
19 achievements
  1. The Renegades of Orion 2.0 18 Dec '16

    19 achievements worth 13,758
    1. Kill Alnilam

      Kill fist boss Alnilam

      100 %

    2. Kill Saiph

      Kill boss Saiph

      50 %

    3. Kill Bellatrix

      Kill boss Bellatrix

      42.8 %

    4. Kill Epsilon

      Defeat boss Epsilon

      42.8 %

    5. Kill Mintaka

      Kill secret boss Mintaka

      35.7 %

    6. Kill Eridanus

      Kill boss Eridanus

      21.4 %

    7. Win scenario 7

      Win the Scenario 7

      14.2 %

    8. Win scenario 8

      Win the scenario 8

      14.2 %

    9. Kill Betelgeuse

      Defeat boss Betelgeuse

      14.2 %

    10. Win scenario 9

      Win the scenario 9

      14.2 %

    11. Finish the game

      Finish the game

      14.2 %

    12. Apocalypse battle

      Begin Apocalypse battle

      14.2 %

    13. Irregular world

      Breaking the new journey

      14.2 %

    14. Chen potal

      Chen potal

      14.2 %

    15. Apocalypse dimension dark

      Finish the dimension to dark.

      7.14 %

    16. Apocalypse dimension doom

      Finish the Apocalypse dimension doom

      7.14 %

    17. Kill real form Demon

      I expected to be more difficult

      7.14 %

    18. Ckner revenge

      Ckner revenge

      7.14 %

    19. Kill Ckner

      Kill boss Ckner

      0 %