and buy the 6~7k robes, drink a fortify magic potion made with 70+ alchemy and enchant them with resist wart disease, if you did it right, you should be making at least 1k profit.
    15. If you are having trouble getting the 600 points with your level of environmental magic and homemade fortify magic potions, do note that fortify potions that you buy at the alchemist stack. So you can buy a small fortify magic potions and a strong fortify potion along with your homemade potion and they will all stack.
    16. Using your gainings, buy and enchant better appraisal gear, as high as you can go, so you can have better profits.
    17. Eventually, you will get 100,000 gold, congratulations! The achievement is yours!

  6. 0
    • Spelunker

    *You only need to enter the mine, not do anything else, there are skeletons and orcs on the way from Vastare to the mine (to the west) but you can lure them back to town to snipe them from the safety of the city or lure them away and then use Town Recall to clear the path. You should be fine with level 10 or so.

    There is a special boss down here called The Damned which is L13 and drops special loot.

  7. 0
    • Healer

    You need the DLC Islands of Ice and Fire.

    To start this quest, talk to Dagma which can be found in a house northeast from the city and east of the Home of the Healer.

    She will ask for a herb to cure her lung disease, this plant is on the other side of the Isles, in the farthest point of Thule (The Ice side).

    To get there, you need to get the teleportation key from the Governor (Gate Key), go north from the city and find a hollow tree (red dragons around), go inside, open the gate, fight a snow dragon, close the gate and use the teleport.

    Once in Thule, go all the way southwest until you reach the end of the island, you will fight a lot of tough enemies, so you will either need to be prepared or run, run run!

    You will see the plant near a stream going to the ocean:

    The other method to getting the plant is to persuade Brother Joram who roams the gardens west of the Abbey, you will need a high persuasion.

    Return with the plant to Dagma and the achievement will unlock.

  8. 0
    • Beast Killer

    You need the DLC Islands of Ice and Fire.

    This quest is part of the bigger main story quest of the DLC.
    You can read about it here: Steam LinkThule Abbey Murder Mystery

    You will need a Rope to move forward, you can buy one from the Artisan (looks like a normal villager in brown) near the south gate of the village of Madras.

    After you meet the Beast and cure yourself from the Flesh Eater affliction, look for the Abbot inside the Crypts south of the Abbey. That will start the "Kill the beast"quest.

    First, you need the Sword of God, its in a wall outside the room where you will fight the beast, its deep within the catacombs, to the south, you will need to break the wall marked by my arrows:

    Once you kill the beast, the achievement is yours.

  9. 0
    • Opportunist

    You need the DLC Islands of Ice and Fire.

    After killing the beast (See guide for Beast Killer), save your game, dont do just a quicksave.
    Talk to the Abbot, your choice here will start a series of events leading to either the good or the evil endings.

    To get the evil ending, tell the Abbott you will murder him to keep the secret quiet so you can partner with the Governor. You will enter a huge fight with Flesh Eaters, Fire Gargoyles and Ice Mutant Dogs, get ready. or... you can Recall/Town Portal out of there and escape the fight.

    After you get back to the city of Eldfell, talk to the governor and he will give you an axe and a maul.
    Use the maul to repair the Thule bridge, which is to the far north of the city near the Watcher's house.
    With the hammer equipped, just walk west until the end of the bridge, the effect should trigger in one of the 3 bridge spots.

    Go and talk to Mersant Orasare at the port of Eldfell, the achievement is yours!

    Reload your hard save to go for the good ending and the other achievement (Patriot)

  10. 0
    • Patriot

    You need the DLC Islands of Ice and Fire.

    For this achievement, you need to side with the Abbott and go after the Governor.

    After killing the beast, (See guide for Beast Killer), make a hard save and then go and talk to the Abbott and say you will make the governor pay for his crimes, the Abbott will give you a maul and some keys.

    Since you are nearby, go to Brother Jarum in the Abbey gardens, west of the Abbey to get XP, fame and gold.

    Go to the village of Thule and equip the Maul of Healing the Abbott gave you.

    With the hammer equipped, just walk east until the end of the bridge, the effect should trigger when you cant go east anymore.

    Now go to Eldfell city and confront the governor, you will enter a big fight against dragons.

    You can fight or run away by using Recall/Town Portal.

