- Fakin' It: Pointilism
To unlock this achievement, you have to play 40 You Gotta Point tasks in a single session. Your progress towards this achievement will reset when you exit the game.
A game of Fakin' It consists of 3 rounds, excluding the final round. You can play You Gotta Point on all 3 rounds. When you play with 4 or more players, each round consists of 3 tasks, as long as you don't vote for the faker after the first or second task. This means you can play 9 You Gotta Point tasks in each game. You will need to play the game 5 times in total. This achievement will unlock halfway through your fifth game.
It is possible to play Fakin' It with only 3 players, but you will get 2 tasks instead of 3 tasks per round. This means progress will be slower. If you're playing by yourself, there is no point in playing with 5 or more players, due to you having to do more work for every player. To play efficiently, 4 is the best number of players.
After each task, be sure not to have all players vote for the faker, because that will end the round prematurely. After each player has voted, each player can lock their vote to speed up the round. The final round does not involve You Gotta Point tasks, and you can't skip it. Vote for the faker after the first task of the final so the game ends quicker. If you're playing fast, a single game takes about 11 minutes to complete. In total it will take at least 50 minutes to unlock this achievement.
You can let multiple players join using a single PC when you have multiple browsers installed. You can't open multiple tabs in the same browser and join with multiple players that way, but you can join using for example Chrome and Firefox simultaneously. You can also use a private/incognito browser window to add an additional player per window. You can't use Internet Explorer, because will not load.
3- Guesspionage: Top Agent
- Guesspionage: No More Secrets
- Guesspionage: Perfect Surveillance
- Guesspionage: Live Surveillance
I recommend playing Guesspionage by yourself with 2 players and 5 audience members, so you'll need 7 players in total. You can achieve this using a phone or tablet and a PC or Mac with 6 browser windows:
- Chrome
- Chrome Incognito window
- Firefox
- Firefox Private window
- Edge (Windows) or Safari (Mac)
- Edge InPrivate window (Windows) or Safari Private Browsing (Mac)
The 7th player can be a phone or tablet, or a second PC or Mac.
When you control 5 audience members, you will know the exact outcome of every poll question, because it will be based on the answers provided by all 5 audience members. For example, with a yes/no question you can have all 5 audience members answer "yes", and the outcome of the poll will be 100% yes. You can use this knowledge to unlock all achievements in a single game of 10 minutes.
2- TMP: Murderithmatic
You can pause the game by pressing the Esc key. Press Esc again to unpause the game. You can abuse this to give yourself as much time as needed to do the math. After tapping the correct answer, unpause the game and quickly pause the game again to get to the next math prompt.
Keep in mind that the "creator" of a shirt is not the player who made the drawing, but the player who combined the drawing and the slogan together to create the shirt.
To unlock this achievement easily, play Tee K.O. with 4 players and do the following:
In the first drawing round, it does not matter who creates what drawings, slogans or shirts. During the first gauntlet, just keep voting for the same shirt. At the end of the gauntlet, the game will show a single winner. Take note of which player has just won the first gauntlet, and remember what shirt you are going to create with this player in the second drawing round.
The winning player must also be the single winner in the second gauntlet in order to become the only creator in the final gauntlet, which is when this achievement unlocks. If the winning player's shirt shows up in the first voting round of the second gauntlet, keep voting for that shirt and the same player is guaranteed to be the single winner of the second gauntlet. If the shirt did not show up in the first voting round of the second gauntlet, but only in the second or third voting round, there might be two winners. When this happens, there will be multiple creators in the final gauntlet, preventing this achievement from unlocking.
2- Tee K.O.: DYE! DYE! DYE!
The game was updated to now include 8 colors, but this achievement will only unlock if you only use the original 6 colors (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Black, and White) and not either of the new ones (Pink/Brown). Using either of the new ones will cause the achievement to not trigger.