    Go and talk to Mersant Orasare at the port of Eldfell, the achievement is yours!

    Reload your hard save to go for the evil ending and the other achievement. (Opportunist).

  11. 0
    • Apprentice Alchemist
    • Journeyman Alchemist
    • Expert Alchemist

    Because it isnt that intuitive, to mix and create potions with alchemy you need to open your inventory and click on a mortar and pestle item.

    If you dont have this, you can buy one from the Alchemist / Potion Dealer in town.

    Once there, select herbs to combine into potions.

    The more alchemy skill you have, the higher chance of a potion mix to be successful, it also makes potions more potent (they heal more, fortify more, etc).

    The value of the potions is not related to their quality, however, so raising alchemy will only let you have a higher chance of success in mixing potions not profit.

    Buy alchemy books to learn new recipes or try them yourself by mixing herbs with a ? Unknown result, once you mix one of those, exit the interface and go in again for the recipe to be shown.

    You can enchant items with +Alchemy on them, wear them while you are mixing and store them away when you dont, it works better as if spending upgrade points in the skill since the stat increase wont be limited by your intelligence.


  12. 0
    • Hammer of Witches

    To the southeast of the island, you will find Long Spit Village.
    Find a house in the middle of the village, the house is near a hole, that is where Elder Waheetu resides, promise to help with their witch problem, you will receive a magical hammer.

    After getting the hammer, do not talk to anyone else, they are thieves! all of 'em!

    Go to Swamp of Tears - Peninsula, its west of the goblin village, past the wall.

    Just past the wall, go southwest and you'll find the hole.

    Inside, you need to go to the center north to grab a key from a couple of zones you will be teleported to. To get there, you can either go directly north from the entrance and do a wooden bridge water puzzle (you can shoot levers from a distance) or go east then north through the gardens while you fight witches and eyes, you will need a rope if you choose to go that way.

    Once you get to the other side, step into the pentagram and find a lever, pull it to activate the teleported outside. Go into the teleporter and fight the ghouls and monsters inside. Check the statue for the key you need.

    Go center south and use the key to open the queen witch's chamber, only the Hammer of Witches can harm the Queen, so equip it and fight.

    After the fight, get the Torture room key from another statue to the west by a coffin. (Witches love hiding key in statues you know) then use it to open a door to the northeast of the zone, that exit is a shortcut to the goblin village.

    Here is a map of the place:

    Return to the elder and you will be rewarded and this achievement will be yours! Well done!

  13. 0
    • Archeologist

    To access this area, you first must start the quest (Rituals of Ancients for Senera) that you can get in the library of Vastares.

    Then, go back to the village of Madras and talk to the magic shop keeper, a teleport will activate west of the village, past the cemetery, that place is known as Abandoned Pier.

  14. 0
    • Warlock

    You need to be Undead (Rasniv) to learn undead spells.

    To get all the spellbooks, save before entering a magic shop, check if you need a book, if you already have all the books offered, reload the game and enter the shop again.
    Repeat until you find a book you still need.

    Each town sells a pool of different magic books, check all towns for those books you are missing. [Mark/Recall spells will be super useful]

    I was looking for the last Undead Spell (Drain Health Touch) spellbook without any luck, I spent 30 minutes reloading in Phyrm and then I went back to the first village Madras and got the book in under 3 minutes.

    If you are wondering which spells you still need, check the spell section of the official manual, you can access it through the main menu.

  15. 0
    • Thieves Guild Member

    This is part of the main story quests, the 3rd mission the Mysterious man of Skryven keep (near Phyrn) gives you.

    Once you start the quest to infiltrate the Thieves guild, you need to find the transport, its in the south area of the lake, from the tower, head southwest and go around the lake heading south then west. You will see a bunch of thieves, this is the transport.
    Talk to the transport leader and a fight will begin, kill the leader to get the goods.

    Go to the Inn at the port of Vastare, talk to the innkeeper about the goods, wait until night and go outside, be taken to the guild. Explore the place and find the leader, talk to him and convince him you are a perfect thief.

    He will give you a mission and then you will be outside, remember this place, since this square is the entrance to the guild, you will need to come back here later.

    Go to the city of Mithria, to this house:

    The loot you are after is in the basement past a locked door, if you suck at thieving (lockpicks or magic), you can MURDER the council woman upstairs for the key so you can get the necklaces.

    Return to Vastares and deliver the loot, you, my friend, are so IN! Time to loot this whole place.
    Using the key, access the area to the north and past the door with the spike trap infront of it.

    Steal everything in the vault and go back to the Mysterious man in Skryven keep, the quest will complete and this achievement will be yours! 😃

  16. 0
    • Muscle-Bound
    • Genius
    • Tough As Nails
    • Acrobat
    • Charmer

    To do these attribute achievements pretty easily in one playthrough, you need to save up 5 levels worth of points, 25 points.

    Everyone starts with 15 base points of attributes and to get these achievements, you need to reach 40 in a single attribute.

    This can be easily done by saving up 25 points, saving the game, spending them in an attribute and then unlocking the achievement, reload and do it for the others.

    Saving 5 levels worth of points is easy when your main source of damage is the best enchanted weapons and armor you can have because you are rich and occasionally use OP wands.

    Here is a video of how I did it:

  17. 0
    • Treasure Hunter

    You can start this optional and missable quest when you reach the village of Phryn, east of Vastares.
    Find Gorjan close to the Mayor's house to start this quest and get the map.

    Go to a boat captain (any port of Mithria, Madras, Vastare) and show him the map, ask him to take you to Treasure island, as soon as you step into the island, the achievement will unlock.

    The wiki did a great job explaining the rest of the quest, so I will leave the link to it, just in case you want to complete the quest, dont forget to get the rusty chain mail before teleporting out of the island.

  18. 0
    • Kingslayer

    Go to the zone "Eastern Silver Glades" that is southeast of Phyrn, you will reach a small clearing with robed farmers, the one in green is called Miller.

    He will give you the quest to kill the Cyclops King and will give you a sword.

    Go north from where you found Miller to the zone called "Silver Peak", its a mountain and on its south face, there is a cave entrance, go inside.

    [Here is an image showing you the cave]

    Once inside, head northwest and you'll see a red/brown cyclops, that is the king.
    Equip the cyclopee slaying sword and boldly go inside to kill the king. Fail miserably, run away.

    Go back to Miller and tell him about the little problem. he will direct you to the southwest of the glade, the house you are looking for is close to Last Spit Goblin's Village, there is a house with an enchantress. Its in the middle of the zone called "Silver Forest - Western Region"

    Talk to her and demand her to fix the sword.,
    Grab the enchanted sword, go back to the caves, equip the sword, fight the king, kill him.

    The moment you defeat him, the achievement will unlock. Gratz!

  19. 0
    • Get an Autograph
    • Autograph Collector

    To get this achievement, meet one of the makers of the game.
    He is found at the Wasteland, an area only accessible near the end of the game.

    You need to cast the spell Unlock on a skull pile south of Dark Castle where the Gatekeeper lives.
    Using an Unlock wand works.

  20. 0
    • Idolater

    You need the Isles of Ice and Fire DLC for this achievement.

    You need to put the idols in their correct altars, the ice idol is in the fire caves and the fire idol is in the ice caves, you need to switch them. Check out the Tips section if you cant figure out how to put the idol on the altar because you only manage to drop them in the ground.

    The Eldfell idol is in the Fire Cave, its entrance is in the zone "Sulphur Peak - East side", northwest from the Home of the Healer.

    Enter the Cave, go northwest and grab the Idol of Ice, if you can, use a mark spell so you return here quickly, exit the cave and now travel to Thule's Caves of Ice.

    The southern entrance to the caves can be found north of the Abbey, on the frozen lake.
    Once inside, go northwest, then west and put the Ice Idol in its rightful place, grab the Fire Idol.

    Go back to the Fire Caves and put the Fire Idol in its altar, the achievement will unlock.

  21. 0
    • Get an Autograph
    • Autograph Collector

    You need the DLC Isles of Ice and Fire to get this achievement

    Stewe, one of the makers is in the Caves of ice on the island of Thule.

    Enter the Ice Caves from the north entrance, this is west of the Village of Thule here:

    Then, once inside the cave, find a breakable wall and use the Redshift hammer obtained from the Lair of The beast to break the wall. Once the wall is broken, the creator will appear nearby.

    Talk to the creator and he will give you a ring and you will grab this achievement.